Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 213 Demon God Emperor (Part 2)


Haoyue's three heads have opened their eyes at some point, and the aura on its body has converged to the extreme. Xiaohuo and Xiaoqing are prostrate, while Xiaoguang is raising his head. A golden halo comes from its head. The light emitted from his eyes was exactly the same as Long Haochen's.

Not only that, the scales on Haoyue's body all glowed with a layer of gold, as if the entire body had changed color.

If Long Haochen were here, then he would definitely be able to guess that Haoyue was using the bloodline belonging to Long Haochen in her body to hide her aura.

It is no longer completely an existence from another world. When it first came to this world, it had been baptized by Long Haochen's blood full of light. The blood of the Son of Light has become the essence of its blood. Part of it, at this time, it cleverly stimulated this part of the bloodline aura and temporarily transformed it into its own aura, while its original aura was completely hidden inside.

The Demon God Emperor was floating quietly in mid-air. Gradually, a strange color suddenly flashed across his eyes, and he glanced towards the head of the Exorcist Pass.

Half an hour has passed. Whether it is demons or humans, this half hour is not easy. One side is ready to attack at any time, while the other side is ready to fight to the end. They are all quietly waiting for the results to appear.

Finally, the black sky above the Exorcist Gate slowly retracted, and the Demon God Emperor waved his long sleeves on both sides of his body, It seems that my news is wrong.

The six human experts on the other side were surprised to find that they actually saw a sense of relief and relaxation in the Demon God Emperor's eyes. The six people couldn't help but be secretly surprised. What important thing was the Demon God Emperor looking for? Even a being like him would be nervous about it. Not only did he come in person, but he also wanted to seize it at all costs.

The knight in orange armor said calmly: In that case, please honor your previous promise.

Demon God Emperor Fengxiu nodded slightly, and he suddenly smiled. A faint smile appeared on his delicate and pale face, which looked strange but full of special charm.

Actually, I really want to know, how long can you six live, and how long can you stop me? This world will belong to us sooner or later. In fact, you don't need to worry. I don't want to kill humans anymore. .After all, there are many things that humans can possess that we demons also need. For example, knowledge.”

The knight's face was covered by a helmet, and his expression couldn't be seen. His voice seemed to become more indifferent, This is not a concern for your majesty. However, your majesty must also be careful and don't give us an opportunity to take advantage of it. . Our Demon God's Fall has harvested the lives of thirty-nine Demon Gods in the past three hundred years. If your Majesty can be the fortieth, then our life will undoubtedly be perfect.

The Demon God Emperor suddenly smiled brightly, Actually, I don't want you to die. In this world, if there are no opponents, wouldn't life be boring? I might as well tell you that, in fact, you and I will die together. The chance is only 5%. This is because I am the third Demon God Emperor in history to break through one million spiritual powers. He is also the youngest to break through one million spiritual powers. How can the realm after one million be beyond your reach? Yes? Let’s go.”

The Demon God Emperor smiled indifferently, and his evil smile was enough to stay in everyone's mind. The next moment, he, wearing a gorgeous black robe, had turned around and disappeared into the huge black-gold light and shadow. All the darkness in the sky disappeared like ice and snow. The invisible demon army reappeared and slowly evacuated from both sides in an orderly manner. Everything seemed orderly and unhurried.

The six human beings were suspended quietly in mid-air motionless, just watching the black gold color gradually disappear.

This time, the demons disappeared completely. Not only did the Demon God Emperor leave, but even the demon army that attacked the exorcism pass retreated like the tide. Their tents had already disappeared. It was obvious that they had made up their mind to go all out. Attack by force or retreat.

Watching the demon army gradually move away, many people on the city felt like they were about to collapse.

Even if they faced the demons in a bloody battle to the end, they might not be so weak. However, in that short period of time just now, the pressure on their hearts brought by the Demon God Emperor was too strong.

Six seniors, the demons have retreated. Please go to the Exorcist City to rest. The Holy Moon Knight respectfully saluted the six powerful men suspended in front of the city.

The six people turned around slowly, but did not ascend to the top of the city.

These six people were obviously headed by a knight. The knight said calmly: No need. We still have to follow the Demon God Emperor to prevent him from playing tricks. I heard that the new demon hunting group is undergoing a trial at the Exorcism Pass?

Yes. Shengyue replied quickly. He is also at the ninth level, but he has great respect for these great masters and strictly follows the etiquette of disciples.

Shengyue, you are like this... The knight's old voice suddenly disappeared, but Shengyue on the opposite side nodded repeatedly.

After a moment, the six figures turned into six streams of light, rising into the sky like shocking red, and disappeared in an instant.

Sheng Yue knelt down on one knee in front of the city tower and said loudly: Farewell to the Demon God.

There was no need for anyone to direct them. All the soldiers on the city knelt down on one knee and shouted loudly: Farewell to the Demon God. They all knew very well that if it hadn't been for the appearance of these six powerful human beings, they would probably have died today. I will stay in the exorcism barrier forever.

Demon clan.

Fengxiu was floating quietly in mid-air. At this time, there was no huge demon pillar around him as a background. He really looked like a human being. But the luxurious black robe exudes a supreme majesty that cannot be offended.

An Luoxian, Sai Gong, and Xi'er, the three demon gods stood beside him with hands hanging down. The bodies of these three demon gods were trembling a little, which showed that they were not calm at this time, and were even afraid.

Your Majesty, I, we really felt his aura. That's why..., please forgive me, Your Majesty. An Luoxian was the highest ranked among the three demon gods after all, so he said bravely.

Fengxiu said calmly: Are you absolutely sure?

I... An Luo didn't dare to say anything anymore. Even if he was absolutely sure, how could he say it now? What's more, he only had preliminary feelings.

Those six annoying guys did not hinder my exploration. Every inch of the land in the Exorcist Pass is covered by my consciousness. But there is no breath of Austin Griffin.

The three demon gods looked at Fengxiu's indifferent eyes, and they all knelt down in the air and crawled down, not daring to make any more excuses.

Forget it. You did the right thing. If it is really his aura, even if you are only 100% sure, you should inform me as soon as possible. Although this trip was in vain, you can finally feel at ease. Fengxiu waved his hand, and an invisible air flow lifted An Luo and the other three people up.

A faint smile appeared on Fengxiu's face, and paired with his black hair, it actually gave people a sense of trance, and it was impossible to tell whether he was a boy or a girl.

It's really interesting. Although I didn't find him this time, I did find another interesting little guy. It seems that my second heir has been found.

Although the three demon gods were a little confused after hearing his words, they did not dare to answer. Among the demons, the hierarchy is extremely clear. Even if they are all seventy-two demon gods, their rankings are different, and their strength is very different. If Fengxiu wanted to kill the three of them, it would be no more difficult than crushing an ant. What's more, the Demon God Emperor is the totem of the Demon Clan, he is everything to the Demon Clan, and his words are the rules of the Demon Clan.

Let's go. Wait a few years before looking for this interesting little guy. Although the six annoying guys blocked me again this time, it also exposed their increasingly weakened vitality. How long can they persist? What? Five years or ten years? Humanity will eventually become a tribe under my feet.

Stepping into the void, the sky suddenly darkened, and the shadow of the huge black dragon that covered the sky flickered for an instant. The next moment, His Majesty the Demon God Emperor had disappeared out of thin air.

The members of the No. 1 Soldier-level Demon Hunting Group were on their way back to the barracks just like the other demon hunting groups.

Lin Xin patted his chest as he walked, It really scared me to death just now. That's the Demon God Emperor, it's so terrifying. Is that really a level that we humans can reach? Did you hear that, with a million spiritual powers, he He said that he has reached one million spiritual powers! What is the concept of this? I heard that after the ninth level, not only the total spiritual power is high, but what is even more terrifying is that every time they attack, they can reach the upper limit of their spiritual power. . And after one blow, his spiritual power can instantly return to its peak, and the next blow will still be the upper limit of spiritual power. Doesn’t the Demon God Emperor, who has millions of spiritual powers, have an attack power of one million spiritual powers? ?”

Okay, stop talking. If you keep talking, it will destroy all our confidence. Sima Xian said angrily.

Originally, he had been very excited recently, finally breaking through to the fifth level. But having just witnessed the strength of a truly powerful person, I suddenly felt that I was no different from an ant.

Wang Yuanyuan murmured: I'm glad that what the Demon God Emperor is looking for is not Haoyue. A three-headed monster, I thought...

Hearing what she said, everyone except Cai'er's eyes fell on Long Haochen. After leaving the city, Long Haochen remained silent. They all knew that if the target of the Demon God Emperor was really Haoyue, given Long Haochen's character, even if he and the Demon God Emperor were vastly different, he would still fight to the death.

Feeling the gazes of his companions, Long Haochen sighed, I'm not sure whether what he is looking for is Haoyue.

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