Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 31 Shining Shield (1)

Li Xin said fiercely: Last time? You have the nerve to mention last time? If my father and Uncle Lin hadn't come quickly, I would have killed her with a sword.

Lin Jialu sneered: If dad hadn't protected you, I would have frozen you into an ice sculpture last time.

Li Xin said disdainfully: If you have the ability, don't use any magic equipment.

Lin Jialu said contemptuously: If you have the ability, don't summon that unicorn of yours.

Li Xin's anger could no longer be suppressed. With a flick of her wrist, she pulled out one of the two swords behind her back, Let's go outside. I won't summon roses today. What can you do to me?

Lin Jialu handed the magic wand in her hand to the warrior attendant next to her, Okay, then I won't use the magic wand. Let you see my lady's casting speed.

You two ladies, the Archon and the Chief have said that if you two fight again, you will be grounded. Sweat broke out on the foreheads of the two warriors, and there was a wry smile on the face of the two women. and helplessness.

Li Xin and Lin Jialu were obviously stunned when they heard the word forbidden, and once again they had a tacit understanding and snorted at the same time.

Lin Jialu sneered: You're lucky.

Am I lucky? This girl is a seventh-level knight, and someone is a sixth-level magician. I don't know who is lucky. Are you not going to let us fight? Okay! Lin Jialu, do you dare to make a bet with me? ?”

Lin Jialu snorted and said, What are you betting on?

Li Xin pointed at Long Haochen, who had already stood up and was standing behind her, This is my brother. I asked him to take action for me, and you also send someone out. If we don't do it ourselves, we won't be grounded.

Long Haochen had been blocked by Li Xin before, but now Li Xin got out of the way and Lin Jialu saw him. Lin Jialu's eyes suddenly lit up. Long Haochen's exquisite and almost perfect face, a pair of unique and rare light golden clear eyes, and an invisible temperament all surprised her.

Looking at Long Haochen and then at Li Xin, Lin Jialu lowered her voice and asked Li Xin: A woman disguised as a man like you?

The muscles on Long Haochen's face suddenly twitched, and his head was covered with black lines. He frowned and said, I am a man.

He secretly thought, can you guys stop doing this? Why does everyone think I'm a woman when they see me, but don't they see that I have an Adam's apple? Would you like a little common sense?

Li Xin said proudly: How is it? My brother is handsome. Have you ever seen such a handsome little boy?

Lin Jialu curled her lips and said: So you still have this hobby, you like the young lady. However, you are much older than others. Do you still want to be shameless?

You... Li Xin said angrily: Just tell me whether you dare to bet. To tell you the truth, my brother is also a member of our Haoyue branch and just joined today.

Lin Jialu was stunned for a moment, You're not mistaken. You asked him to take action? How old is he? Is he fifteen years old?

Li Xin said: Don't worry about it, just tell me whether you dare to gamble. If you don't dare, get out of here and don't affect my aunt's mood for eating.

Who are you? Just bet. Aren't you just a young lady? Xu Tiankang, come on. Lin Jialu didn't know why she and Li Xin were at odds with each other. It was obvious that neither of them could stand the other's excitement.

Li Xin said: Let's go out and fight, don't affect other people's business. Also, since it's a bet, we have to add a bet.

Lin Jialu said: What do you want to bet on?

Li Xin had obviously already thought about what the bet was. She took out a white crystal stone from her arms and said, I will use this fifth-level light magic beast Jin Yanhu's magic crystal to bet on the glorious side of your shop. shield.

Lin Jialu's eyes moved slightly, Are you crazy? She also vaguely felt that something was wrong. Jin Yanhu's magic crystal is quite rare, and it is one of the most valuable among the magic crystals of level five monsters. Although the Radiant Shield is good, in terms of value alone, it is not as good as this magic crystal. Is she that confident?

Li Xin threw away the magic crystal in her hand and sneered: If you don't dare, get out of here and remember to see me walking around in the future.

If you don't dare, just bet. Lin Jialu impulsively agreed.

Long Haochen stood silently beside him. Although he didn't know what the conflict was between Li Xin and Lin Jialu, he could tell that although they were noisy, they spoke in a measured manner and were not real enemies. . Li Xin had always been very kind to him, and he couldn't refuse to take action for his sister.

Several people left the restaurant together. Li Xin took Long Haochen's hand and whispered: Brother, I'm so sorry that I asked you to do it before eating. But you have to work hard! My sister has a purpose in doing this. Yes, we must win.”

Long Haochen clearly saw a cunning look in Li Xin's eyes, nodded and said, Sister, I will do my best.

On the other side, Lin Jialu was also encouraging her followers, Xu Tiantian, that young lady is probably quite capable, but you must win. If you win this gambling fight, I will give you a good sword when you get back. But remember not to It really hurts people.”

Xu Tiankong said helplessly: Miss, let's make an agreement. After the gambling fight is over, no matter whether you win or lose, you won't have any trouble with Miss Xin'er, okay? Otherwise, I will report it to the consul.

Lin Jialu said impatiently: I know.

There was an open space in front of the hotel specifically for parking carriages. There were not many carriages at this time, so there was just enough space for them to have a betting battle.

Long Haochen had already walked out with a heavy sword in his hand. When Xu Tiankong also walked out on the other side, he said to Lin Jialu: Sister Lin, I have never fought against a magician. Can you please give me some advice.

Huh? Li Xin and Lin Jialu were both stunned for a moment.

Li Xin hurriedly said: Brother, don't make trouble. She had seen Long Haochen take action and knew that he had good practical experience and his spiritual power in previous tests was not low. Lin Jialu's two bodyguards were only warriors who had just broken through to the third level. Without the support of divine light skills, it would be difficult to win over Long Haochen. But Lin Jialu is different. That was the genius girl from Haoyue City who was named after her.

Long Haochen said to Li Xin seriously: Sister, my father told me that actual combat experience is more important than cultivation in many cases. I want to try fighting with a magician.

Lin Jialu walked up to Xu Tiankong, who was a little stunned, and said doubtfully: Little Zhengtai, you want to fight me? Then your sister Xiner will definitely lose.

Long Haochen slowly raised the epee in his hand, shook his head, and said, That's not necessarily the case. Sister Xin'er, is that okay?

Li Xin looked at Long Haochen's composure and determination that belied his age, smiled slightly, and said, Okay, you are worthy of being my brother. Let her know how good you are. Lin Jialu, don't cry if you lose.

Am I going to lose? Lin Jialu rolled her eyes at Li Xin, and without reaching for her staff, she faced Long Haochen with her bare hands and said, Then come on.

Sister Lin, please. As he said this, Long Haochen tapped his right shoulder with his heavy sword, performed a knight's salute, tapped his toes, and charged towards Lin Jialu.

The cold notes came out of Lin Jialu's mouth quickly, and she did not retreat. A layer of faint blue light rippled from her body. With a finger of his right hand, an ice ball shot straight towards Long Haochen. It only took less than a second.

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