Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 212 Demon God Emperor (Part 2)

Among these six rays of light, two are golden, one is blue-violet, one is milky white, one is cyan and one is red. Six rays of light reflected each other in the sky, although they were far less terrifying than the Demon God Emperor's Demon God Pillar. But when these six rays of light rose into the sky. The strong psychological pressure faced by the Exorcist Pass at the head of the city disappeared instantly. On the top of the city, everyone was breathing heavily.

I don't know when, there were six more people below the Exorcism Pass. At this time, these six people were slowly rising into the air driven by their own light. Facing the Demon God Emperor from a distance.

Seeing their appearance, the Demon God Emperor couldn't play the numbers game anymore, and his face became a little gloomier.

You old guys are really lingering. Do you think this emperor really doesn't dare to kill you? the Demon God Emperor said coldly.

The old voice from before sounded again, Of course your Majesty dares. Your Majesty is the most powerful person in the world, so why wouldn't you dare? However, when it comes to age, we are far inferior to Your Majesty. This old guy can't be taken care of. Sorry.

At this time, the figures of these six people had flown above the city. The overwhelming spiritual pressure of the Demon God Emperor was completely blocked by them, and the soldiers of the Exorcist Pass on the city could see their appearance clearly.

A knight in dazzling orange armor is at the front. This knight is tall and burly, and his whole body, including his head, is covered in armor. The left hand is a giant orange shield, and the right hand is a giant sword that exudes the radiance of the rising sun. There are nine groups of rays of light shining on the sword, which are as dazzling as nine small suns.

The most shocking thing is the mount under him, which is a real red dragon. The body of this red dragon is more than fifty meters long, and the body is surrounded by a sticky red light of the fire element. What is even more strange is that the aura of this red dragon is actually integrated with the knight wearing orange armor.

Next to the knight is a warrior who is even more majestic than him. This warrior is wearing a blue-purple armor that also covers his whole body. His height is probably more than two and a half meters tall, and his shoulders are extremely broad, even with the armor. The barrier can also make people feel his terrifying power that seems to be able to tear the world apart at any time.

His weapons are very strange, with a blood-red giant ax in his left hand and a blue-purple giant hammer in his right hand. If someone could describe the feeling of looking at him, then the word tough would be the most suitable word.

On the other side of the knight, there is a touch of erratic black. He is as elusive as a black smoke cloud, and his true form cannot be seen clearly, but that touch of coldness is particularly sharp, and the light beam brought by that touch of black All around, tiny black cracks appeared in the air.

These six people are three in front and three in back, and the three people in the back row are all women. This can be seen from their clothes, but they are all wearing magic cloaks and cannot see their appearance.

One of them was wearing a pure white robe, with a golden twelve-winged angel pattern on the back of the robe.

The winner's robe, this is the saint's robe that represents the highest status of the priest! Today's pope is just dressed like this. Compared with the saint in front of him, he can only wear a papal crown and a scepter.

In the hand of this saint, she holds a huge staff three meters long. It looks like the staff in her hand is a tree branch, but it is a tree branch as white as jade, and there are hangings on the tree branch. Holding two pale golden fruits.

To the left of the saint, there is a woman wearing a golden robe. Around the golden robe, extremely rich light elements rise. The light from her body alone illuminates the entire exorcism level. But what is surprising is that the golden light emanating from her body is not dazzling. It dispelled the fear in the general's heart and brought a warm and spring-like feeling to everyone.

The staff in her hand looked much more normal. It was also golden, with six fist-sized transparent gems on the top of the staff.

Although there are no obvious marks on her body, anyone can guess that she must be a powerful person at the ninth level of Dharma God!

On the other side of the saint, she was still a woman, but she was wearing a blue robe. Behind her, there was a faint blue light door looming. There were also light doors of different sizes around her body, emitting strange brilliance.

Psychic, a psychic who can communicate with countless planes. After reaching the ninth level of cultivation, he became the most mysterious and unpredictable top powerhouse among the six temples.

Those who rose up into the sky and confronted the Demon God Emperor in the air turned out to be six ninth-level ones. The exorcism pass, which had been suppressed and almost breathless, suddenly became more powerful.

The Holy Moon Knight was floating aside, with a look of uncertainty in his eyes, You, you are the fallen of the demon god. It turns out that the legend is true, and you are all still alive.

The psychic in blue robe turned to look at Shengyue and said with a smile: Young man, if we die, how can His Majesty the Demon God Emperor be so silent?

The Demon God Emperor snorted coldly, Are you determined to confront me head-on today?

The old voice came from the knight. He said calmly: Of course we don't want this. After all, we are not sure that we can kill His Majesty. But Your Majesty should also know that we are 20% sure that we can kill you. Your Majesty will die together, and there is a 30% certainty of severely injuring Your Majesty. If Your Majesty is determined to destroy me, I, the human race, have thousands of years of savings and do not mind starting a holy war with the demons. You demons may not be able to obtain the final victory. victory.

Twenty percent sure that he will die together with the Demon God Emperor? This sentence sounded like a sign of weakness to the enemy, but it was shocking to the ears of the soldiers at Exorcism Pass.

What kind of existence is the Demon God Emperor? He was invincible and invincible. These six strong human beings in front of him actually had the opportunity to die with him. What kind of cultivation is this!

The Demon God Emperor suddenly fell silent for a moment, and there was a trace of thinking on his handsome and charming face. From this alone, it could be seen that he was also wary of the six people in front of him. Twenty percent die together is not just talk. Once he suddenly falls, the blow to the demon clan will be unparalleled.

In the past thousand years, the six human temples have developed rapidly, and it has been difficult for the demons to take advantage in the war with humans. In particular, humans have a large number of magic weapons, which can do a lot of damage to demons.

On the plains, although humans are still unable to compete with the demons, once humans make a desperate attack regardless of the consequences and compete with each other in terms of their background, the demons may not be able to take advantage. Moreover, the Demon Clan is highly centralized. Once the Demon God Emperor dies, the Demon Clan will be in disarray until a new generation of Demon God Emperor grows up.

The Demon God Emperor had to take these situations into consideration. Even if his opponent only had a 10% chance, he could not take risks easily.

Okay, we have known each other for many years, so I will give you six some face. I want to use my spiritual consciousness to search the exorcism gate, and you are not allowed to stop me. If I don't find what I want, I will turn around and leave. If I find it, I will leave. , if you hand it over, I don’t have to attack. Otherwise, even if I have to pay some price, I will burn this place to the ground today.”

The Demon God Emperor's voice was very calm, with a bit of coldness, but when he heard it in the ears of the six powerful human beings, it was full of shock.

The Demon God Emperor is afraid of them, but they are ten times more afraid of the Demon God Emperor. Among humans, they are the only ones who can currently restrain the Demon God Emperor. Once they fall at the Exorcism Pass and the Demon God Emperor is not severely damaged, then with this invincible being commanding the demon army, no human pass will be able to stop the demons from advancing straight in. It's really a lose-lose situation, and neither humans nor demons want to see it. That was an endless battle to annihilate the entire clan!

The six strong human beings were silent at the same time. A layer of pale golden light spread from the knight, covering the six of them, as if they were discussing something.

After a moment, the leading knight said in a deep voice: Okay, Your Majesty, please search. We will never interfere.

They didn't know what the Demon God Emperor was looking for. If there was indeed what he was looking for in the Exorcist Pass, then it would be too late for him to find it out before deciding whether to hand it over. On the other hand, if the Demon God Emperor is not found, the immediate crisis will naturally be resolved.

No one among humans knows the Demon God Emperor better than them. This demon emperor at least still has credibility. That is his dignity and cannot be violated.

The Demon God Emperor snorted coldly, and the next moment, the blackness in the sky spread instantly. The entire sky above the Exorcist Gate had become pitch black, and an invisible spiritual wave fell like a drizzle from the sky on every person in the Exorcist Gate. In the corner.

Long Haochen felt as if he had fallen into the vast ocean for an instant. It seemed that this huge mental power was only aimed at him. In that vast and huge energy, he was almost invisible.

Everyone had thoughts similar to Long Haochen's, and their faces were all pale. What terrifying mental power it took to reach such a level!

Suddenly, Long Haochen felt a heat in his body, and then, his three thousand points of spiritual power suddenly poured out, quietly following a special trajectory, and lines of light faintly lit up on his forehead, but this time Not purple, but a hint of gold.

The attention of the people around him was focused on the Demon God Emperor and the six human powerful men. Naturally, no one noticed these slight changes in Long Haochen's body. But Long Haochen's expression changed drastically. He could feel that it was Haoyue who borrowed his power.

Thinking of the three-headed monster that the Demon God Emperor was looking for, Long Haochen was secretly shocked. Could it be that the ruler of the Demon Clan was really looking for Haoyue?


Why is the Demon God Emperor looking for Haoyue? This one is more difficult to guess. hey-hey. I guess it will take a long time before I can tell you.

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