Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 307 Overall Improvement (Part 2)

The Skeleton Knight's weak defense became his biggest problem at this time. Faced with the powerful explosive power of the fire spell, he was unable to resist, and his body and the skeleton horse he was riding on were directly blown to pieces.

However, this did not mean that his attack was over. The moment before his body was shattered, he instantly threw the bone spear in his hand and flew straight towards the members of the General Level 21 Demon Hunting Group.

Han Yu shouted loudly, stamped his right foot firmly and forcefully on the ground, and moved his body just in the path that the bone spear must pass through. The light reflecting shield in his hand suddenly pushed forward, and Shenyu blocked it.

At the same time, Sima Xian beside him also moved, and the powerful pill of light was blasted out, with a circle of white lightning attached to it.

There is only one skill for the light element to attack in the shape of lightning, and that is Judgment. Priest's exclusive attack skills.

Although Sima Xian only used the lowest level of Judgment, it was also a fifth level skill.

Affected by the ruling, the rapidly flying bone spear showed a momentary sluggishness, and then passed by the Dali Pill of Light, and then hit Han Yu's shield hard.


Dazzling golden light shone on the seven people at the same time. Han Yu's body was thrown into the air and was caught by Long Haochen in the air.

Without the Skeleton Knight, the power of the spear just now would be much weaker, plus Sima Xian's assistance. In fact, the attack Han Yu endured was only about one-third of what Long Haochen endured, but even so, he still felt that his arms were almost broken. One can imagine how terrifying the power of this spear is.

A circle of healing halo spread from Han Yu himself and affected all his partners. They all suffered two attacks together, and it was not easy at this time. However, Lin Xin smiled happily.

Wow, I got it, I got it.

While Han Yu was receiving the attack, a ball of white light and a ball of golden light also poured into his body. It was the reward for killing the Skeleton Knight. How could he not be overjoyed? Moreover, he also experienced the benefits of having attack magic for the first time.

The numbness in Long Haochen's arms was slowly recovering, and he said to Sima Xian: Sima, feel what the skill of that golden light is. It can be learned.

Okay. Sima Xian closed his eyes, and soon he gave the answer.

Shura Thorn's function is somewhat similar to Shura Slash. Once it enters a certain range, it cannot be dodged. The attack of Shura Slash is in a straight line, while the attack of Shura Thorn is concentrated at one point, and the attack power is more powerful than that of Shura Slash. However, the amount of spiritual power that Shura Thorn needs to consume is also extremely terrifying, as much as two thousand. Moreover, the power can be enhanced through skills similar to charging.

What surprised Long Haochen was that after reporting the effect of this skill, a golden light flashed from Sima Xian's chest, and the golden light that he had taken into his body actually appeared in front of him.

Not only him, but Lin Xin was in the same situation. The golden light group floated out of the body and floated in front of him.

What's going on? Long Haochen asked in surprise.

Sima Xian and Lin Xin both shook their heads in confusion. Sima Xian said: I don't know what happened. When I was exploring it, it seemed to have a feeling of repulsion towards me, and then it came out.

At this moment, the golden light was beginning to disintegrate.

Long Haochen's heart moved and he quickly came to Sima Xian. He raised his right hand and pressed it on the golden light. Suddenly, the golden light quickly merged into his body like water waves and disappeared.

Han Yu, you merge with the group in front of Lin Xin. It seems that only the right people can learn this skill.

It can be said that the Tower of Eternity brings more and more strange things to everyone. Even Long Haochen himself needs to keep exploring.

Sure enough, Long Haochen and Han Yu did not feel any rejection after merging the golden light groups respectively. When they felt the changes in their skills, Mingwu appeared in their hearts.

This way of learning skills is very similar to the feeling of learning at the Holy Alliance Treasure Pavilion. Although the Shura Thorn skill consumes a lot of money, everyone has seen its terrifying attack power. After Long Haochen tried it, he gave a shocking number.

The attack power of Shura Thorn is three times that of normal attack at the peak of one's own spiritual power. In other words, Long Haochen's internal spiritual power is four thousand and one, so when he uses the Shura Thorn's basic attack, the two thousand spiritual power consumed by the Shura Thorn itself is multiplied by three, reaching an attack strength of six thousand spiritual power. And if he uses the power to inject all his inner spiritual power into this skill, then the power will increase dramatically again, and the ultimate power can reach more than 12,000 spiritual power.

What is this concept? If used properly, even a seventh-level powerhouse must be careful when facing him.

Sima Xian said with a stern look on his face: Why can't I learn it? This is too powerful.

Long Haochen thought for a while and said: Perhaps because of your profession, the skills you practice are all from the priest series, although they are all attack skills. But you are a priest after all. The Asura Thorn Knight can definitely learn it, after all, before The Skeleton Knight is used. According to my guess, Cai'er and Yuan Yuan may also be able to learn it. Our trial has just begun, and the subsequent trials will definitely bring us more and more surprises. Everyone will have something to learn. Improved. Let me emphasize again, you must wait until your spiritual power returns to its peak before using the white light group that can enhance spiritual power, otherwise it will be wasted. Okay, let's go back.

It's time to go back. Although they have only experienced three trials so far, it can be said that these three trials have been very difficult. The second trial was thrilling due to the invisible enemy, and the third trial was the threat brought by the powerful attack of the Skeleton Knight. , which almost caused them to collapse.

Going back to treat their injuries, replenish their physical and mental strength, and sum up their experience is what they have to do now.

Returning to the real world is very simple. Just walk out of the Tower of Eternity and use Long Haochen to activate the Eternal Melody to teleport back.

The golden light shone, and Long Haochen and his companions returned to the quiet room of the main hall of the Zhennanguan Priest Temple.

Everyone felt a sense of relief.

It's so painful to be oppressed by that death energy. Chen Ying'er let out a long sigh, and at the same time couldn't help but ask the doubts in her heart, Captain, you can all obtain that kind of spiritual power by killing the trial subjects. Light ball, what about me? What should I do? The most I can do is rely on McDull to attack!

Long Haochen chuckled and said: This is wrong. Ying'er, have you forgotten your own identity? You still have the Gate of Creatures! Every time you enter in the future, you can directly use the Gate of Creatures to summon monsters. , if you have no attack power, you will naturally gain nothing during the trial. But if a more powerful monster appears, we will pay attention to letting your monster complete the final blow, and you will naturally gain spiritual power.

Uh..., I haven't used the Gate of Life for a long time. I almost forgot... Chen Ying'er's face turned red and she hid behind Wang Yuanyuan in embarrassment.

Long Haochen said: Let's heal our wounds and restore our spiritual power first. After we recover, we will try again.

Okay. Everyone replied in unison.

It was their first attempt just now, because they had to adapt to the Tower of Eternity. It can be said that except for Long Haochen, everyone else's performance was unsatisfactory. Among the six undead creatures killed, the spiritual power and light groups of four belonged to Long Haochen. But even so, they fully realized what the Tower of Eternity could bring them.

Apart from anything else, the speed of spiritual power improvement alone will inevitably increase significantly. This spiritual power improvement has nothing to do with talent. Moreover, don't forget that they have been engaging in actual combat against powerful enemies there, which has greatly improved both individual combat effectiveness and teamwork. Not to mention you can also learn skills.

Ever since he learned Shura Thorn, the smile on Han Yu's face has never disappeared. This skill is really enjoyable. Although he could only use it once with his current cultivation level, his attack power, which had always been weak, had been greatly enhanced.

In order to enter the Tower of Eternity next time, everyone fortunately gathered together to practice and recover. Although Han Yu's area healing ability cannot be compared with Lu Xi's, he has finally learned a few, so the injury will naturally not be a problem. Moreover, by recovering together with Long Haochen, you can also enjoy his spirit-gathering halo, and Long Haochen's own consumption is not large at all. He has the assistance of Eternal Melody and can recover on his own in the Tower of Eternity.

An hour later, everyone was back to their best condition, but problems also arose. Long Haochen could no longer lead them to the Tower of Eternity, and Eternal Melody seemed unable to complete communication again. He tried several times without success.

What's going on? Long Haochen's face was full of doubts. Just when he was about to try again, he was stopped by Wang Yuanyuan.

Captain, don't try it yet. I think I may have guessed the reason. Wang Yuanyuan said in a deep voice. She is the only member of the team with spatial attributes, so she naturally knows the most about the power of space.

There are seven of us in total, and the location of the Tower of Eternity is unknown. Such a group teleportation will consume a certain amount of energy from the Tower of Eternity. Moreover, if the levels we pass are restored every time, energy may also be consumed. . In this case, if the Tower of Eternity does not limit the number of times we can enter, it may cause its own energy consumption to be too fast. Try again after a while. I think that trying once every hour is enough. After a few trials, we can figure out how long it takes to enter.

After listening to her explanation, Long Haochen nodded and said: In that case, let's practice together today until we find out how long it will take before the next teleportation can take place. This is related to our situation in Dream Paradise, The time must be accurate.”


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