Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 28 Holy Spiritual Furnace (2)

Dad, even if you take me with you, I will never stop working hard! Choking, Long Haochen bent over in pain and dug his hands into the ground. He couldn't control his excitement for a long time.

After a long meal, Long Haochen got up from the ground. His character is actually very strong, but the most important thing in his heart is his mood. The sudden departure of his father and mother without any warning was really difficult for him to accept.

Standing up, Long Haochen's eyes were a little dazed. Everything that had happened in the past two years, including his father's sternness and his mother's tenderness, kept reappearing in his mind.

Why are happiness and happy days so short-lived? Tears almost fell again. At this moment, Long Haochen saw two letters on the wooden table not far in front of him.

3. In two steps, he rushed forward and grabbed the letter in his hand.

The covers of the two letters read Haochen personally opens the letter and Zhuan Nalan Shu respectively. Obviously, one letter was for him, and the other was for the master of Haoyue Branch Hall.

After Long Haochen calmed down for a while, he slowly opened the letter his parents left for him.

Haochen, when you read this letter, your mother and I have already left. Neither of us wants to face the pain of separation. Parting is only temporary. You have grown up and become a man. You must be strong. From now on, all you can rely on is your own strength.

After seeing this letter, you go directly to Haoyue City and learn various skills of the Guardian Knight at the Haoyue Branch Hall. There is an excellent instructor there. Remember, don't easily reveal that you are also a Punishment Knight unless necessary. situation. I will also remind him of this in my letter to Nalan Shu. Nalan Shu is trustworthy and you can listen to his arrangements. At the same time, you must learn and be proficient in all guardian knight skills below level four. After using it, you can go to the Holy Mountain to get your own mount.

Holy Mountain Psychic, if you cannot inspire your own talents and future abilities, you will not be able to get a suitable mount partner for you. At the same time, learning the ability of the guardian knight can also greatly enhance your survivability. Remember, remember.

The spiritual furnace must be continuously cultivated. After you own the spiritual furnace, it will become a medium for you to cultivate your inner spiritual power, thereby improving your cultivation. Now that you have integrated the Holy Spiritual Furnace, your inner spiritual power may be due to There is no need to worry if it is reduced due to its fusion. This is the process of merging your own spiritual power with the spiritual furnace. It can take as little as half a month and as long as a month to recover. The Holy Spiritual Furnace is especially suitable for guardian knights. , you should have more experiences in the future.”

Haochen, my father and mother can't bear to leave you. However, my father hopes that when we meet next time, you will have the ability to be independent. If my mother and I don't come to see you, it means that we have something important that we cannot escape. Things. Unless your cultivation level can reach the level of a seventh-level Templar, and you have passed the assessment and competition to possess the mithril base armor, don't come to us.

The letter ended here, Long Haochen looked at the letter blankly, the reluctance in his heart had reached its peak.

Suddenly, he turned around, rushed outside the wooden house door, and shouted loudly in the distance: Dad - dad -, mom - mom -.

Long Haochen did not leave Odin Mountain directly. He stayed here for another three days, until the smell of his parents was no longer in the wooden house. Then he reluctantly packed up and went down the mountain.

When passing by Odin Town, he saw that reconstruction work was underway in the town. There were at least two thousand elite soldiers of the Temple Alliance stationed near Odin Town.

It was already noon when he arrived at Haoyue City, and it seemed that Haoyue City had not changed much. The moment he stepped into the city gate, Long Haochen secretly vowed to do his best to reach the seventh level of knighthood as soon as possible.

There seemed to be no tension in Haoyue City due to the demon attack. Long Haochen came to the Haoyue branch of the Knights Temple again according to his own memory.

Excuse me, I want to see Master Nalan. Long Haochen handed over his quasi-knight badge.

The two guards at the door had already been replaced. Although they did not recognize him, they saw that he, who was obviously only a teenager, actually had a quasi-knight badge. They did not dare to neglect and hurried in to report.

After a while, accompanied by a faint scent of fragrance, a figure rushed out from the Haoyue branch hall.

Brother Haochen, you are finally here.

It was Li Xin who rushed out from the branch hall. She is still dressed as before, with soft armor and ponytail, full of heroic spirit. One and a half years have not left any traces on her body, but her expression has become even brighter. It is obvious that her cultivation has made great progress.

Sister Xin'er. Seeing her, Long Haochen suddenly felt like he was seeing a relative, and the emotions he had suppressed for several days almost burst out again. Under the stunned gazes of the two guards, he fell directly into Li Xin's arms.

Li Xin gave him a big hug. Feeling the sadness in Long Haochen's mood, she quickly asked: Haochen, what's wrong? What happened?

Long Haochen choked and said: Father and mother are gone. I am the only one left.

Li Xin was startled, You mean the attack from the demons...

Long Haochen immediately heard that she had misunderstood, and hurriedly explained: No, my father and mother went to other places and asked me to stay and join the Haoyue branch to continue practicing.

Li Xin patted her tall breasts and said, I was shocked. It turns out they are just traveling away from home! What's the point? I just want to be with my parents. From now on, Haoyue Branch Palace will be your home. Who dares to bully you? Just tell me your sister's name. Come on, let's go in first.

While saying this, Li Xin took Long Haochen's hand and strode into the Haoyue Branch Hall.

The two guards at the door looked at each other with shocked expressions.

Who is this young man? Why is our Rose Knight so affectionate to him?

Keep your voice down, do you dare to inquire about Miss Xin'er's gossip? If you could look as handsome as that handsome boy, maybe Miss Xin'er would look at you differently.

Li Xin pulled Long Haochen into the Haoyue branch hall. Everything here was still the same, but when Long Haochen saw the six divine seal thrones placed in the middle of the hall again, his feeling was completely different.

Pride instantly diluted his sadness, and he immediately found the second throne on the left, the divine throne that symbolized doom and killing. That is dad's glory!

One day, I will definitely become the owner of one of these six divine seal thrones. There was a bit of fiery look in Long Haochen's eyes.

Li Xin felt that his pace had slowed down, but luckily he stopped and said, Brother, you have grown so much in just over a year! In two years, you will probably surpass your sister. Yeah, you’re even more handsome. It’s really amazing. When you grow up, I don’t know how many girls will be fascinated by you.”

Li Xin is tall, and although Long Haochen has grown a lot, he is still half a head shorter than her. However, when she looked at Long Haochen at this moment, she couldn't help but secretly marvel in her heart, and even her heartbeat seemed to be a little accelerated.

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