Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2882: Slave duel, Xuangui warriors, strange girl

"These two people are only as strong as this."

"There is nothing particularly outstanding about talent."

Yu Huatian murmured to himself.

Beside him, there is a beautiful maid, peeling spiritual fruits for him.

After the first game.

Next, there were several more competitions, which were also extremely fierce.

It sparked a heated betting frenzy among the crowd.

Xuanxing Arena, on the other hand, takes handling fees as rewards and makes a lot of money.

After that, a new competition begins.

Two more cages were pushed up.

One of the cages opened, revealing a giant man nearly nine feet tall.

The body is surrounded by dark markings, with a sinister aura.

Looking faintly, the dark markings seemed to outline a grimace.

Everyone present held their breath when they saw this giant man.

"Could this be a member of the Xuangui tribe?"

"That's right, it's the Xuangui Clan. I didn't expect that there are still members of this clan!"

"I remember that he had won hundreds of games in a row before. He was simply invincible!"

There was a shocking uproar.

The Xuangui clan was once a powerful clan in the vast starry sky.

Because of his bloodthirsty and cruel nature, he has caused many blood debts.

So in the end, a group of hostile forces attacked and destroyed it.

Now it is basically difficult to see traces of the Xuangui tribe.

And it is rare to see one in Xuanxing Arena.

"I'll give this Xuangui clan warrior five thousand fairy pills!"

"I bet 10,000 coins!"

There are many monks rushing to bet.

Because they think there is no need to compare.

The Xuangui tribe is cruel by nature, and their fighter skills are even more terrifying.

Previously, this Xuangui warrior had a record of winning hundreds of games in a row.

So pressing him is basically a sure win.

Although the rewards will be diluted if there are more people pressing, you can always get some benefits.

"I really don't know which unlucky guy will encounter a Xuangui warrior."

"Yeah, it's basically free."

"It's just delivering food..."

All the monks present could not help but shake their heads and show sympathy to the opponents of the Xuangui clan warriors.

Although in this ancient battle arena, life and death are inherently divided.

But if someone died in the hands of the Xuangui clan warriors, there would probably be no intact corpses.

"Xuangui tribe?"

In a private room.

Yu Huatian stood up slightly and looked away.

If you look carefully.

You can vaguely see that there are strands of black light in his eyes, flashing away.

"It's a candidate that can be considered." Yu Huatian murmured.

This side of the ancient battle platform.

The Xuangui clan warrior stepped forward, and his nine-foot figure looked like an iron tower, giving people an extremely oppressive feeling.

The evil spirit emitted was overwhelming.

The black-striped faces on his body seemed to be squirming slightly like living creatures.

Opposite him, the iron cage opened.

Everyone's eyes are focused on it.

Wanting to know which unlucky guy it was, he met a Xuangui warrior.

However, everyone was stunned at first glance.

Because the gap between that figure and the Xuangui warriors is too big.

That was actually a girl!

The girl was wearing shabby gray clothes and gray trousers.

The bare feet were also stained.

She is very thin and has dark skin.

The hair is faintly visible and originally seemed to be silver.

However, it had been stained with so much blood and stains that it had turned into a deep dark color.

His face was basically covered by messy hair.

The half of his face that was vaguely exposed was also covered in blood, and his original appearance could not be seen at all.

Only one pupil exposed between the intertwined hair was a strange vertical pupil, similar to that of a demon.

Everyone looked shocked when they saw this.

It’s okay to deliver food, but can it not be so obvious?

Does this still need to be fought?

It’s over!

Thinking of the many noises present, many people shook their heads.

He couldn't help but look at the girl with sympathy.

That girl seemed to be a newcomer to Xuanxing Arena.

The record seems to have been several wins in a row.

It's a pity that he was so unlucky that he collided with a Xuangui warrior who had won hundreds of games in a row, and there was no way to survive at all.

Many people are betting wildly on Xuangui warriors, although the rewards will be diluted and they will not be able to make big money.

But it would also be nice to have some soup.

In the box, the tenth prince Yu Huatian looked at the gray girl.

In his eyes, a ray of black light flashed again.


Yu Huatian showed an inexplicable expression.

Originally, he thought that the Xuangui clan warrior would be a good candidate.

Now it seems that it is not that simple.

"That girl..."

Dark light circulated deep in Yu Huatian's eyes, as if he was sensing something.

At the same time, Jun Xiaoyao is here.

His eyes also fell on the girl.

Just now, when the Xuangui Clan warriors appeared, Jun Xiaoyao didn't react at all, and he didn't even raise his eyelids.

But this girl made Jun Xiaoyao look away.

There was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

There is no need to say more about Jun Xiaoyao's spiritual perception.

Jun Xiaoyao can vaguely perceive many details that are difficult for ordinary people to notice.

"Who is that girl?" Jun Xiaoyao asked Su Jinli aside.

Su Jinli said: "Master Jun, are you interested?"

Jun Xiaoyao nodded slightly and said, "I do have some interest."

"Leave it to me. I can ask Su Yong to bring her over later." Su Jinli patted his chest and said.

She knew that Jun Xiaoyao's interest was not the kind of interest in women.

There must be something special about the girl.

And with Su Jinli's identity, asking Su Yong to send a war slave is just a matter of words?

Just when the whole venue was talking and noisy.

The Xuan Gui warrior also made a move directly.

In an instant, the fierce evil spirit was surging, erupting like a volcano.

This ancient battle platform seemed to be activated, with blood rising and phantoms like ghosts emerging.

The Xuan Gui warrior made a move and turned his palm into a claw.

The black claws tore through the void with the sound of ghosts howling.

And the girl also made a move.

What was surprising was that her speed was so fast that it was as if she could teleport.

For her, space seemed to be foldable.

Of course, many cultivators couldn't see clearly, but they felt that the girl seemed to have some kind of speed.

However, Jun Xiaoyao noticed it very carefully.

Because he controlled the Book of Space, his control and understanding of the Way of Space was much higher than that of others, and it was not at the same level at all.

He could see it.

It was not that the girl was too fast, as if she was teleporting.

But she was teleporting!

This girl seemed to have a special talent for space.

Just like the ancient beast of the void, she was naturally friendly to the Way of Space.


Jun Xiaoyao's eyes were full of interest.

The Way of Space is not a power that can be controlled casually.

The power of space is also one of the top powers.

Born with a natural affinity for the Way of Space, the identity and origin of this girl is obviously extraordinary.

Jun Xiaoyao wondered if this girl could bring him more surprises and accidents?

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