Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 308 The Soul of the Strong (Part 1)

Anyway, everyone is practicing sitting cross-legged, and each person does not occupy much space. The girls were all sitting on the bed, and the men were on the floor. Just practice together in Long Haochen's quiet room.

Sima Xian and Han Yu sat directly on both sides of Long Haochen. The rich light aura around Long Haochen was very beneficial to their cultivation.

Cai'er and Wang Yuanyuan both had a clear understanding during the process of entering the Tower of Eternity and entered the state of cultivation directly. Chen Yinger also knows that she is the weakest person in the team now, so she should seize the time to increase her spiritual power.

In the following time, Long Haochen tried to enter the Tower of Eternity every half an hour. It wasn't until six hours after they left the Tower of Aion that the eternal melody once again gave him the feeling of completing communication.

The teleportation was completed instantly, and Long Haochen and his friends appeared outside the Tower of Eternity again.

It looked like the Tower of Aion was no different from the last time they entered, everything was business as usual. Long Haochen thought for a while and said: If you can enter once in six hours, then you can enter twice a day. This time should still be within the controllable range. Moreover, it should be six hours after the last time you entered. Enter again. After this trial is over, you stay here and I will try to see if it is possible to teleport out alone.

The next trial was much calmer than the last time. Moreover, Han Yu had a double happiness today. During the previous few hours of practice, his evil eye had completed its evolution and returned. This means that they no longer need to worry about the Eye of Truth.

The evolved Evil Eye has six tentacles, and the overall size is nearly twice as large as before. Judging from the fluctuations of spiritual power emanating from it, it has clearly reached the level of a seventh-level monster, which is equivalent to a sixth-level powerhouse. And it's still the sixth level of mental attack.

With the addition of Evil Eye and their previous experience, they completed the first three levels of the test much easier than before.

The first level was naturally not difficult. Under Long Haochen's deliberate control, the obtained spiritual power light groups were given to Cai'er and Wang Yuanyuan respectively. Chen Ying'er also tried the summoning of the Gate of Creatures. With good or bad luck, a The leopard of the wind element. Level five monster. It's not very strong, but it's no problem to make up for the last attack.

They dealt with the Wraith Assassins in the second level extremely easily this time. The evolved Evil Eye showed great strength, and the Eye of Truth appeared in the form of two vengeful assassins, followed by another group spiritual impact. This caused the two Wraith Assassins to fall into a brief daze. Although it was only about two seconds. But it was enough for the No. 21 General-level Demon Hunting Group, which was eyeing them eagerly.

Everyone gave priority to Chen Ying'er's benefit this time. The Leopard completed the final attack, and Chen Ying'er happily obtained two spiritual light groups.

The next third level is also much simpler because of the existence of the evil eye. It releases a magic called mental interference. The function of this spiritual magic is very simple. After being hit, the speed of casting skills is doubled. Although the two skeleton knights are strong, they can still be easily defeated as long as they cannot use terrifying attacks like Shura Thorns.

This harvest belongs to Wang Yuanyuan and Sima Xian respectively. Lin Xin's only offensive magic was the fire spell, and Long Haochen asked him to use it in the battle later. This time they passed the first three levels without much expenditure, and they will always try to see what the test of the fourth level is.

Everyone, be prepared, Han Yu, let your evil eye continue to open the true eye. Long Haochen led his companions forward slowly with a shield on his left and a sword on his right.

Six white lights appeared in everyone's field of vision almost at the same time, and then six majestic skeletons appeared in the white light. Not only them, there were also four resentful spirit assassins who appeared at the same time. Fortunately, the Eye of Truth was open, otherwise, under the cover of the six skeleton warriors in front, the resentful assassins behind would probably bring them big trouble.

The number of enemies suddenly increased to ten, which really surprised Long Haochen. These are all sixth-level opponents. At least they all have sixth-level attack power!

Four rays of white light spurted out from Long Haochen's chest at the same time. He took a step forward and stepped on the ground with his right foot, making a muffled sound.

Don't underestimate this step. With just this step, Long Haochen's own momentum has reached its peak. Moreover, the step he took forward and the roar of the ground immediately focused the energy of all his partners. stand up.

The four rays of white light emitted from his chest hit the four vengeful assassins almost at the same time. In other words, Long Haochen single-handedly defeated the four vengeful assassins who were extremely fast and had erratic attack power. Lead it to yourself and solve the worries of your partners.

Han Yu, mental interference, mental shock.

With loud shouts, Long Haochen had already charged directly towards the six skeletons on the opposite side. At this moment, he could be said to be directly putting himself in danger.

At this moment, a thick red light surpassed Long Haochen's body, and the huge flaming skull passed directly over the heads of the six skeleton warriors, and then fell behind them.

It must be said that although Lin Xin does not know how to use any offensive magic, his control over magic can be described as wonderful.

Under his precise control, this fire spell almost hit the ground right next to the six advancing skeleton warriors. At this time, the four resentful assassins rushed forward because of Long Haochen's Holy Spirit Furnace. , therefore, right behind the skeleton warrior. In other words, Lin Xin's fire spell landed exactly between the skeleton warrior and the resentful assassin. It can be said that it was at the central junction of these ten enemies.

It was at this time that the first magic of the evil eye arrived, mental interference.

Under the influence of mental interference, the golden light shining on the skeleton warrior's body became somewhat chaotic, while the Wraith Assassin was even more affected, and its originally extremely fast speed dropped sharply.

The roar of the fire spell broke out instantly, and a surprising scene appeared. The four vengeful assassins who were attracted by Long Haochen's Holy Spirit-Inducing Furnace turned into ashes directly in front of the fire spell. Four white lights shot toward Lin. Xin rushed away.

Instant kill!

Not only that, the six charging skeleton warriors were also staggered forward by the violent explosion, and their mental shock also broke out at the same time, making it impossible for the six skeletons' attacks to maintain their normal state. All fell into chaos.

At this moment Long Haochen arrived.

Demon-killing Flash, Sunlight Slash, and Rising Dragon Strike were three consecutive attacks in one go, and the two skeletons were destroyed one after another. He was not the only one who acted. Han Yu used his Shura Thorn for the first time and gave it to one of the skeletons. As you can imagine, the body of the skeleton warrior was instantly shattered under the violent impact.

The Daliwan of Light and the Shield of the Giant Spirit also each found an opponent. Under normal conditions, it would be difficult for them to defeat the skeleton warriors with one blow, but with the magic attacks from Lin Xin and Xie Yan before, it was different. Two skeletons cannot effectively attack and defend at all. Broken instantly.

The last skeleton was destroyed by Cai'er's dark golden dagger, which penetrated the skull from behind and directly crushed its soul fire.

The battle was over faster than anyone could have imagined. These are ten enemies! Everyone looked at each other, and Chen Ying'er couldn't help but said: Is this, is this really something we can do?

Lin Xin got four soul light groups at once and said with great pride: Of course we did it. Didn't you see that precise fire spell?

No one could refute what he said because what he said was completely true. If it hadn't been for that fireball that wounded the skeleton warrior and killed four resentful spirits instantly, their victory would never have been so easy. Lin Xin gained the most in this battle, but he also played the greatest role.

Long Haochen came to his senses after a brief surprise and waved his arms vigorously, That's it, this is the cooperation we should have. Well done Lin Xin.

Lin Xin sighed softly and said: Now I understand more and more my father's persistence in attacking magic. A powerful magician is enough to turn the tide of the battle. However, I had already discovered it back then. I swear that I will never learn offensive magic for the rest of my life. I’m sorry, friends, I...

Sima Xian happened to be beside him, holding his Light Power Pill in one hand, and holding Lin Xin's shoulder with the other hand, Okay, okay, Brother Youyao, why are you so pretentious? You can't learn from it. For attack magic, just get a few more pieces of equipment that can add attack skills. Do you know how to adapt?

Lin Xin's eyes lit up, Hey, it turns out that you, a guy whose brain is all about muscles, are not stupid after all!

Your sister. Sima Xian raised the Power Pill of Light and said with a threatening look: Do you want to try an iron ball against a meat ball?

Lin Xin smiled obscenely and said, Don't tell me, I really have a sister. Please flatter me and introduce you later.

This time it was Sima Xian's turn to have his eyes light up. Although he had always felt that Lin Xin was narcissistic and vulgar, his appearance was good, and his sister was not too ugly. Suddenly, the anger on his face turned into affection.

Looking at these two living treasures, Long Haochen chuckled and said, Should we continue to move forward?

Everyone shook their heads almost simultaneously. Although they won the battle smoothly, there was actually a certain amount of luck involved. The fourth level is already guarded by ten sixth-level powerhouses. What if the next level is replaced by ten skeleton knights collectively performing Shura Thorns? Moreover, they also had different levels of consumption, at least Lin Xin would not be able to cast the next fire spell.

Moreover, everyone has gained something by beating four levels in a row this time. Entering the Tower of Eternity twice today, the increase in spiritual power they obtained from the spiritual power light group alone has exceeded their usual practice, let alone their own practice.


It's the end of the month, what, do you have a ticket?

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