Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 309 The Soul of the Strong (Part 2)

Captain, is Shura Slash the skill you used? Wang Yuanyuan suddenly asked.

Long Haochen nodded and said, Yes!

Wang Yuanyuan smiled, This skill is more suitable for me than Shura Thorn. The skeleton just gave me one. I'll go back and practice.

After Sima Xian had the Light Power Pill, his attack power was even greater than hers. Wang Yuanyuan had always been very strong and had been holding back his strength for a long time. This time she just got Shura Slash, which complemented her with the Shield of the Giant Spirit God.

Long Haochen said: Let's do this. This time, Cai'er will be left here alone to conduct the experiment, and you all will go back with me. Cai'er can recover her spiritual power here, but you can't.

Although he didn't want to keep Cai'er in his heart, as the saying goes, he put others before himself, and Cai'er just told him clearly again that the aura of death here was very beneficial to her cultivation, and even gave her the knowledge of the Reincarnation Spiritual Furnace. Some new insights.

After letting Cai'er stay not far behind the tower door, Long Haochen activated the transmission of the eternal melody.

Returning to Long Haochen's quiet room again, this time everyone else returned to the room to practice. Facts have proved that Long Haochen's idea can be established. It’s okay to leave people in Aion. However, he did not give up trying to teleport, and still tried every half an hour. When Cai'er stayed there, he always felt a little uneasy.

It wasn't until six hours later that he felt able to teleport again and summoned his friends to his side, then he couldn't wait to return to Cai'er.

Cai'er was fine and still stayed at the original place to practice. Long Haochen specially brought food and water and fed her first. Everyone rested for a while before continuing with their new challenge.

But again, changes occurred.

The tests of the first three levels disappeared unexpectedly. However, just when they thought the test had not reappeared due to Cai'er not following them, the six skeleton warriors and four resentful spirit assassins from the fourth level appeared again.

Lack of preparation caused them to be in a hurry. After using all their abilities, they barely managed to kill ten enemies. However, there is no possibility for them to continue challenging the fifth level.

The Tower of Eternity seems to always be an unknown quantity, and until now, they seem to have not found its true pattern. In desperation, everyone returned to the real world to practice again. Long Haochen made an agreement with everyone to gather again after six hours and carry out the teleportation directly.

Using this time, Long Haochen went to find his master Han Qian and learned the basic skills of the sixth-level guardian knight. The Tower of Eternity is the best place for him to practice.

For the next few days, they entered the Tower of Aion twice a day. As time went by, I finally figured out some patterns.

The disappearance of the first three levels of assessment was not because of Cai'er's original stay, but because they passed the fourth level of assessment. Since then, the first three levels of assessment have never appeared.

After several attempts, they finally met the gatekeeper of the fifth level.

Five skeleton cavalry and five wraith assassins. After passing the fourth level and then accepting the challenge of the fifth level, they were under considerable pressure. Although the seventh-level evil eye skeleton cavalry was unable to exert the terrifying attack power of the ghost thorns, these undead creatures were still extremely powerful. . Fortunately, Lin Xin ate a great recovery pill at a critical moment, giving himself the ability to cast a fire spell again, which restrained the resentful spirits and helped them pass the fifth level.

But obviously, they don't have the strength to challenge the sixth level yet. Because after entering here, you still have to start from the fourth level.

Therefore, every day they conduct trials in the fourth and fifth levels. Of course, they also tried different fighting methods as much as possible and distributed the spiritual power light groups evenly.

Faced with the pressure brought by undead creatures, everyone's cooperation became more and more tacit. More importantly, even if seven people were promoted together, everyone could gain nearly 60 spiritual power increases every day. Ten days later, Cai'er, Lin Xin, Han Yu, and Wang Yuanyuan reached the bottleneck of four thousand spiritual powers. Even Sima Xian and Chen Ying'er exceeded 3,600.

Absorbing the spiritual power light group after reaching the bottleneck can only be a waste. Therefore, Sima Xian and Chen Yinger naturally became the focus of care.

The fourth and fifth levels on the first floor of the Tower of Eternity can provide twenty spiritual power light groups every day. In other words, the two of them can each increase up to two hundred spiritual powers every day.

Two days later, when Sima Xian and Chen Ying'er also reached the fourth level bottleneck. Everyone felt like they were in a dream.

Before coming here, none of them could have imagined that they would be able to reach the fifth level peak so quickly. As long as there was another breakthrough, they would all become sixth level experts.

Now, except for Long Haochen, everyone else's spiritual power has reached the bottleneck. If they enter the Tower of Eternity to fight, the spiritual power light group will naturally belong to Long Haochen.

However, Long Haochen soon told everyone the unfortunate news that the spiritual light group had failed.

This was what happened after Long Haochen's inner spiritual power exceeded five thousand. The spiritual light group was completely ineffective against him. He had absorbed several of them, but they no longer had any improvement effect.

This situation couldn't help but make everyone in the general-level Demon Hunting Group 21 panic. I am used to rapid promotion, and suddenly I am back to before liberation overnight. This feeling is definitely not comfortable.

How could this happen? Could it be that the spiritual power can only be raised to five thousand and that is the end? Lin Xin asked eagerly.

Long Haochen did not say a word, but fell into deep thought.

After a while, Long Haochen said in a deep voice: This may be a limitation of the Tower of Eternity. After all, our current cultivation speed is too fast. If we continue to practice at this speed, we may have a chance in a year. I have reached the seventh level. I am ready to try the sixth level. If the spiritual power light group given in the sixth level still cannot improve my cultivation. That means that at least in the first level of the Tower of Eternity, the spiritual power will be improved. The limit is five thousand points.

When Long Haochen said the words first level, everyone's anxious expressions suddenly calmed down a bit, yes! They are only on the first floor now. There are seven floors in the Tower of Eternity. Who says that the top can no longer provide them with existences like spiritual light groups?

Han Yu sighed and said: We should be satisfied. How many people can raise their cultivation to the peak of the fifth level at such a speed? After breaking through to the sixth level, everyone will have spiritual apertures, and then the cultivation speed will be natural There will be an increase. Too simple cultivation here may not be a good thing for us.

Wang Yuanyuan nodded and said: What Han Yu said makes sense. If everything comes too easily, it means it is not solid. I estimate that it is precisely because our spiritual power is improving so fast that it may be more difficult to break through to the sixth level. trouble.

Long Haochen suddenly laughed, That's not necessarily true! If you want to break through the bottleneck, you need enough pressure. And in this Tower of Eternity, the most indispensable thing is pressure. Let's continue to challenge the sixth level.

Now, except for him, everyone else is at the peak of the fifth level. The cost of passing the fourth and fifth levels has been reduced a lot for them.

What will happen in the sixth level? According to the current distance estimation, there are probably nine or ten levels on the first level. And each level is more difficult. Will there be less pressure? Even if you can't improve your spiritual power here, it's enough to feel the pressure here. With the Soul Chain Life Sharing, an epic piece of equipment, Long Haochen was sure to save everyone's lives in a step-by-step manner, even if they would be killed during the experience here.

If you want to break through the bottleneck, the greater the pressure, the greater the effect. Did Long Haochen break through under the pressure of the eighth-level moon demon soon?

The formation was arranged, and they continued to move forward under the leadership of Long Haochen. Meet the challenge of level 6 for the first time.

This time, they took a full ten steps before something suddenly changed in front of them.

A ray of white light fell from the sky. Unlike the undead creatures that appeared before and appeared in a flash of light, this white light appeared as a beam of light and stagnated there.

Immediately afterwards, a group of red light quietly appeared at the top of the light column, and below it appeared a skeleton warrior that they had encountered before.

That ball of red light was clearly a resentful spirit, a red resentful spirit. This was the first time Long Haochen and the others had seen it. I saw the red resentful spirit slowly descending towards the skeleton warrior.

Long Haochen tentatively sent out a light slashing sword, but the light blade disappeared on its own as soon as it came into contact with the white light pillar. This means that the contact between the red wraith and the white skeleton cannot be prevented.

After careful observation, Long Haochen discovered that although the size of this resentful spirit falling from the sky was no different from other resentful spirits, it was much more solid. If the bodies of different wraiths are full of transparency, then they have an almost substantial texture and look more like a ball of real energy.

Before he even had time to activate the memory imprinted in his mind, the name of this resentful spirit appeared in his consciousness.

The soul of the strong. Only the powerful ones with excellent talents in life can retain their original attributes after death. If they become true undead creatures, they will be more powerful than those unconscious undead creatures.

Everyone, be careful. The red resentful spirit is the soul of a strong man. It may not only have fighting instincts, but also certain fighting skills. It is of the fire attribute. Lin Xin, don't use fire spells and do your best to help everyone defend.

Magic of the same type has the ability to reduce attribute damage when defending, but when attacking, it will naturally be weakened.

Just as Long Haochen was speaking, the red soul of the strong man had merged with the skeleton warrior below. The originally lifeless skeleton warrior slowly raised his head, and two groups of strong red lights appeared in his eyes. Then, Its body also suddenly turned fiery red, and its bones grew rapidly with a heart-breaking rattling sound. In just a blink of an eye, it grew one meter taller and turned into a huge skeleton warrior three meters tall.


Guess what the skeleton infused with the soul of the strong is useful for. It is very useful and will be useful in the future.

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