Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 29 Holy Spiritual Furnace (3)

Long Haochen, who is almost twelve years old, is different from a year and a half ago. His originally beautiful and fragile little face now has a bit of strong lines. Turning pretty into handsome, his well-proportioned and slender figure, coupled with his mid-length black shoulder-length hair, is almost perfect without any flaws.

Li Xin, what's wrong with you? He's your brother, eight years younger than you! Don’t you want the old cow to eat the young grass? Cursing herself inwardly, her mood stabilized. But he felt even more fond of Long Haochen. She is the youngest child in the family and has always longed for a younger brother. Although she has not been with Long Haochen for a long time, in Li Xin's heart, she is extremely close to this younger brother.

Hey, brother, I remember your eyes weren't this color before! They should have been blue. How come they turned into light gold?

Long Haochen came back to his senses, scratched his head and said, After my father helped me undergo the divine awakening, I became like this.

Li Xin was stunned for a moment, Can divine awakening cause eyes to change color? How come I have never heard of it. Ah! You have already undergone divine awakening. Doesn't that mean your spiritual power has exceeded 200? Tell your sister quickly, What is your inner spiritual power?

Long Haochen shook his head and said, Sister, I don't want to lie to you, dad won't let me.

Suddenly, Li Xin seemed to have thought of something. She covered her mouth with one hand and murmured in a low voice: Oh my God! A third-level knight who is less than twelve years old. Come, I will take you to see Na Uncle Lan, he will definitely be scared by you.

What could scare me? A somewhat joking voice sounded. Long Haochen and Li Xin looked back and saw Nalan Shu walking down the stairs.

Seeing Long Haochen, Nalan Shu was also surprised, but his eyes instantly became eager. He quickly came to Long Haochen, looked him up and down, and asked uncontrollably: That day , Was it your teacher that day...

Long Haochen was slightly stunned, but soon understood what he was asking, and nodded proudly.

Nalan Shu took a deep breath, with burning admiration in his eyes, I knew it, I knew it.

Li Xin said doubtfully: Uncle Nalan, what kind of riddle are you playing?

Nalan Shu's face darkened and he said: Why haven't you practiced yet? You are already a seventh-level knight. Whether you can break through to the Grand Knight before the Demon Hunting Group Trials is related to whether you can become a member of the Demon Hunting Group. The key is. If you don’t hurry up and practice, Haochen will leave it to me.

Li Xin stuck out her tongue and said to Long Haochen: Brother, I'm going to practice first. My sister will pick you up in the evening and treat you to a big meal. Hee hee. As she said that, she turned around and ran away.

Nalan Shu said helplessly and fondly: This child is almost twenty years old, and he is still so crazy. Children of ordinary families will get married at this age.

Looking away, Nalan Shu looked at Long Haochen, nodded to him, and said: Haochen, come with me.

Long Haochen followed him to Nalan Shu's office on the second floor. After Nalan Shu closed the door, he could no longer suppress his excitement, The throne of the God of Doom and Killing! Haochen, you know, originally the demons were going to make big moves this time. But it's because of you. The teacher's action scared off five demonic legions that had sneaked into the alliance. Where is your teacher? Can you let me see Mr. Xingyu?

Long Haochen shook his head and said, Palace Master Nalan, he's gone. Here it is. As he spoke, he took out the letter left by his father and handed it to Nalan Shu.

Nalan Shu couldn't wait to open the envelope and read it. A look of surprise soon appeared on his face. After reading the contents of the letter several times, he looked at Long Haochen again in disbelief, You, you are actually Lord Xingyu's son. But why does Lord Xingyu want you to follow me to learn the skills of a guardian knight? ? Why not a disciplinary knight? Master Xingyu is the number one disciplinary knight in our Knight Alliance!

Long Haochen said: Master Nalan, dad didn't let me say more. If he didn't tell you in the letter, then I can't say either.

Nalan Shu took a deep breath and carefully put the letter away. After pondering for a moment, he said: Okay, no matter what the reason is, I cannot violate Lord Xingyu's order. From now on, you will truly become Haoyuefen. You are now a member of the palace. I will do my best to train you. Master Xingyu told you in the letter that you will participate in the selection of the Demon Hunting Group in more than two years.

Well, I will follow your arrangements. Long Haochen straightened his back and gave Nalan Shu a standard knightly salute.

Nalan Shu patted him on the shoulder and said: From now on, just like Xin'er, call me Uncle Nalan. Frankly speaking, I am really a little worried about letting me teach you the skills of knights. However, I believe that, In the near future, you will surely become the greatest glory of our Haoyue branch hall. Come on, I will take you around our branch hall first and arrange a place for you to live.

Thank you, Uncle Nalan.

The Haoyue Branch Hall covers a huge area, and it's not just what Long Haochen saw. There is also a large area behind the main hall. It is mainly divided into three parts, the monastery for knights to rest, the Knights Square for training, and the Knights Hall for imparting knowledge and skills.

With Haoyue City as the center, nearby villages and towns will select and send a group of attendant knights to the Haoyue branch hall for assessment every two or three years. Only those who can pass the quasi-knight assessment can stay in the Haoyue branch hall to study and practice. If you can break through to a third-level knight within five years, you will become a real member of the Haoyue branch and a real active member of the Knights Temple. Otherwise, the way out for these would-be knights is to join the army or do other things for the Knights Temple.

Therefore, what Long Haochen had seen before was just the facade of Haoyue Branch Hall. The real Haoyue Branch Hall is actually at the back. There are nearly a hundred knights and more than two thousand would-be knights living here. According to Nalan Shu's introduction, in addition to him, there is an earth knight and seven great knights in the Haoyue branch. All those who are able to advance to the rank of Grand Knight will go to the Knights Temple to be ennobled and make new arrangements.

Depending on the level, the living conditions are naturally different. Quasi-knights all live in a monastery with four persons per room. The knight is already in a room alone.

The residence Nalan Shu arranged for Long Haochen was right next to Li Xin. After taking him to have a meal, he told him to rest first. Arrange for him to practice again tomorrow.

When you reach the third level profession, no matter which temple you are in, the treatment is quite good. Because, when fighting against the demons, they are the main force against the demons.

The Jingshe where Long Haochen lives is on the third floor of the Knights Building in the Jingshe District. It is a suite, with one room for resting, one for meditation and practice, and a separate bathroom for convenience and washing. There is a simple magic circle in the quiet room, inlaid with several magic crystals of light-type monsters. The light attribute in the quiet room is obviously stronger than that in the outside world, which has a certain auxiliary effect on cultivating inner spiritual power.

Unaffected by the favorable environment, Long Haochen took out his personal clothes from the forget-me-not ring and briefly arranged them, then walked into the quiet room and began to practice.

Time always passes very quickly during the cultivation process, and the afternoon passes quickly. It wasn't until late in the evening that a crisp knock on the door broke the tranquility of the monastery.

Who is it? Long Haochen woke up from his meditation.

Brother, it's me.

Long Haochen opened the door and saw Li Xin standing outside looking pretty. At this time, she was not wearing the soft armor before, but changed into a white outfit. It seemed that she had just taken a shower, and her long pink hair was still wet hanging on her shoulders. This kind of her is a little less heroic but more charming.

Come with me. Uncle Nalan asked me to take you to test your spiritual power. Then my sister will take you out for a walk and have a good meal to catch the wind.

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