Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 310 The Soul of the Strong (Part 2)

The bone knife and shield in his hand also turned into a dazzling fiery red. Flames rose all over his body. The momentum was so overwhelming that it was unmatched by the opponents Long Haochen and the others had faced before.

He was also at the sixth level, but the feeling he gave Long Haochen and the others was completely different. The white beam of light disappeared silently, and what seemed like a hearty roar came from the mouth of the red skull. He did not launch a quick charge, but his eyes shining with red flames looked at Long Haochen and the others.

In his flaming eyes, Long Haochen was surprised to see Lingzhi. This skeleton warrior is not only conscious, but also intelligent? Necromantic magic is indeed endlessly mysterious!

The red skeleton stepped forward, holding the bone knife, and slowly walked towards Long Haochen and the others. Although his speed is not fast, every step he takes gives people a solid feeling.

Blue rain and hibiscus of light rose up, Long Haochen's eyes shone with rich brilliance, and he strode towards the red skull. His movements were also not fast, but he followed his own rhythm. At the same time, the three aura skills of the amplified companions also appeared.

The red skull's eyes flashed with light. The distance between it and Long Haochen was not that far to begin with. At the same time, it quickly got closer as it moved forward. Seeing that the two sides had already entered within five meters of each other. The red skull suddenly took a big step, and the hot breath suddenly hit his face.

Long Haochen took a slight step back and raised the Brilliant Holy Shield.

At this moment, the red skull's bone knife had already slashed down. A shocking scene appeared. All the flames on the red skull condensed on the bone knife in an instant, and a crystal red light erupted from the front of the bone knife, which was indistinguishable from its substance.

The hot air flow distorted the air around Long Haochen's body, and a powerful restraining force suddenly appeared.

Shura cut. To be precise, it should be the Flame Shura Slash. The red skull's attack was not sudden, but it gave people the feeling that it contained the most rational principles.

Shura Dragon Slayer Haochen could also do it, but he found that compared with this red skeleton, he was obviously not proficient in using skills. The red skull looks like a simple and direct blow, but it seems to have been tempered for thousands of times.

Brilliant Holy Shield, Divine Block. Two holy shield skills emerged from the shield at the same time. One was the shield's own skill, and the other was naturally the sixth-level basic skill that Long Haochen had just learned.


The huge shock force knocked Long Haochen back a few steps, and at this moment, the red skull disappeared from in front of him.

Out of a completely instinctive reaction, Long Haochen suddenly turned sideways, and swept out the Blue Rain of Light Hibiscus with the Shura Slash in his hand.

The roar reappeared, and what shocked Long Haochen was that the bone knife in the red skeleton's hand still retained the three-foot red crystal glow from when he used Shura Slash. Shura Slash that condenses but never disperses?

The next moment, he failed to use the Divine Control to block in a hurry and was directly knocked away.

My arms were sore and numb, and I felt like I couldn't lift them up. However, while being knocked away, Long Haochen also saw the next series of movements of the red skeleton.

Really smooth flow.

The sword shocked Long Haochen into the air, but he did not continue to pursue him because the attacks from other members of the General Level 21 Demon Hunting Group also arrived.

The red skull suddenly made a forward movement. Even though he was three meters tall, he looked very dexterous. The spinning shield cracking air attack launched by Wang Yuanyuan's giant spirit god shield just flew over its head, but failed to hit the target.

While probing forward, the red skeleton suddenly twisted his body, and the bone knife in his hand slashed diagonally in the air very lightly, hitting the side of Sima Xianguang's Dali Pill, and his whole body suddenly accelerated at this moment. He almost slid past the huge size of the Light Power Pill, and with just this step, he rushed to the middle of Wang Yuanyuan and Sima Xian.

At this moment, Long Haochen felt as if the blood in his body was about to condense. The white light of the Holy Spirit Furnace suddenly burst out and shot towards the red skeleton, trying to direct his attack towards him.

However, his invincible Holy Spiritual Furnace failed this time.

The red skull seemed to have eyes on its back. With an illusory flicker of its body, it split into two parts in an instant. The one hit by the Holy Spirit Furnace turned into an illusory one, but its real body had already reached Sima Xian. behind.

It's over, this was the only thought in Long Haochen's mind. He never imagined that this red skeleton with the soul of a strong man could be so powerful.

Everyone is taking action. Long Haochen could see Sima Xian's crisis, and Lin Xin, Chen Yinger, and Han Yu could naturally see it too.

However, they were unable to block the next blow from the Red Skull.

A red-gold-like light shield suddenly erupted from the red skull, and he was actually immune to the evil eye's mental impact. Han Yu's sudden attack was too late, and Lin Xin could only put an elemental fire shield on Sima Xian in a hurry. As for Chen Ying'er, she couldn't do anything at all. This time when she entered the Tower of Eternity, the monster she summoned was very weak and had died before. At this time, it was obviously too late to give McDull another magic crystal.

All this sounds slow to say, but in fact it all happened in the blink of an eye. When the red skeleton reached Sima Xian's back, his bone knife had already slashed out. It seems that every move he makes is in preparation for the next move, and no move is wasted.

Sima Xian was still retracting his Light Power Pill, not even trying to dodge it. Because he had confidence in Long Haochen's Holy Spiritual Furnace, he saw the white light falling on the red skeleton.

Sima. Long Haochen shouted with despair.


It was over, Long Haochen's mind went blank. With the strength of the red skull, it would be impossible for Sima Xian to survive this blow.

However, at the next moment, his eyes straightened.

Is Sima Xian dead? No.

The moment the red skull's bone knife struck his neck, it suddenly stopped. Sima Xian felt a heat on the back of his neck. The next moment, the red skull's bone knife turned into a flat slap and struck him directly on the back. Go up and whip him straight away. The bodies of Long Haochen and the seven others were also shining with golden light at the same time. They all felt pain in their backs.

At this time, Long Haochen finally rushed back. Forcibly pouring spiritual power into both arms, Blue Rain and the Hibiscus of Light were activated.

However, the red skull still ignored him, and suddenly took a big step to the side, and rushed directly out of the range covered by the Demon-Slaying Flash.

The attack power and coverage range of Demon Slayer Flash are quite powerful, but it has one flaw, and that is the attack range. Although Blue Rain and Light Hibiscus can release spiritual light, their attack range can only be about two feet. The red skull's span easily exceeded two feet.

When Long Haochen's Holy Spiritual Furnace was activated again, the red skeleton body shining with a red-gold light shield swayed again, still dodging Long Haochen's Holy Spiritual Furnace with its transformed shadow.

What shocked Long Haochen even more was that this time he released the traction of the Holy Spirit Furnace four times in a row, and each time was just a moment away. But the red skeleton body quickly dodged several times next to his transformed figure. In the end, all the power of Long Haochen's Holy Spirit Furnace was used on the phantom.

Next, it’s time for the Red Skull’s performance. With his amazing skills and the powerful attack power of the bone knife in his hand, he didn't even use a shield, and in just over ten seconds, he knocked everyone away one after another. Even with such powerful equipment as the soul chain, the continuous attacks made Long Haochen and the seven people miserable. This is simply a complete abuse.

Even Long Haochen himself could only stand in front of the red skeleton for five seconds. He was struck in the chest with a knife and flew out with Cai'er. Cai'er also launched a counterattack, but her rapid attack speed was met by the red skull's simple bone knife. It seems that the speed of the red skeleton is not fast at all, but all Cai'er's attacks have no effect in front of it, and any skills seem to have been predicted by it. In the end, he hit the back with a knife and flew it away.

Everyone else was lying on the ground, and the soul chains could only help them share the damage, but not the pain. Everyone was stabbed in the back. The burning sensation and severe pain seemed as if the back was no longer their own. The strong burning sensation made them breathless.

However, when they all lay on the ground, the red skull did not continue to attack, but silently shook his head at them before turning around and leaving. It seemed to be disdainful of their strength, but it did not pursue it. It just returned to the place where it first appeared and stood there silently and motionless. Only the flames dancing on its body showed that it was still alive.

Fortunately, the seven members of the general-level Demon Hunting Group No. 21 only felt happy at this time. There is no doubt that if this red skeleton wants to kill them, then they have all been wiped out now, and no one can leave here alive.

Sima Xian, who was the first to be kicked away, said with a bitter look on his face: Boss, is this guy really only at level 6? It's terrible. Why don't we have the ability to fight back at all?

Long Haochen's depression was even stronger than his own, and he smiled bitterly: I don't know either. But his spiritual power is maintained at the sixth level. And it doesn't feel much stronger than me. But we just can't resist him. Attack. Is it just because of skill? Have you noticed that its attack is very beautiful. It is smooth and smooth. There is no feeling of stagnation in the whole process from the beginning to the end of the battle.


In the last two days of the end of the month, there are a lot of things to do. For example, the credit card bill is due and you have to work hard to pay it back. It is the end of the month and you have to work hard to get tickets. On the 31st and the 1st, we have to go to the People's Literature and Lu Academy for meetings. A bunch of things. However, there will never be a shortage of updates. Let’s strive for two consecutive days on the 31st and 1st. I've been working hard to write these days.

However, please give me your support and support Lao San, okay? The rise of the Divine Seal requires the joint efforts of all of us. At the same time, the third volume of the Simplified Chinese Book of Divine Seal will also be released today or tomorrow. Beautifully made, I hope you all like it.

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