Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2768: See Yuan Che, how about marrying me?

In the next few days, there was no news about Jun Xiaoyao's return from the Boundary Sea.

Jun Xiaoyao is also temporarily taking a break from his busy schedule.

Because he knew that there would be many things coming next. Jun Xiaoyao is accompanying Jiang Rou, and Jun Zhantian is waiting for his relatives. Also accompanying Jiang Shengyi and Jiang Luoli.

This is a rare leisure time.

And because Jun Xiaoyao has plans, he has not revealed any news about his return for the time being. Therefore, he has not seen many old friends for the time being.

I haven’t gone to the Emperor’s Court for the time being.

Of course, there are also some characters, such as the Immortal Lord of Reincarnation who sent him to the Boundary Sea.

She has also returned to the reincarnation sea.

All in all, not many people knew that Jun Xiaoyao was back.

But then, a person came to Jun's house and met Jun Xiaoyao secretly. Inside Jun's house, there is a quiet fairy mountain pavilion.

Stone table, stone chair. The fragrance of tea lingers.

Jun Xiaoyao sat and looked at the stunning girl opposite.

Noble, holy, and elegant, it seems to be a collection of all elegance.

But she doesn't have the air of a condescending queen, instead she has a natural girlish temperament.

Jun Xiaoyao smiled and said: "Yuan Che, it's been a long time seeing you."

This stunning girl is naturally the princess of the Ancient Immortal Courtyard, Yuan Che.

"I knew Xiaoyao that you wouldn't take the initiative to come to me, so I took the initiative to come to you."

Staring at the person he hadn't seen for a long time, he looked at the handsome figure in white. Yuan Che's beautiful face showed a smile.

"How did you know I was back?" Jun Xiaoyao asked.

"I have already told the senior management of the Jun family that if you come back, no matter what happens, you must notify me as soon as possible."

Yuan Cheyu rested her chin on her hands and leaned on the stone table with her arms, looking at Jun Xiaoyao like this.

At this moment, she looked nothing like a princess from the Imperial Ancient Immortal Court.

But just a girl looking at her sweetheart.

If it were anyone else making such a request, the Jun family would naturally ignore it. But Yuan Che's identity lies here after all.

Plus her relationship with Jun Xiaoyao, so naturally there is no problem. Jun Xiaoyao smiled, this was really a good time to catch him.

"It seems that it is indeed true. It was Xiaoyao who triggered the Emperor Ranking of All Worlds before." Feeling Jun Xiaoyao's bottomless aura, there was also light in Yuan Che's glass-like eyes.

With a sense of adoration. As expected of her sweetheart.

"Yuan Che, your breath cultivation is also extraordinary." Jun Xiaoyao also looked at Yuan Che.

It is no exaggeration to say that Yuan Che is also a top match.

She herself is the daughter of Emperor Donghua and of the bloodline of the Mythical Emperor. He also possesses Fuxi's holy body and Wahuang's holy body, a double emperor's physique. 33

It can be said that Yuan Che's talents, qualifications and cultivation are also the top existence in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm.

She is also the most promising and the fastest to break through to the quasi-emperor realm.

"Compared with Xiaoyao, you are still far behind." Yuan Che sighed. Although she is very confident in her cultivation qualifications.

But no matter what, Jun Xiaoyao is a big pervert.

Anyone who compares with him will pale in comparison. Such a person is definitely a nightmare to be an opponent.

But if it's your own man, then it'll be fine.

Jun Xiaoyao looked at Yuan Che's flawless girl's face: "By the way, I forgot to say thank you."

"Thank me for what?" Yuan Che blinked, his butterfly-wing eyelashes fluttering. "What you give in times of darkness and turmoil."

"Of course, there are also Ling Yuan and Tiannu Yuan."

Yuan Che, Ling Yuan, and Tiannu Yuan are all entangled with him.

If we start from Tiannu Kite, the story starts very early. However, Yuan Che was very helpful to him in times of darkness and turmoil.

Not only did it awaken the power of Gu Xianting. He also summoned the true spirit of Emperor Donghua.

It can be said that without Yuan Che's help.

Dark turmoil, there may be more twists and turns and sacrifices. Hearing Jun Xiaoyao's words, Yuan Che's eyes flashed.

It seemed like there was more than just herself.

There are also Tiannu Yuan and Ling Yuan, who seem to be looking at Jun Xiaoyao through these eyes, with longing for them.

Then, Yuan Che suddenly said: "Since Xiaoyao thanks me, shouldn't you take some action or expression?"

At this moment, Yuan Che showed a hint of girlish cunning. "As long as I can satisfy it." Jun Xiaoyao said. "How about marrying me?" Yuan Che asked.

Jun Xiaoyao's expression paused.

Yuan Che continued: "And there is no need for a betrothal gift, or even a dowry. The entire Ancient Immortal Court can be shared with you."

Jun Xiaoyao didn't know how to answer.

He also did not expect that in the forgotten country, he would dream back to the Ancient Immortal Court and meet the last princess of the Ancient Immortal Court for the first time.

He would actually become her first love.

And people all have an obsession with first love. But the problem is that Jun Xiaoyao has just brought Jiang Shengyi back. And promised to marry him.

Before, it was just an engagement banquet, but after that, it was the real wedding banquet.

Although Jiang Shengyi is a considerate, gentle and intellectual woman who cares about Jun Xiaoyao wholeheartedly.

If Jun Xiaoyao also wants to marry Yuan Che, Jiang Shengyi will never say no.

However, Jun Xiaoyao didn't want to do this. Seeing Jun Xiaoyao's silence.

The smile on Yuan Che's face faded slightly, and a hint of darkness flashed through his glass-like eyes.

But she hid it well.

She then smiled and said: "Don't worry, Xiaoyao, I won't force you, let alone embarrass you."

"Didn't I behave well at your last engagement party?" Yuan Che said with a slight smile on his face.

Jun Xiaoyao knew that her mood was not like this. You know, Yuan Che is not just Yuan Che.

She is still Ling Yuan, the goddess Yuan. "Yuan Che, I..."

Jun Xiaoyao seemed to want to say something.

He would rather fight a hundred Sansheng Emperors than face the current situation.

Yuan Che held out a little finger. Jun Xiaoyao watched.

"Xiaoyao, do you still remember Ten Miles of Peach Grove and swearing by hooking your fingers?" Yuan Che murmured.

Jun Xiaoyao paused.

To be honest, he kind of forgot.

But Jun Xiaoyao was very wise and kept silent and extended a little finger. Yuan Che pursed her lips and smiled, her clear eyes overflowing with light.

"Then, let's make another promise."

"I, UU Reading Yuan Che, will wait for you until the day you marry me."

When Yuan Che returned to the ancient fairy garden in his dream, under the ten-mile peach forest, Yuan Che saw for the first time the young man in white who was reciting poetry under the peach blossom tree.

From then on, once you encounter a happy life, you will live forever, and there is no other scenery in the world that can be seen. Jun Xiaoyao remained silent.

And Yuan Che seemed to be in a much better mood after making the promise. Although Jun Xiaoyao didn't marry her the first time.

But who can be sure that Jun Xiaoyao will only get married once?

All in all, she had decided on Jun Xiaoyao and depended on him, and that would never change.

"Okay, now that we've finished talking about personal matters, let's talk about business." Yuan Che also sat up straight, as if he was about to say something important. "What's the matter?" Jun Xiaoyao asked.

"About the supreme immortal weapon of my Immortal Court, the throne of the Heavenly Emperor."

Some people died, but not completely…

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