Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 312 Martial Arts from Ancient Era (Part 2)

Han Qian shook his head and said: Just select directly from the demon hunting group. Anyone with less than 10,000 spiritual powers can participate. There are still five days before entering Dream Paradise. The selection will start tomorrow, because of the time It’s tight, so go straight to a single-elimination tournament. It’s simple, but it’s also brutal.”

Long Haochen nodded and said: Master, then I will register with you first, and we will participate with all members of the Demon Hunting Group No. 21. Even if we cannot win the last ten places, at least we will be able to win it. It’s been an experience.”

Han Qian patted him on the shoulder and said: You kid is always so reassuring. Master can't let you down. Let's do this. Even if you don't make it into the top ten this time, Master will find a way to take advantage of us. The temple will give you some compensation.

While they were talking, suddenly, an extremely strong spiritual power wave came from the room behind Long Haochen, and then, a fierce murderous aura burst out instantly. Whether it was Long Haochen or Han Qian, they were At this moment, I felt my scalp go numb, and a chill surged up from my heart.

The grandfather and grandson looked at each other with extreme shock on their faces. Han Qian murmured: This, this is...

After Long Haochen's brief shock, he was immediately replaced by ecstasy, Cai'er, it's Cai'er, she broke through. As he said this, he immediately turned around, opened the quiet room door, and rushed in.

The door just opened, and even more fierce murderous aura hit Long Haochen, who felt a little hard to move. But what was his relationship with Cai'er? It was absolute trust. Naturally, he was not afraid that Cai'er would hurt him, so he still left without hesitation. Go in.

On the bed, Cai'er sat cross-legged, with her hands flat on her knees, palms facing up. On her forehead, a vague gray light could be seen flickering quietly, and just behind her, a pair of huge black wings appeared. So quietly stretched out.

Yes, Cai'er's spiritual wings are black, which is exactly the opposite of Long Haochen's golden color that seems to illuminate everything, but her black spiritual wings seem to swallow up all light. Long Haochen and Han Qian have just entered the door. , and immediately felt that Cai'er's black wings seemed to be sucking away their souls.

Han Qian was shocked beyond measure. Cai'er actually broke through to the sixth level. Young people nowadays really can't make inferences based on common sense! According to this speed, she, she seems to be younger than Long Haochen who entered the sixth level. She seems to be a little short of fifteen years old now!

While Han Qian was shocked, Cai'er slowly raised her head and opened her eyes.

Her originally lackluster gray eyes actually radiated light again, and her black eyes were full of aura. When her eyes met Long Haochen's, in the room full of murderous aura, Cai'er's lips were filled with brilliance. There was a faint smile.

This smile belonged only to Long Haochen, and it seemed that she didn't even notice that Han Qian was present.

Seeing her smart eyes, Long Haochen couldn't suppress his inner emotions at all, and tears flowed out suddenly, Cai'er, Cai'er...

Han Qian did not stay any longer and quietly left, leaving the warmth of the murderous room to the two young people. He also wanted to hurry up and inform Ying Suifeng of the good news. Ever since seeing Long Haochen break through the sixth level, Ying Suifeng had said this countless times.

Looking at Cai'er, in the thick murderous aura, Long Haochen walked towards him step by step. I don't know if it was because of the stimulation of Cai'er's spiritual wings. The golden light flashed behind Long Haochen, and the huge golden wings followed. Release, gold and black, complement each other in the quiet room, and the strong spiritual power fluctuations seem to make them meet each other and soak in the spring water.

With a slight pat of her wings on her back, Cai'er was already standing on the ground happily.

It’s been almost six months, it’s been almost six months! Long Haochen could only communicate by writing on her palm. And when he saw the change in Cai'er's eyes, he knew that his Cai'er was back and Cai'er's four senses were back.

He stepped forward fiercely, not caring about the strong murderous aura and coldness emanating from Cai'er. He hugged her tightly into his arms and held her tightly. Tears were still flowing uncontrollably. It felt like he had lost her for a moment.

Cai'er let him hold her, and then hugged him gently with her backhand, murmuring: Fool.

Long Haochen raised his head and stared at her soft eyes just a short distance away, Call me again, I like to hear you call me a fool.

Fool. Cai'er's eyes were a little blurred, and she called softly again. The next moment, Long Haochen's hot lips kissed her cold lips, and an unprecedented fanaticism launched a full-scale attack on her.

The golden and black wings became their best background. Yes, Cai'er was back, and the powerful Saint of Reincarnation finally regained all her abilities. Long Haochen's Cai'er also came back, and the pain in his heart finally dissipated.

Their lips parted, and both of them gasped. The kiss lasted too long, but the pain in Long Haochen's heart seemed to be completely released in this kiss. Looking at Cai'er's smart eyes, he couldn't get enough of them.

Cai'er gently wiped away the tears on his face, and opened her reddish lips lightly, Fool, am I okay?

Holding her little hands, It's all my fault. If I could have come back earlier...

Cai'er shook her head, Stop saying such silly things. Many things are beyond our control. At that time, I had to do that, otherwise, I wouldn't even have the chance to see you. Speaking of which, this time I really want to thank you for taking us to the Tower of Eternity. The strange thing is that my Reincarnation Soul Furnace seems to be able to absorb the death energy in the Tower of Eternity and evolve. So the time when I lost my four senses weakened.

Ah? So, shouldn't you stay there to practice? What will be the effect of your reincarnation spiritual furnace if it evolves?

Cai'er said: In addition to the increase in power, there should be other improvements, but I don't know what they are yet. But I am certain that the death energy in the Tower of Eternity can effectively supplement the Soul Reincarnation Furnace. The Reincarnation Spiritual Furnace absorbs external energy through my body, the most important of which seems to be the energy of death. We usually come into contact with very little death energy, at least not as pure as the death energy in the Tower of Eternity. Therefore, when using the Reincarnation Spiritual Furnace , I will suffer the backlash from the spiritual furnace, absorbing the power of my six senses to use its power. If I can regularly absorb the death energy in the Tower of Eternity, it is likely to reduce the backlash I receive when casting the reincarnation spiritual furnace. .”

Long Haochen was overjoyed, Is it true? It would be great if that's the case. Your reincarnation spiritual furnace is indeed powerful, but the backlash is terrible. Over the past few months, I have been worried about your situation every day. You You know, it’s nice to hear your voice.”

Cai'er smiled slightly and said: Fool, in fact, I am no longer afraid of losing my six senses now, because you are by my side. Even if I lose all my six senses, I know that I will not be alone, and I will be strong to wait until Restore that day.”

Long Haochen rubbed her head, What are you talking about? If you lose your six senses, you will die. In the future, unless absolutely necessary, you will never use your reincarnation furnace. This time when we enter the dream paradise, we must find another one for you. A better spiritual furnace will do. It’s too dangerous to always rely on the spiritual furnace of reincarnation.”

The murderous aura in the air quietly subsided, and Cai'er withdrew her pair of black spiritual wings and snuggled gently into Long Haochen's arms, Don't worry, as long as we are together, even death is nothing to be afraid of.

Long Haochen reluctantly supported her shoulders, made her sit upright again, and said: Master came to me just now and said something very important. I must summon everyone immediately. I want to enter the dream paradise. It didn't go so smoothly... At this point, there was a sharp look in his eyes, was it a trial? Come on then.

Because it involves the secret of Dream Paradise, the insiders are limited to those within the demon hunting group. The selection venue for the ten places to enter Dream Paradise is located in the largest trial ground beneath the main hall of the Priest Temple.

Of course, this place cannot be compared with the Holy Alliance Grand Trial Ground, but it is also a venue with a diameter of 100 meters, and the surrounding seats are enough to accommodate a thousand people.

The attraction of the spiritual furnace is really too great. Forty-two demon hunting groups went out, four king-level and three emperor-level, with a total of only 211 people, but in the end there were 150 people who signed up. . Most of those who have not signed up are the priests in each team and the demon hunters who are below the fourth level of the sergeant-level demon hunting group and the fifth level and fifth level of the general-level demon hunting group. Almost all those who exceeded Level 5 and Level 5 in everything signed up.

Just try your luck, what if you get lucky and get into the top ten?

There are one hundred and fifty people, which seems to be a lot of people. With full calculations, you only need to win four games in a row to enter the top ten. If you are lucky enough and encounter opponents five levels different from yourself every time, you might be able to advance.

Long Haochen led his friends to the large training ground early because they originally lived in a quiet room not far away.

After Long Haochen told his friends about the trials yesterday, everyone felt eager to try. Although except for Cai'er, everyone else is still at the peak of the fifth level. However, this period of experience in the Tower of Eternity was not in vain.

Long Haochen specially took Cai'er into the Tower of Eternity yesterday and helped her pass the fourth and fifth levels. After her four senses were restored and her cultivation level was raised to the sixth level, she challenged the Red Skull again.

The result was surprising. With her ghostly speed, Cai'er was able to survive the red skull's attack longer than Long Haochen.


On the last day of the month, please give me monthly tickets and recommended tickets. Let’s meet at Tangmen 4095 at 8 o’clock tonight. Don’t forget it. Also, there will be a big explosion at 12 o'clock tonight. If you are willing to wait, you can wait.

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