Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 214 The Fall of the Demon God (Part 1)

I'm not sure whether it's Haoyue he's looking for.

After hearing Long Haochen's words, the expressions on the companions' faces became a little strange.

Chen Ying'er smiled weirdly and said: You guys think, should we look forward to Haoyue or not? If it is a monster that even the Demon God Emperor has to find personally, then what potential will it have in the future! Hehe.

Wang Yuanyuan nodded and said: What a pity! If Haoyue really is, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape the detection of the Demon God Emperor's consciousness. I guess not.

Long Haochen did not tell anyone about the changes in his body because it was Haoyue's secret.

Soon, they had returned to the barracks. The moment they pushed the door open, the others had no reaction, but both Long Haochen and Cai'er were shocked and subconsciously took half a step back without entering the barracks. .

It was not because they felt any changes in the barracks, but because subconsciously they suddenly felt a chill rising from the bottom of their hearts, as if the barracks in front of them had turned into an abyss that could swallow everything.

The others were not slow to react. When Long Haochen and Cai'er suddenly saw warning signs, the others immediately stepped forward, stepped back, and took pictures of their usual attack formations.

Come in, everyone. The Saint Moon Knight's deep voice sounded in the barracks, and Long Haochen breathed a sigh of relief. It turns out that the invisible danger came from my great-grandfather. But, why did he suddenly come to the barracks?

With doubts, everyone filed in.

Long Haochen immediately looked towards Haoyue sleeping in the corner.

Haoyue was still lying there, looking as if nothing had happened and she was still asleep. There were two people in the barracks. Apart from Sheng Yue, there was also a middle-aged man who looked to be in his thirties.

At this time, the middle-aged man was standing next to Haoyue, looking at it with narrowed eyes and a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

What was even more surprising was that Shengyue stood next to him with her hands down, looking very respectful.

Great-grandfather. When he saw Sheng Yue, Long Haochen hurried forward to salute, and others followed him to pay homage to the master of the Assassin Temple.

Shengyue waved her hands to them, indicating that they would wait a moment.

The middle-aged man slowly turned around, and his eyes fell directly on Long Haochen.

Facing each other, the first thing Long Haochen saw was a pair of vast eyes. Yes, he could only describe the eyes of this middle-aged man as vast. Those are a pair of blue eyes, looking at them, they are like the boundless ocean.

The appearance of this middle-aged man is not outstanding, even very ordinary. However, he just stood there, and the master of the Assassin Temple, the majestic ninth-level knight Sheng Yue, was as inconspicuous as his follower. More importantly, there was no powerful aura coming out of this middle-aged man, just like an ordinary middle-aged man.

This strange phenomenon made the seven members of the No. 1 Soldier-level Demon Hunting Group feel a little dazed, especially Long Haochen and Cai'er, who had the strongest senses. Long Haochen was surprised, while Cai'er frowned. She couldn't see it, but she felt that the person next to her great-grandfather could not be locked at all. It was like wind and light, everything was so pure.

Hello, young man with rank one. The middle-aged man just opened his mouth, and Long Haochen and the other seven people couldn't help but change their expressions at the same time.

Because, they had heard this voice before on the city top. It was the old voice that was confronting the Demon God Emperor head-on, with a hint of vicissitudes of life. It belonged to the Demon God's Fall Knight, who was armored in orange-red.

For a moment, Long Haochen and the other seven were all stunned. They never expected that such a big shot would come to their barracks.

The middle-aged man smiled slightly and said: It's surprising, isn't it? In fact, we came here this time for two purposes. One is because of the Demon God Emperor's strange behavior, and the other is for you.

Everyone felt that their brains were a little blank. The legendary human being in front of them actually said that he came for them?

Long Haochen couldn't help but said: Senior, what are you...

The middle-aged man smiled and said: Let me introduce myself first. My name is Chen Zidian. I am the leader of the Devil's Fall Demon Hunting Group and the Guardian Knight.

The three words Chen Zidian were unfamiliar to Long Haochen and the others, but when he added the three words Demon Hunting Group to the words Death of the Demon God. Long Haochen and the other seven people couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Those six powerful men just now, were they actually a demon hunting group?

Although Long Haochen and the others had always known that the Demon Hunting Group played an extremely important role in the Holy Alliance, only today did they truly understand the extent of the terror of the Demon Hunting Group. Fall of the Demon God, this is obviously the title of the demon hunting group. It is also the highest level demon hunting group. Such a highest level demon hunting group even has to worry about the Demon God Emperor. What an honor and strength this is!

For a moment, everyone who was originally a little discouraged because of the unparalleled power of the Demon God Emperor and these legendary powers, unknowingly, their eyes showed a bit of brilliance shining like flames. It turns out that the demon hunting group can be so powerful.

Looking at the changes in the expressions of these children, Chen Zidian said: Demon God's Fall was founded 312 years ago. At that time, we, like you, had the name of No. 1 Soldier. I still know I remember that that year, I was seventeen years old and became the leader of the No. 1 Demon Hunting Group. Three hundred and twelve years is really a long time! This year, I am already three hundred and twenty-nine years old. , We are no longer young. However, we are really not willing to die until the responsibility on our shoulders is relieved.

Human life will increase with the existence of spiritual power. Ten thousand spiritual powers can allow a professional to live for more than a hundred years without interference from external forces. Once the cultivation level reaches the ninth level, the spiritual power will Breaking through one hundred thousand. Two hundred years will be easily reached. But we are all over three hundred years old now. After all, human lifespan cannot last for thousands of years like the demons and demons. We have all reached the end of the years. At most, there are About five years to live.”

The members of the No. 1 Soldier-level Demon Hunting Group listened quietly to what this legendary powerful man said. He spoke very plainly, as if he was describing an ordinary thing, but the eyes of the seven of them, including Cai'er and Long Haochen, showed deep reverence.

The three hundred and twelve years of the Demon Hunting Group's career also means that Demon God's Fall has been fighting against the demons for three hundred and twelve years. What an achievement, and what a sacrifice. They devoted their entire lives for the sake of all mankind!

Chen Zidian said: Over the years, we have been observing the growth of future generations, but unfortunately, we have never found anyone who can take over our tasks. Over the past three hundred years, there have been people with amazing talents and beauty, but there has not been one who is good enough. Excellent team. You must be Long Haochen.

Chen Zidian's eyes fell on Long Haochen.

Yes, senior. Long Haochen saluted respectfully.

Chen Zidian nodded and said: Originally, your father was a very good candidate. Unfortunately, he had some flaws in his character. He was too self-willed and his pattern was too small. He focused entirely on improving his personal abilities. .Although he is strong enough, he cannot be an excellent team leader.

Among the seven members of the No. 1 Demon Hunting Group, they rarely talked about their families. Long Haochen himself was only familiar with Cai'er and Han Yu. As for the origins of his other partners, he was not very clear. Among everyone, Cai'er was the only one who knew the location of Long Haochen's family school. Even Han Yu only vaguely knew about it.

At this time, when they heard that Chen Zidian, the legendary master, recognized the strength of Long Haochen's father and gave him a four-word comment that he was powerful enough, the faces of the members of the No. 1 Demon Hunting Group were very exciting.

You know, Long Haochen is only a teenager, so how old is his father? The person who can be evaluated as powerful by the legendary power is probably a ninth-level powerhouse. The ninth-level powerhouse of the Knights Temple...

The members of the No. 1 Demon Hunting Group were not ordinary people. With Chen Zidian's simple words, they vaguely guessed who Long Haochen's father was. For a moment, everyone couldn't help but look at each other, but their hearts became hot.

As a son of a man, Long Haochen naturally couldn't comment on his father and just listened to Chen Zidian's story. But he won't refute it. The legendary power in front of him has devoted more than three hundred years to the alliance. How could his evaluation be unfair?

Chen Zidian's deep gaze suddenly became intense, and the pure and clear light gave Long Haochen a tremor from the depths of his soul.

Heroes are born in destiny. God has his own will. I met Xingyu a few years ago, and he told me about your situation. For this reason, I deliberately paid attention to your performance in the selection competition of the Demon Hunting Group not long ago. Performance. Very good. You are all outstanding young people. You all have a glorious heritage. The young people in your generation are all very good, but there is no doubt that you have the most potential. I hope that one day, You can lead your team and take over our tasks.

When Chen Zidian said these words, his voice was very sincere. For the seven members of the No. 1 Soldier-level Demon Hunting Group, their moods at this time were like ignited fireworks, bursting out with intense light and flame. Even Cai'er's face showed a bit of excitement.

A true team must trust each other. There must be no barriers. The first thing you must do is to understand each other well. This is not to show off yourself, but to let your companions know your true strength and potential. In this way, we can avoid any detours in the development of the team.


I feel a little tired these days, I will adjust slowly by myself. This episode is coming to an end. Next, Xiaolong's first official mission is about to begin. The third child will organize his thoughts and write a better plot to repay everyone's support. I would also like to thank Brother Bao for his generous gift. thanks very much.

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