Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2880 Could it be the future son-in-law of the Su family? (Thanks to Wushan Nanshangjianan Tu

Jun Xiaoyao took a look.

An extremely magnificent ancient city was built on a silent ancient star.

There are many asteroid belts surrounding it.

The whole ancient city is extremely prosperous and magnificent.

Almost the entire ancient star is covered by this ancient city.

The towering walls are made of the remains of stars and are engraved with formations.

It shows a heavy, regular flashing, and pressure on the world.

And around the ancient city, there are densely packed, countless carriages, monks, and creatures of various races, coming and going.

Such prosperity makes Jun Xiaoyao's eyebrows slightly raised.

After coming to the vast starry sky.

It is the first time that Jun Xiaoyao has seen such a prosperous ancient city.

In the past, it is absolutely impossible for an ancient city of this scale to appear in Daozhen Realm, Tianyao Realm and other places.

At the same time, Jun Xiaoyao also felt a lot of obscure auras in it, and their strengths are not weak.

"How is it, it's still prosperous?" Su Jinli smiled.

"It's OK." Jun Xiaoyao said.

If it were an ordinary person, he would certainly sigh.

But Jun Xiaoyao is also a person who has seen the world.

"Hehe, actually this is not my Su family."

"It's just that my Su family has an industry in this Xuanxing Ancient City, so we temporarily settled here."

"I can also take Mr. Jun to visit." Su Jinli explained.

As a giant in the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce, the Su family controls many industries and trades, and its foundation is unimaginable.

And in this Xuanxing Ancient City, there is an industry under the Su family, called Xuanxing Arena.

The name of Xuanxing Ancient City also comes from this.

It can be seen that Xuanxing Arena is the controller behind this city.

In other words, the entire ancient city is the Su family's industry.

Jun Xiaoyao also nodded slightly.

This Su Jinli is really rich and noble, a little rich woman.

Su Jinli and Jun Xiaoyao entered Xuanxing Ancient City.

The ancient city is vast and boundless.

In terms of area alone, it occupies the entire ancient star, just like a vast and endless continent.

Among them, there are various ancient palaces, pavilions, suspended islands, and silver waterfalls.

The spiritual energy is dense and the fairy mist is faint.

At all times, there are countless creatures shuttling back and forth in it.

There is no shortage of various industries in the city.

Qiyuan gambling stones, trading markets, cultivation inns, etc.

Of course, if we talk about the most eye-catching industry in Xuanxing Ancient City.

It is naturally the Xuanxing Arena.

This is an industry under the Su family of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce, which has been operating for countless years.

In the Xuanxing Arena, there will be many war slaves dueling and fighting each other.

Among them are some fallen descendants of great sects, the pride of powerful races, etc.

Many forces like to come to the Xuanxing Arena and select those war slaves with high winning rates and talents as servants.

And the Xuanxing Arena is even open to gambling.

If the party that bets on the duel wins, it can get extremely generous rewards.

Therefore, the Xuanxing Arena has been bustling and prosperous until now.

And now, in the ancient city of Xuanxing, many people are discussing and communicating.

"Have you heard that the Xuanxing Arena will be extremely exciting today."

"I also heard that the war slaves participating in this battle have won dozens or even hundreds of games in a row!"

The death rate of the war slaves in the Xuanxing Arena is very high.

Because not only do they have to fight against the major races, but sometimes they also have to fight some fierce beasts and monsters.

So the loss rate is particularly high.

In a place like the Xuanxing Arena, there is no such thing as injury.

There is only life or death.

Those who can survive are rare.

And those who appeared today are all war slaves who have won many games in a row.

So it is naturally very exciting.

"But the admission fee is not low. Just to watch this battle, you need hundreds of immortal pills."

"I also heard that a distinguished guest will come to the Xuanxing Arena today to select followers."

"Maybe he will select people from these powerful war slaves."

"I also heard that the distinguished guest is the tenth prince of the Dayan Immortal Dynasty..."

The Xuanxing Ancient City is more lively than usual.

Many people come here because of the Xuanxing Arena.

In the center of the Xuanxing Ancient City, there is an extremely vast area with various majestic buildings.

There are also round arenas similar to the Colosseum, with towering pavilions around them, and many monks standing to watch the battle.

This is the location of the Xuanxing Arena.

The buildings are lined up one after another, as if it is a city within a city, and it is extremely prosperous.

And outside the Xuanxing Arena.

Jun Xiaoyao and Su Jinli appeared and landed here.

"Is this the Xuanxing Arena? It's quite lively."

Jun Xiaoyao looked around.

"Let's go in." Su Jinli said.

They entered the Xuanxing Arena, and in front of the grand gate, there were cultivators from the Xuanxing Arena smiling and welcoming them.

Su Jinli didn't say anything, and directly took out a golden token.

The cultivator took a look and his eyes were immediately shaken.

That was a token that only the most core members of the Su family could have.

With his identity, he naturally didn't know Su Jinli.

But this didn't prevent him from knowing the Su family's golden token.

"Miss, and Mr., please!"

The cultivator was not stupid, and it was impossible for him to ask Su Jinli for any entrance fee.

He directly invited him in.

And then it was only a moment.

There was a middle-aged man with a big belly and luxurious clothes, who hurried over.

"It turned out that Miss Jinli had come to visit us. It really made our Xuanxing Arena shine!"

"I am the head of Xuanxing Arena, Su Yong."

This middle-aged man named Su Yong was a member of the Su family's collateral branch.

Because of his extraordinary ability and good manners, he became the head of Xuanxing Arena.

In the Su family, as long as you have outstanding ability, you can get a good status.

But the collateral branch is a collateral branch after all.

Su Jinli is the absolute core of the direct line, the real eldest lady.

He naturally did not dare to neglect her.

"Head Su Yong, there is no need to do so. We are just here to rest temporarily and take a look." Su Jinli waved his hand.

"That's naturally no problem, but before, people from the main family came to me and asked me if there was any news about Miss Jinli."

"I didn't expect Miss Jinli to come so soon." Su Yong also said with a smile.

"I just came out to relax. I will go back when I have enough fun. They don't have to come to me." Su Jinli snorted.

"That's right, that's right..." Su Yong also smiled.

He had also heard of the name of this eldest daughter of the direct lineage.

She was very extraordinary in doing things, doing whatever she wanted, and not paying attention to details.

Although she had a fairy-like appearance, her various behaviors were completely unrelated to fairies and goddesses.

"By the way, this young man is..."

Su Yong turned his gaze to Jun Xiaoyao.

There was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Su Yong was definitely a well-mannered person, and he had a lot of experience in dealing with people.

Otherwise, he would not have such a status now.

And Jun Xiaoyao, at a glance, people don't even need to guess, they know that he is an extraordinary person.

"Could it be... the future son-in-law of the Su family?" Su Yong thought to himself.

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