Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 216 Recovery! Cai'er's reincarnation

The Son of Light and the Saint of Reincarnation were mentioned by Chen Zidian just now! The other five finally understood why Chen Zidian chose their No. 1 sergeant-level demon hunting group and had such strong expectations for them.

Two geniuses who had not been seen for thousands of years were actually on their team. Although those six legendary powers are powerful, in terms of talent, they probably cannot compare with the two in front of them.

The Son of Light's physique has never appeared before, but the Son of Reincarnation has, but a Son of Reincarnation died together with the Demon God Emperor of that generation! Even though the Demon God Emperor at that time had entered a period of decline, he was still the Demon God Emperor.

The future development of these two demon hunting groups that come together can be imagined...

After a few minutes, it was Han Yu who reacted first, took a deep breath, and said: My grandfather is Han Qian, the paladin captain of the Knights Templar. Originally, my innate spiritual power was sixty-nine, but I became a retinue with my master. After the contract, due to the suppression and sharing of talents, the innate inner spiritual power increased to eighty, barely reaching the body blessed by God.

Is this okay? Sima Xian jumped up immediately. Then he rushed to Long Haochen, grabbed his hand and said: Boss, leader, do you still want to accept the knights? Count me in. What..., my innate spiritual power is also sixty-nine Ah..., it’s so cheating, it’s almost seventy!”

There is only a thin line between sixty-nine and seventy innate inner spiritual powers, but it has become the dividing line between the eighth and ninth levels of potential. With an innate spiritual power of over 70, as long as one grows smoothly and is willing to work hard, it is very possible to reach the ninth level. On the contrary, the effort required is multiplied and the chance of success is much smaller. Of course, all luck the day after tomorrow is also very important.

There are too few people with an innate spiritual power of over seventy, let alone eighty. If one's innate spiritual power is eighty, it is almost certain that one can break through to the ninth level. So it's no wonder Sima Xian was so excited.

Long Haochen smiled bitterly and said, Let's introduce ourselves first and then talk. There should be no problem.

Master, you already have two followers. If you add one more, I'm afraid... Han Yu said hurriedly to the side. He was not trying to trouble Sima Xian, but he first considered Long Haochen's situation.

Long Haochen shook his head at him and said: It's okay. I have no intention of controlling you. Moreover, my innate mental power is different from ordinary people, so recruiting one more follower is not a big problem.

After hearing what he said, Han Yu fell silent. Long Haochen was a son of light, and his situation really couldn't be measured by ordinary people's eyes.

Sima Xian was so excited that he almost jumped up. Being a follower to others is not a glorious thing, but it also depends on who the master is. Over the past few days, everyone has become more and more understanding of Long Haochen's character. Long Haochen, the light element elf who could bring huge benefits, could treat him with compassion, not to mention his friends like them. Didn't you see Han Yu's calm look?

I also introduce myself. I don't have a deep family background. My father is a berserker in the Warrior Temple, and my mother is a sixth-level archbishop in the Priest Temple. When I was very young, my father was fighting against the demons. He died in the battle. He was the hero of the Warrior Temple. My attributes followed my mother's light, but I also had my father's madness ability. This is an anomaly. My mother didn't want me to fight like my father. I was killed in the battlefield, so I wanted to train me to become a priest. However, I couldn't learn the priest's healing skills at all. On the contrary, I learned the combat skills very quickly. So this is the situation now. Because I didn't have any skills since I was a child. Famous teachers gave me guidance, and I figured it out all by myself, so my strength is a bit inferior to yours. However, I will definitely work hard in the future and strive to become a discipline priest.

Although what he said was simple, the talent of sixty-nine innate spiritual powers was extremely outstanding in the entire Temple Alliance. It is not easy to reach the peak of the fourth level at around the age of twenty just by exploring on your own, and now it has entered the fifth level.

Lin Xin said with a depressed look: Why am I not a light attribute? There is also such a good thing as talent suppression and sharing. My grandfather is the deputy master of the Magic Temple, the Holy Magister, and the leader of the Magic Corps Lin Chen. But he The old man doesn't like me very much. Sima and I are exactly the opposite. He can't learn healing magic, but I can't learn attacking magic. But in terms of potions and spiritual power training, my talent is pretty good. Innate spiritual power is seventy. Fourth, if I hadn’t learned attack magic, I would be a genius. However, even if I only had medicine, I would still be very powerful.”

What he said was very humorous, and everyone couldn't help laughing. However, Long Haochen vaguely saw that when Lin Xin said these words, there was a touch of sadness deep in his eyes. Long Haochen secretly thought that Lin Xin's inability to learn attack magic might not be as simple as Sima Xian's. However, Long Haochen would naturally not ask about the privacy of other people's pain.

Wang Yuanyuan said: It's my turn. I have no medicine, but I have strength. I am the inheritor of the bloodline of the Giant Spirit God, and our lineage is one of the leading forces in the Warrior Temple. My great-grandfather was once a ninth-level A berserk warrior who later died at the hands of the demons. My grandfather was the previous master of the Warrior Temple, also at level nine, and died at the hands of the fifth demon god of the demons. My father followed his grandfather and died on the battlefield. Now we are here Pulse, I am the only inheritor.

Listening to his words, everyone's expressions became solemn. Their great-grandfather, grandfather, and father all died at the hands of the demons. No wonder Wang Yuanyuan worked so hard in the battle with the demons. This is a blood feud! Although her expression was indifferent at this time, the murderous aura contained in her voice was not concealed.

I admire the seniors of Demon God's Fall. My goal in life is the same as theirs. I will fight with the demons to the end. Let me give you a vaccination first. I don't like men, let alone emotionally. There is no entanglement. There is no other goal except killing the demons.

When she said the latter sentence, she glanced at Sima Xian who was in excitement.

After listening to her words, Sima Xian was slightly startled. The excitement due to the talent suppression and sharing suddenly weakened a lot. He frowned slightly, but he quickly returned to normal.

Sister Yuan Yuan, it's okay if you don't like men. You still have me. I don't like men either. Chen Yinger said with a smile, You have all met my grandma, the deputy head of the Soul Temple and the head of the Spiritual Fantasy Hall. Spirit Emperor level summoner Sanshui. My grandfather is the master of the Soul Temple. They insisted on setting a marriage for me with Yang Wenzhao, so I ran out. Unexpectedly, I was lucky in the Demon Hunting Group selection competition, ranking first in the preliminary round. I summoned an eighth-level monster on the spot, but I was so scared that no one dared to confront me. You will know what happened next. Let me tell you secretly, Yang Wenzhao is the grandson of Alliance Leader Yang Haohan. You have also met Alliance Leader Yang Haohan, knight The Lord of the Temple, the current leader of our Temple Alliance, the owner of the Divine Seal Throne of Protection and Compassion, and the Divine Seal Knight of the Knights Temple’s defense and coordination.”

Although everyone had already guessed that Chen Ying'er had an unusual origin, they were still secretly surprised after hearing her words. The Soul Temple is the most mysterious of the six temples, and she is actually the grandson of the temple owner.

Lin Xin asked curiously: Then what's going on with your Gate of Creatures? It's an eighth-level summoning magic.

Chen Ying'er said helplessly: My innate spiritual power is quite strange. No magic props can detect the value. My grandfather said that I was born with a body of chaos. It is a very special situation. The body of chaos has many powers. There is strong uncertainty. It is difficult to learn any summoning magic before the seventh level. However, if you can grow to the seventh level and understand the secret of chaos, then you can instantly cast all summoning magic below the level. And you will definitely Breaking through the ninth level. He even has the ability to directly contact other planes. The body of chaos has appeared before. It is said that the demons are afraid of people with my physique. Therefore, once they find that the summoner with the body of chaos appears, they will definitely A large number of strong men were dispatched to sniper him. This is one of the reasons why my grandfather and grandma insisted on marrying me to Yang Wenzhao. Humph, they are not afraid. I don’t want Yang Wenzhao to protect me. I don’t want my grandfather and grandma to beg for help. Woolen cloth.

A physique that even demons have to worry about? Although I don't know what the demons are worried about, there is no doubt that this body of chaos is not much worse than the Son of Light and the Saint of Reincarnation. In this small team of seven, three extremely talented people have appeared.

After Chen Ying'er introduced herself, Wang Yuanyuan smiled bitterly and said: I think if we can survive until the day we have a title, it would be good to call us the Weird Demon Hunting Group...

Early the next morning, the leaders of the ten new demon hunting groups issued a gathering order, instructing all the new demon hunting group members to pack their bags and prepare to return to the Holy City.

The three-month trial mission ended early due to the retreat of the demon army. Overall, this trial was a success, with at least ten demon hunting groups intact. They have also made certain contributions to the Exorcism Pass. It has been fully affirmed by the Exorcist Pass military and the Assassin Temple.

Young people's time should not be wasted. Naturally, they cannot stay here any longer. The end of this trial also means that the real journey of these ten new demon hunting groups is about to begin. The fall of the demon god that has spanned the continent for three hundred years is their ultimate goal.

Holy Spirit Heart and Lan Yanyu personally sent ten new demon hunting groups out of the city. The carriages were ready and were about to set off.

Looking at her daughter standing next to Long Haochen, Lan Yanyu's beautiful eyes were already misty. Because after the husband used the rejuvenation furnace to rejuvenate his youth, he and his daughter finally eased their relationship, but they were about to separate again. As a mother, one can imagine the pain in her heart.

Holy Spirit Heart also stood there and looked at his daughter, his lips pursed tightly. He had recovered all his memories, and the few times his daughter came to see him, he remembered them deeply.

The rest of the No. 1 Soldier-level Demon Hunting Group had already followed Gao Yingjie into the car. Only Long Haochen and Cai'er were still standing here.

Uncle Sheng, Aunt Lan, please take care of yourself. Long Haochen bowed respectfully to Sheng Shengxin and Lan Yanyu. It's not a knight's bow, but a junior's bow.

Turning his eyes to the young man with whom he had lived and died, Holy Spirit Heart strode to him, opened his arms, and gave him a big hug.

Haochen, thank you.

These five simple words are completely emotional. The Holy Spirit's heart is very clear about the reason for her daughter's change. Without the child in front of her, it would be impossible for her daughter's heart to open up.

Although the time of real contact was short, Long Haochen had already conquered the Holy Spirit's heart with his actions. Such a kind and caring young man, who possesses the constitution of a Son of Light, is their daughter's partner. What else can they find fault with? Although they are still young, so what?

Sheng Shengxin firmly believed that Long Haochen would make every effort to protect his daughter no matter what time.

Lan Yanyu also followed Sheng Shengxin and came over. Sheng Shengxin gave Long Haochen a hug. Lan Yanyu looked deeply at her daughter. Her voice was trembling and choked, Cai'er, mom, mom. Can I give you a hug?”

Cai'er's face was still expressionless, but Long Haochen, who had a keen sense, could clearly detect that her body was trembling slightly at this time. Her emotions were obviously not as calm as her expression.

Yes. Cai'er agreed softly.

The next moment, tears welled up in Lan Yanyu's eyes. She stepped forward, hugged her daughter fiercely, and cried loudly.

At this moment, Cai'er felt as if something was broken in her heart, and the shackles that had been restricting her collapsed. An inexplicable energy surged up inside her body, and a series of black runes vaguely flashed on her forehead.


Under the shocked gazes of Long Haochen and Sheng Shengxin, the green bamboo stick in Cai'er's hand fell to the ground with a pop, and an invisible gray air flow suddenly left her body. Immediately afterwards, her lifeless eyes suddenly It turned into a deep black, and there seemed to be countless lights surging in it.

Cai'er was a little sluggish and allowed her mother to hold her. She slowly raised her hands and hugged her mother gently. The originally dark world is gradually becoming brighter, and various colors are becoming clear from blur.

Yes, at the moment she accepted her mother's hug, the last shackles of the reincarnation spiritual furnace that had been bothering her were finally lifted, and she finally possessed the power of the reincarnation spiritual furnace in a true sense. Meanwhile, her vision returned.

From this moment on, she is no longer a blind girl, but a true reincarnation saint who can choose why she loses her six senses.

The image around her was clear. Cai'er was hugged by her mother, so she could only see everything around her at this time. She saw him and her father. Just for a moment, Cai'er's eyes went crazy, and her originally cold eyes finally became moist.




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