Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 30 Holy Spiritual Furnace (4)

Oh. Long Haochen was still a little immersed in the understanding of inner spiritual power and spiritual furnaces he had practiced before, so he simply agreed and followed Li Xin out.

Li Xin tidied her long hair and put it back into a ponytail with a blue hairband. She took Long Haochen out, returned to the main hall, and went directly to the third floor.

Nalan Shu was already waiting here. When he saw them coming, he smiled at Long Haochen and said, How was your rest? Are you satisfied with the accommodation?

Long Haochen bowed to Nalan Shu first, and then replied: My stay is already very good. Thank you, Uncle Nalan.

Nalan Shu smiled slightly. He liked this child more and more. He had such a powerful father but he was not arrogant at all.

You have completed the Holy Awakening, which proves that you have the strength of a knight, but you have to register when you join our Haoyue branch. So let you test your current spiritual power. Starting tomorrow, you will study with the knight class If you don’t understand anything about the Guardian Knight’s skills and techniques, just ask me.”

Okay. Long Haochen agreed, flipped his wrist, and pulled out the heavy sword stuck diagonally from his back. Because his father wouldn't let him reveal his ability to punish knights, he just carried a heavy sword on his back, and the other one was naturally in the forget-me-not ring.

Brother, do you want to become a guardian knight? Li Xin looked confused.

Long Haochen chuckled and said, This is my own choice after returning from the last test.

The tool for spiritual power testing was no different from last time, it was still the black stone pillar.

Let's begin. Nalan Shu nodded to Long Haochen.

Long Haochen's eyes condensed, and he stepped forward. The heavy sword in his right hand was slashed down like lightning. There was obviously a layer of golden light on the sword. This was not a skill, but a scene caused by the injection of inner spiritual power.

There was a muffled bang, and a soft blue halo rose from the walls around the trial hall. Both Nalan Shu and Li Xin stared nervously at the top of the black stone pillar.

Two hundred and sixty-eight. A big number appeared there.

Nalan Shu and Li Xin took a breath at the same time. Li Xin lost her voice and said: You are only two points short of spiritual power to become a third-level knight. Brother, are you really a normal human being? A third-level knight who is less than twelve years old!

You know, when Li Xin and Long Haochen met a year and a half ago, she was only a knight of this level. In just one and a half years, Long Haochen had more than doubled his spiritual power. Although this kind of improvement speed is related to the joint improvement of internal and external spiritual power, it can only be described as amazing.

Long Haochen put away his sword and stood up. He was not surprised by this spiritual power figure, but it was obviously not his true spiritual power cultivation. After merging with the Holy Spiritual Furnace, his inner spiritual power dropped by more than fifty points. Otherwise, he should be at the level of a fourth-level knight, close to the spiritual power of a fifth-level knight.

Genius, really a genius! Nalan Shu murmured.

Li Xin blinked her big eyes, looked at Long Haochen fiercely and said, What a pity, you are too young. Otherwise, my sister will definitely occupy you first.

Looking at her, Long Haochen couldn't help but blush. He still clearly remembered that more than a year ago, Li Xin grabbed his hand and touched some high and soft places.

Let's go, let's go eat. Li Xin pulled Long Haochen, said hello to Nalan Shu and ran out.

After leaving the Haoyue Branch Hall, Li Xin took Long Haochen and found the largest restaurant nearby and walked in.

As soon as I entered the door, a waiter immediately greeted me, Miss Xin'er, you are here.

Li Xin nodded and said, Let's have something to eat.

The waiter glanced at Long Haochen, who was being pulled by Li Xin, with some surprise, You two, follow me to the second floor.

Li Xin shook his head and said: Forget it, just the two of us, let's sit in the lobby. Just sit by the window over there. Bring me the menu, I'm going to starve to death.

As she said that, she pulled Long Haochen over and sat down.

At this time, the hotel lobby was already 50% full. Li Xin took Long Haochen to sit down and immediately ordered food, but her ordering method really opened Long Haochen's eyes.

Li Xin took the menu from the waiter and clicked five or six times on it. Just when Long Haochen was wondering why the waiter didn't take notes, Li Xin said, Well, I don't want these, but the rest.

There are twenty or thirty dishes on that page of menu!

Sister Xin'er, it's too much, I can't eat it. Long Haochen said quickly, gaining a new understanding of this sister. Her womanly and frankness made him feel very comfortable getting along with her.

Li Xin's face was serious and she said, Why can't you eat? You are growing taller. You need to eat more.

Come on, why should I let people eat more? It's obvious that you are a loser. Just as Li Xin was finishing her order, a cold voice sounded with a hint of mockery.

Long Haochen turned around and saw three people, two men and one woman, walking into the hotel. When they passed by, they stopped and it was the girl among them who spoke.

This girl was wearing a dark blue robe, and the looming elemental fluctuations caused a faint blue halo to ripple on the robe. On her left chest, there were three star marks, surrounded by six golden patterns.

Magic robe. Is this a magician? Long Haochen's knowledge of the magician was limited to his father's stories. This was the first time he had seen him.

Three stars plus six golden lines represent the mark of the sixth level of a third-level profession. This is already a real magician. The titles of the first three levels of magician professions are magic attendant, magic apprentice and magician.

Bang. Li Xin slammed the table and stood up, saying angrily: Lin Jialu, who do you think is a loser?

Lin Jialu snorted, I'll tell whoever eats more.

Long Haochen only noticed the appearance of the young magician after paying attention to the magic robe.

It can be said that Lin Jialu and Li Xin are both rare beauties, but the two girls have completely different styles. Li Xin has a straightforward and heroic personality, and is a kind of dynamic beauty. Lin Jialu, on the other hand, has the delicate beauty of a lady.

She has fair skin, a medium build, long light blue hair hanging down her back, beautiful eyebrows, a beautiful nose, the same blue eyes, and softer lines on her face. It is easy to give people the impression that she wants to take care of her. Feel.

However, she held a magic wand about two feet long in her hand. The staff is made entirely of black wood, with several thin branches of the same color protruding from the top holding an aqua blue gem the size of a fist. The magic element fluctuations on this staff are much stronger than the magic robe on her body.

You want to fight again, don't you? Li Xin's eyes were filled with anger, and she took a step forward and came to Lin Jialu.

The two young men who walked into the hotel with Lin Jialu hurriedly took two steps forward, one on the left and the other on the right to protect Lin Jialu, with nervous expressions on their faces. They were all wearing warrior leather armor and were obviously Lin Jialu's guards.

What magicians fear most is sneak attacks. Compared with their powerful and destructive magic, their bodies are much more fragile. Therefore, a good magician will always have followers around him.

You two ladies, please calm down. You were just punished by the Archon and the Chief last month. The soldier on the left warned cautiously.

Humph. Li Xin and Lin Jialu snorted angrily almost at the same time, glaring at each other without giving in.

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