Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 32 Shining Shield (2)

Long Haochen's eyes narrowed slightly, and he faced the ice ball directly without dodging.

But at this moment, the ice ball suddenly sank and hit the ground with a snap. A layer of blue halo suddenly covered a two-foot radius area of ​​the ground. But Long Haochen's charging footsteps happened to step on it.

A chill instantly surged from his feet. His feet slipped and Long Haochen's body swayed, as if he was about to lose his balance.

Lin Jialu had a confident smile on her face and kept chanting spells, and a light blue light shield had enveloped her. This is the second level magic ice shield.

But the smile on her face soon turned to surprise.

The moment Long Haochen's feet just slipped, a layer of light golden luster suddenly appeared on his feet. With a pop, the ice layer on the ground was broken by his foot, and his body instantly regained its stability. Not only did the charging speed not slow down, but it suddenly doubled. The epee in his hand stabbed the ice cover with a thrust.

Third level knight!

Both Lin Jialu and her two followers were shocked. Being able to use the inner spiritual power of divine light is the hallmark of a third-level knight. This boy who looks like he is less than fifteen years old is actually a third-level knight?

Puff, puff, puff... A series of collision sounds sounded on the ice cover.

Long Haochen felt as if he had been stabbed into an ice wall, and his charge was immediately blocked. But the ice shield also had large cracks under the thrusting skill, and it was about to lose its support.

Although Lin Jialu was in shock, she did not stop casting the spell, and a white ice ring instantly burst out from around her body. The powerful push pushed Long Haochen out, who was only a few feet away.

This is one of the most commonly used resistance skills used by ice magicians to deal with melee professions. Without a magic wand, Lin Jialu cast spells so consistently and quickly that she was worthy of the title of magic genius.

Long Haochen, who was pushed out, was stunned for a moment, thinking to himself that the battle with the magician was indeed different from that of the warrior.

At this moment, more than a dozen icicles quickly rose from his side, blocking all pathways in front, back, left, and right of him. The cold chill made Long Haochen feel chilly, and the speed of spiritual power in his body seemed to have slowed down a bit.

Lin Jialu breathed a sigh of relief at this time, thinking to herself that she was almost fooled by Li Xin. This young lady was actually a third-level knight. If Xu Tiankong had been replaced, she might not be his opponent!

Li Xin on the other side sighed secretly. In her opinion, Long Haochen, who had been imprisoned, would definitely be affected by ice magic, and his combat effectiveness would be greatly reduced. Before he could break through the surrounding barriers, he might be killed by Lin Jialu. Defeated.

But at this moment, Long Haochen jumped up.

This stupid boy. Li Xin couldn't help but whisper. When facing a magician, taking off when there is a certain distance is not to serve as a target for others? The purpose of Lin Jialu's ice cage was to make him jump up. It seemed that he had no experience fighting against magicians!

Sure enough, as soon as Long Haochen jumped up, a knowing smile appeared on the corner of Lin Jialu's mouth on the other side. One after another, the ice balls went straight towards Long Haochen and bombarded him. She was already showing mercy, otherwise, if the first-level ice ball turned into a second-level ice blade or ice cone, the attack power would be much stronger.

However, Long Haochen shocked everyone present again.

A faint golden light emerged from Long Haochen's body, spiraling upward. He holds the sword in both hands and raises it above his head. Under the golden light, his handsome face adds a bit of divine aura.

When the ice bullets hit one foot in front of Long Haochen, they shattered on their own, and the cold air they emitted could not penetrate the golden light at all.

The words Light Sword instantly rose in Ling Jialu's heart. The smile on her face instantly froze, and she re-arranged an ice shield in front of herself without hesitation.

The leaping Long Haochen fell from the sky and swung his heavy sword. The faint golden light instantly became stronger and turned into a light blade one foot wide that shot out of the air.

Light Sword, a third-level knight skill, can be learned by disciplinary knights and guardian knights, and requires fifty points of spiritual power. Invoke the power of divine light to protect the body and condense it into a blade of light to attack the enemy. The attack distance is directly proportional to the knight's own spiritual power.

This skill is the first long-range attack ability that the knight can use with his inner spiritual power. Although it consumes the same internal spiritual energy as Yaori Slash. But the power is much less, because the Light Sword is a long-range attack and it is an offensive and defensive skill.

But even so, the Light Sword is generally a skill that can only be possessed by knights of level five or above. After reaching a higher level, with sufficient spiritual support, the power of this skill will gradually become apparent.

The golden light blade collided with the ice shield almost in the next moment. With a crisp sound, the ice shield shattered instantly, but the light blade emitted by the light sword was also offset.

Long Haochen's figure did not pause for a moment. When his feet landed on the ground, he charged towards Lin Jialu.

Lin Jialu saw that the light sword was blocked by her own ice shield, and then she breathed a sigh of relief. She thought to herself, fortunately, this little shot's spiritual power is not too strong, otherwise this blow would be really difficult to block, so she would underestimate him.

However, as she blocked the light sword, a smile appeared on Lin Jialu's face again. Facing Long Haochen's charge, she resisted the ice ring and released it again.

The Light Sword requires fifty points of spiritual energy. It is obvious that Xiaoshota does not have much remaining inner spiritual energy. As long as he is blocked from charging again, he will have no choice but to admit defeat.

Snap——, the moment the ice ring appeared, Long Haochen's movements suddenly changed, and he stamped his right foot on the ground. His charge was interrupted by himself, and he stopped, with the heavy sword in his hand raised in front of him.

The ice ring passed by Long Haochen, but this time he was not pushed out again, and instead had a layer of faint golden light on his body.

The front finger of the epee gently rested on Lin Jialu's shoulder.

Hiss— gasps of air rang out from the mouths of Lin Jialu's two subordinates almost at the same time. Lin Jialu, who was about to continue casting spells, was also stunned.

Although Long Haochen's heavy sword did not actually fall on her, she could clearly feel the faint sacred aura.

Sister Lin, I accept. Long Haochen took a few steps back, put away his sword and stood up.

Impossible, this is absolutely impossible? Even the fourth-level profession can only be pushed out temporarily when facing my resistance ice ring. Lin Jialu's face was filled with an incredible look. Looking at Long Haochen, her original smile changed. Became shocked and unwilling.

She lost. As a genius magical girl in Haoyue City, she lost to a boy who was much younger than herself. How could she be willing to do so?

Even though she had been merciful and not used any magic equipment, she actually lost with her level 3 and level 6 magician skills.

Not to mention Lin Jialu herself, even Li Xin's eyes clearly showed confusion. It's just that she understands Long Haochen better than Lin Jialu. After a brief moment of confusion, she already understood.

God blocks. When Lin Jialu used the Resistance Ice Ring for the second time, Long Haochen used Divine Control Block.

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