Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2881 The Tenth Prince of the Dayan Immortal Dynasty, Yu Huatian

Originally, my young lady Su Jinli is a beautiful person.

If an ordinary man matches with her, they will all be inferior and feel that they are not worthy.

But Jun Xiaoyao, no matter his appearance and temperament, is impeccable.

Walking side by side with Su Jinli, it is really like a perfect match made in heaven, and it is simply a perfect match.

Could it be that my young lady escaped before to find a Taoist partner?

Although Su Yong thought so in his heart, he was also very tactful and did not ask anything more.

He just smiled and welcomed the two in.

"Miss Jinli came at a really good time today."

"Soon, there will be the most exciting duel competition." Su Yong said with a smile.

"Mr. Jun, are you interested?"

Su Jinli turned her eyes to Jun Xiaoyao.

In fact, she had no interest in this kind of duel of fighting and killing.

But she was also here to accompany Jun Xiaoyao.

"It's not a bad idea." Jun Xiaoyao said indifferently.

Next, Su Yong led the two to the deepest part of the Xuanxing Arena, the most vast and magnificent venue.

It is rumored that this ancient battle arena was dug out from a forbidden area and moved here.

It is engraved with various ancient and vague divine patterns, and deposited with dark red blood.

What's more magical is that it is said that fighting in this ancient battle arena will stimulate people's ferocity, hostility, and potential.

It is just right for this kind of life-and-death duel.

It will bring a stimulating viewing experience to the audience.

Therefore, this ancient battle arena is rarely open, and the seat price is also very expensive.

Today, it is open because of a high-quality duel.

Jun Xiaoyao and Su Jinli sat in a gorgeous pavilion box closest to the ancient battle arena.

This was specially selected by Su Yong, engraved with many formations, isolated from the outside world's noise and prying.

In the box, there is incense burning with ten thousand years of agarwood, and the fragrance is curling.

There are various delicacies and snacks on the jade table.

There are also chairs made of luxurious ancient animal skins, sandalwood and other ancient wood.

The two sat down.

Su Jinli habitually rubbed off her jade boots with her feet.

She lifted up a pair of small feet wrapped in snow silk stockings, with a soft arch curve and a moderate slenderness.

As a rich lady, even Su Jinli's socks are magic tools, and they will not smell even if they are worn all the time, but instead have a fresh and original smell.

But suddenly, Su Jinli paused.

She just realized that she was not the only one now.

"Hehehe... that..."

Su Jinli laughed awkwardly, put away her feet, and adjusted the hem of her skirt with a little embarrassment.

Although she was born with a fairy-like appearance, her behavior was a bit careless.

In this world, it seems a bit rude for a girl to lift her feet casually, especially in front of a man.

"Hehe... Miss Su is really casual and natural, different from other women."

Jun Xiaoyao smiled indifferently, not caring, picked up a cup of tea on the table, and took a sip.

Hmm, it smells a bit fragrant.

Su Jinli was also embarrassed.

Fortunately, she hadn't habitually picked her feet, otherwise it would be so embarrassing to be seen by Jun Xiaoyao...

At the same time.

The many seats around this ancient battle stage were gradually filled with people.

Although the admission ticket was expensive, if the bet was successful, the reward was also very generous.

Just when the venue was bustling with noise.

Suddenly, the crowd around was silent.

Because a group of people came across the sky.

Each of them was dressed gorgeously and had a noble meaning.

There were also soldiers in golden armor following behind.

And the young man in the lead attracted many eyes.

The young man had a handsome face, wore a golden imperial robe, and had an extraordinary temperament.

"It's the tenth prince of the Dayan Immortal Dynasty, Yu Huatian!"

Many cultivators around were surprised and amazed when they saw this man.

In the vast starry sky, although there are thousands of races.

But there are not only major races.

There are also various immortal dynasties, ancient countries, sects, and holy places.

Some of the truly top-level existences are so powerful that they are unimaginable.

This Dayan Immortal Dynasty is one of them.

It controls many great realms, has vast territories, and its sphere of influence is so wide that it is unimaginable.

And now, the tenth prince Yu Huatian who has descended here.

He is the emperor of the Dayan Immortal Dynasty, the heir of the Emperor Yan.

He has been gifted since childhood, far surpassing his brothers and sisters.

And before, it was rumored that Yu Huatian broke through the barrier of an ancient forbidden area.

His cultivation is even more unimaginable.

In the future, he may be made the crown prince and succeed the Emperor Yan.

Such a noble identity will naturally attract many awe-inspiring eyes.

After all, it is very likely that this person is the future crown prince of the Immortal Dynasty, or even the future lord of the Immortal Dynasty who controls endless territories!

After Yu Huatian descended.

That Su Yong also appeared with a smile on his face.

Only true guests can let Su Yong come out to greet him in person.

And Yu Huatian, his current identity may be slightly inferior.

But his future prospects are limitless.

With Su Yong's tactful approach, he would naturally make friends with some extraordinary people in advance.

"Tenth Prince, let's go to the old place?" Su Yong said with a smile.

Yu Huatian nodded slightly: "Thank you for troubling Master Su."

Yu Huatian has been a frequent visitor to the Xuanxing Arena recently.

He often comes here to select some war slaves with outstanding talents.

Su Yong understands.

After all, as a prince of the Immortal Dynasty, he will naturally secretly cultivate some loyal subordinates, such as death warriors.

So Yu Huatian is also a big customer of Xuanxing Arena and has a separate private room.

Then, Yu Huatian and others were also led to the private room.

At the same time, Jun Xiaoyao.

He seemed to notice the figure outside and took a look.

He showed a hint of surprise.

"What's wrong?"

Su Jinli followed Jun Xiaoyao's gaze and noticed Yu Huatian.

"It seems to be the prince of Dayan Xian Dynasty. Is there anything worthy of Jun Gongzi's attention?"

Su Jinli said while cracking spiritual melon seeds.

Others don't know, but she knows how powerful Jun Xiaoyao is.

Even if the name of the genius of the tenth prince Yu Huatian spreads throughout the world.

But in her eyes, he is far from being comparable to Jun Xiaoyao, so he won't attract his attention.

"Nothing, just a little curious."

Jun Xiaoyao also shook his head slightly.

But a hint of deep meaning flashed in his eyes.

This tenth prince is a bit interesting...

And then, the duel officially began.

On both sides of the ancient battlefield, cages were pushed up, in which war slaves were imprisoned.

Their cultivation realm was actually at the Quasi-Emperor realm.

Although Quasi-Emperors were not considered giants in the vast starry sky, they also had status and position.

But in the Xuanxing Arena, they became war slaves.

In fact, the war slaves in the Xuanxing Arena were also looted from various places.

Some of them had their backers destroyed, some were hunted down by their enemies, in short, there were various reasons.

Naturally, some strong men could be looted from them.

Next, the war began, and this level of war was still very attractive.

Jun Xiaoyao looked indifferent.

With his current vision, let alone the battle of Quasi-Emperors.

Even if it was a fight between great emperors, in his eyes, it was just like this, and he could not arouse any interest.

In another private room, Yu Huatian was paying attention to the battlefield.

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