Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 215 The Death of the Demon God (Part 2)

Speaking of this, Chen Zidian seemed to be a little excited, Children, you now have unique opportunities. However, the process of growing up is indispensable. In this process, you can only rely on yourself. You can only rely on Only through your own efforts can you gain the power that truly belongs to you.”

I hope that one day, you can inherit the title of Demon God's Fall, succeed us, and even do better than us. We only have about five years, and when our lives are about to come to an end, we will find the Demon God Emperor. As for how much more time we can buy for you, even we don’t know. Therefore, you cannot relax for a moment. However, you must pay more attention to protecting yourself. The integrity of the team is the foundation for future development.

Haochen, is the Demon God Emperor looking for your Warcraft partner? Chen Zidian turned his gaze to Haoyue who seemed to be sleeping.

Long Haochen didn't dare to hide it and said truthfully: It's possible, but I'm not sure.

Chen Zijian's eyes flashed, I think it is very possible. I have investigated and found that you used a blood contract when you completed the contract with it at the Holy Mountain of Knights. In this case, before you and it are strong enough, Don't let it appear within the range that the Demon God Emperor can sense. It was able to hide from the Demon God Emperor just now, and it should be able to do the same in the future. Humanity needs a hero like the Son of Samsara.

I come to see you today, partly to encourage you. In addition, I also have a secret to tell you.

The demons are powerful. For six thousand years, we humans have spared no effort to develop. However, to this day, we are still unable to truly compete with the demons head-on. The reason lies in the seventy-two demon gods of the demons. It is precisely because Because of their strength, we can only rely on the natural chasm to make a corner. And this is only on the premise that the six of us have watched the Demon God Emperor. Once we die, if the Demon God Emperor joins the battle against us humans, then. , the natural chasm will no longer be a natural chasm.”

For more than three hundred years, we have killed thirty-nine demon gods, and the highest-ranked one is the fourth pillar demon god. However, they have all passed on without any accident. To this day, the demon clan still has Seventy-two demon gods, not one has decreased. Do you know why?

Long Haochen and others were all educated in the family and had a considerable understanding of the demon clan. Han Yu on the side blurted out: It's because of the Demon God Pillar.

Chen Zidian nodded and said: Yes, it's because of the Demon God Pillar. For the demon clan, the Demon God Pillar is their artifact. The seventy-two Demon God Pillars have seventy-two artifacts. As long as the Demon God Pillar is still there, even if Even if the Demon God dies, their inheritance will still continue. Therefore, if you want to truly kill the Demon God, there is only one way to destroy them and at the same time destroy the Demon God Pillar to which they belong.

But, as the Demon God Pillar is a demon artifact, how can it be so easily destroyed? After we discovered this secret, we made countless attempts, but none of them succeeded in the end. However, we successfully concluded An experience. If you want to destroy the Demon God Pillars, you must first have weapons powerful enough to destroy them, and at the same time, you must do it within half an hour of killing the Demon God. Only then is this possible. We almost succeeded once But it failed because a dozen demon gods suddenly arrived. Since then, the demon clan has paid more attention to the protection of the demon god pillar, and the demon gods will never be with the demon god pillar itself, so our chances of taking action are greatly reduced.

Long Haochen asked: Senior, since the Demonic Pillar is an artifact of the Demon Clan, what level of equipment is needed to destroy it? Do you also need an artifact?

Chen Zidian shook his head and said: The seventy-two Demonic Pillars are collectively called Demonic Artifacts, but depending on their ranking, they are the same as Demonic Gods, with different powers. However, if you want to destroy even the lowest-level Demonic God, Pillar, you also need epic level equipment to make this possible. Therefore, you still have a long way to go. The biggest regret in my life is that I failed to get the Divine Seal Throne. I was young and frivolous, and ruined the opportunity. Otherwise, Maybe we have successfully destroyed some Demon God Pillars. At this point, I also want to remind you. When one day your cultivation reaches the ninth level, when you want to get the recognition of the Divine Seal Throne, you must not aim too high, but follow the throne. Go with the guidance of the throne. Back then, I was recognized by four of the thrones, but I insisted on fighting for the Eternal Throne. In the end, I gained nothing, and I will never be able to establish contact with the Divine Seal Throne again. With your talent, you are better than I was back then. Stronger. However, be sure not to be as stubborn as me. Any Divine Seal Throne will be of unparalleled help to you.

Yes, thank you, senior.

Chen Zidian took a deep breath, and his eyes became distant and sad, The seventy-two demon pillars also represent the destiny of the demon clan. Every time one is reduced, the overall strength of the demon clan will be weakened, and the overall inheritance will also be weakened. will be weakened accordingly. I'm afraid we can't do it, but I hope that in your lifetime, we can destroy as many demon pillars as possible. The simultaneous appearance of the Son of Light and the Saint of Reincarnation finally gave us humans the opportunity to counterattack , looking forward to the day when you succeed.”

Senior. Long Haochen suddenly shouted.

Huh? Chen Zidian looked at him with a gentle look.

Long Haochen said: Senior, if one day we can really become a title-level demon hunting group. Can you give it a name?

Haochen! The Saint Moon Knight on the side couldn't help shouting. The death of the demon god is such a glory to all mankind, and he actually wants to reject the inheritance of this glory? Everyone in the No. 1 Soldier-level Demon Hunting Group was also a little shocked.

Chen Zidian waved his hand to Sheng Yue and said, Then what title do you want your demon hunting group to have in the future?

After Long Haochen pondered for a moment, he slowly raised his head. In his eyes, there was only persistence and determination, I hope that our demon hunting group can be called: Dawn of Light.

Chen Zidian was stunned for a moment, but soon his eyes became clear and he laughed, Okay, okay, okay, it's called Dawn of Light. It's not inheritance, but transcendence. You are really good.

Dawn of light!

These four words echoed in the hearts of the seven members of the No. 1 Demon Hunting Group. At this moment, everyone understood what Long Haochen meant, and everyone could not help clenching their fists.

I can't help you grow, it will only encourage your growth. Only by understanding it yourself can you truly reach the top. However, since I am here today, I have to give you a gift. You are very lucky. This gift from me Just enough for seven people.”

The next moment, the entire barracks was filled with the aura of light, and seven huge golden runes with a strong aura of life were printed from the chests of Long Haochen's seven people.

Everyone felt pain as if their bodies were burning, and the next moment, when they looked at each other, they were surprised to find that there was a sense of flesh-and-blood connection between themselves and their companions.

A faint golden light mist rose up on everyone, and the mysterious feeling gave them a wonderful feeling of vitality.

Chen Zidian smiled slightly and said: This is a piece of equipment passed down from the early days of the glorious era. The inheritance of the high elf royal family. The effect of this piece of equipment is wonderful. It allows the seven of you to complete the process of sharing your lives. In other words, , if any one of you is hurt, it will be shared by seven people. Its name is Soul Chain. Of course, at any time, each of you can actively disconnect from the Soul Chain, in which case, you will no longer be affected by it. The soul chain affects you until you take the initiative to contact me again.

The simple explanation made Long Haochen's seven faces full of surprises. Epic equipment, this is a top-level auxiliary epic equipment! Sharing the lives of seven people means that they are seven as one. When facing any difficulties and obstacles, the collective survivability will be greatly increased. At the same time, if they disperse, anyone who is attacked will also be a warning sign to others. The role this piece of equipment will play in their future is limitless.

Work hard, children. Maybe I won't be able to see that day, but I will still pray for the dawn of light to surpass the fall of the devil.

In the golden light, Chen Zidian's figure quietly disappeared, as if he had completely turned into light.

Without anyone's guidance, Long Haochen and the seven of them knelt down on one knee at the same time and bowed in the direction where he disappeared.

Looking at this scene, Shengyue's eyes were full of relief, and even more so, proud of the children in front of her. He didn't say anything. He took one step forward and disappeared into the void.

After a while, the seven members of the No. 1 Demon Hunting Group stood up one after another. Long Haochen turned around and looked at his partners, Senior Chen is right, we are partners and we should not have any concerns about our origins and abilities. Conceal it. I, Long Haochen, have ninety-seven innate spiritual powers and the constitution of a son of light. My father is the holder of the Divine Seal of Doom and Killing Throne in the Knights Temple, and the Knight Long Xingyu of the Divine Seal of Judgment and Judgment. He I still don’t know that my innate inner spiritual power has been increased to ninety-nine due to the effect of the light element elves.

Although everyone had guessed who Long Haochen's father was before, his words about the innate spiritual power of ninety-seven still shocked Wang Yuanyuan, Lin Xin, Sima Xian and Chen Ying'er.

Han Yu and Cai'er had known this secret for a long time, so it was relatively easy for them.

Ninety-seven innate spiritual powers, the constitution of a child of light... No wonder, no wonder he can achieve such an achievement at a young age, no wonder he can directly evolve the light element elves, no wonder he is so kind.

While everyone was surprised, Cai'er beside Long Haochen said quietly: My full name is Sheng Cai'er, and the Holy Moon Knight is my great-grandfather. He was born with ninety-three spiritual powers, and was inherited by the Son of Samsara. The innate inner spiritual power has been increased to one hundred.

Except for Long Haochen, the other five people present did not know this secret. A man with ninety-seven innate spiritual powers had already shocked them beyond measure. Then another inheritor of the Son of Samsara came out. For a moment, everyone's bodies couldn't help but tremble a little.

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