Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2767: The Ancient Covenant and the Vast Catastrophe, the Emperor’s Banquet

As soon as Jiang Luoli said these words.

Jiang Shengyi's eyebrows curved and he smiled.

Jun Xiaoyao also smiled and rubbed Jiang Luoli's head. "This is like the Luo Li I remember."

The Jiang Luoli in his memory was lively, cheerful and energetic. Jiang Luoli also smiled, her big eyes curved into bright crescent shapes. Jun Xiaoyao is back, and so is Jiang Shengyi.

All the heartbreak has been made up for.

Her inner demons will also disappear completely.

After that, the three of them chatted for a long time.

Although Jun Xiaoyao really wanted to spend time with the two girls again, he did have some things to deal with.

When Jiang Shengyi and Jiang Luoli were talking about their daughter's family. Jun Xiaoyao also left and met the ancestors of the Jun family again.

Including the Eighteenth Ancestor and others, almost all the ancestors of the Jun family who stayed in the Wild Heaven Immortal Realm were present.

This shows that they attach great importance to Jun Xiaoyao's return.

And at the head of the ancestors is a man in a green shirt, who looks very young, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, and an elegant figure.

But its aura is extremely terrifying. It was Jun Lingxiao, the second ancestor of the Jun family.

Jun Lingxiao, who once dominated an era with swords, is known as the ancestor of Lingxiao swordsman.

At this moment, he looked at Jun Xiaoyao with a divine light. "Xiaoyao, let me ask you something."

"Some time ago, the mysterious emperor who set off the list of emperors of all ages and finally transcended, was it you?"

As Jun Lingxiao finished speaking.

The other ancestors present also stared at Jun Xiaoyao, waiting for his answer.

Jun Xiaoyao had nothing to avoid and said calmly: "Exactly."

After the two words fell, all the ancestors present showed happy expressions, and some laughed out loud. "Okay, okay, my Jun family really has another dragon!"

"Yes, Xiaoyao, you did not disappoint us, no, I should say, you greatly exceeded our expectations!"

The ancestors of the Jun family present are all mature and steady on weekdays, and their happiness and anger are not shown in their appearance.

But now, I feel a little out of sorts and can't hide my joy. After all, their Jun family had such a monster.

If it were any other force, they would have opened champagne to celebrate.

Although there are often monsters in their Jun family, such as Jun Wuhui and Jun Qitian who are higher up.

It may take a long time for other forces to produce a monster that will sweep the entire world.

But in the Jun family, there are such monsters every year. The difference is.

Jun Xiaoyao is already a monster, far from what can be described as a monster.

Even if the years of Jiehai are included, it is still less than a hundred years old. What is the concept of becoming an emperor within a hundred years of age?

This is just the life of the most ordinary mortal, too short. Among monks, it really is nothing.

Not to mention becoming an emperor at the age of 100, even becoming a supreme being at the age of 100 is extremely rare.

It can be seen from this that Jun Xiaoyao is simply an irrational existence and violates objective laws.

Faced with the surprise and admiration of the ancestors. Jun Xiaoyao was unfazed by the humiliation.

Because this is really nothing to him.

"Xiaoyao, who would have thought that in just a few decades, you would grow to the point where even we would look up to you." The Sixteenth Patriarch sighed.

The Eighteenth Patriarch also nodded and said: "Yes, Xiaoyao, I am ashamed."

"When the news of your becoming emperor gets out, I'm afraid people will laugh out loud."

Their dignified ancestors are far inferior to a younger generation, which has become a joke.

I don't know how many people were mocking him behind his back. Does the Eighteenth Patriarch not care about face?

Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don’t bully our ancestors into poverty!

When Jun Xiaoyao heard this, he smiled calmly and said, "Xiaoyao will always remember the kindness of our ancestors' teachings."

Although Jun Xiaoyao is now unparalleled in strength. Even some of the ancestors present could not compare to him. But Jun Xiaoyao will not be arrogant because of this.

These ancestors of the Jun family taught and cared for him a lot before he grew up.

Now that Jun Xiaoyao has grown up, he will naturally reciprocate his kindness.

Seeing Jun Xiaoyao's attitude, all the ancestors' expressions also showed a hint of relief.

In the world of cultivation, the strong are respected, regardless of seniority, only strength.

But Jun Xiaoyao has such strength, but still remains humble and respects his elders, which makes them sigh.

Having strength is part of it, having a good mind and character is equally important. But Jun Xiaoyao also knew it.

The ancestors who remain in the Jun family are only a small part. Don't talk about ancestors and ancestors.

The ancestors of the Jun family sell many of them.

There are also distant ancestors, great ancestors, true ancestors, etc...

There is even Jun Xiaoyao, who manifested the three pure virtues of the Jun family through the Dharma of other transformations and freedoms.

That level of seniority is unimaginable.

Of course, these existences are not in the Nine Heavens Immortal Domain.

Even the most recent distant ancestor, the only emperor of the Jun family, Qitian Emperor, is not in the Nine Heavens Immortal Domain.

The Jun family in the Desolate Heaven Immortal Realm is just a small group of people from the Jun family. If you compare the entire Jun family to an iceberg.

The Jun family of the Desolate Heaven Immortal Realm is just the tip of the iceberg.

And this corner alone can be passed down to the Immortal Realm for eternity. The Jun family has hundreds of millions of things.

Jun Lingxiao said to Jun Xiaoyao: "By the way, Xiaoyao, I have one more thing to ask you, about the boss..."

The boss he refers to is naturally the first ancestor, Jun Cangsheng. Jun Xiaoyao also told the ancestors some things about Jiehai.

Including him and his ancestor, common people, fighting against the source of the black disaster and worshiping the master at the source of the disaster.

After hearing that Jun Xiaoyao finally manifested the shadow of Sanqing and solved the source of the disaster, the priest.

The ancestors even sighed in their hearts.

Three of the Four Apocalypses of the Doomsday fell into the hands of Jun Xiaoyao. All we can say is that maybe Jun Xiaoyao is really the destined person, destined to dominate the ups and downs of this world.

"By the way, may I ask the ancestors, my father..." Jun Xiaoyao was referring to Jun Wuhui, of course.

"Wu regrets that he left the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm because of the ancient covenant."

The Third Patriarch, the Grand Emperor, wanted to speak but stopped.

The second ancestor, Ling Xiao, said: "It has something to do with the Great Tribulation of the Vast World." "The Great Tribulation of the Vast World?"

Jun Xiaoyao thought about it, and from the sound of the name, it seemed to be related to the vast starry sky.

Jun Lingxiao continued: "The reasons for this matter are too complicated, but at the moment, the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm is also in troubled times."

"A foreign land?" Jun Xiaoyao asked.

"Xiaoyao, what are your plans next?"

"With your strength, tell the world that you can have congratulations from all directions, and the family will hold the most grand imperial banquet for you."

In ancient times, those who became enlightened would hold imperial banquets for all the spirits to come and congratulate them, which was a grand ceremony.

And Jun Xiaoyao, even among the great emperors, is unique. No one has become enlightened at his age.

Therefore, if Jun Xiaoyao holds an imperial banquet, it will be the most grand and luxurious in ancient times. Jun Xiaoyao thought for a while, but said: "I think this matter can be slowed down."

"After all, the calamity of the foreign land has not been lifted yet." "Then Xiaoyao, what do you think..."

In the past ~ ~ the Jun family respected Jun Xiaoyao's opinions.

But now, Jun Xiaoyao's level of strength is different, so it is even more necessary to listen to his opinion.

It can be said that the ancestors really put Jun Xiaoyao on an equal footing and no longer treated him as a junior.

"I think we need to teach Foreign Land a **** lesson." Jun Xiaoyao smiled.

Anyone who knows him knows this.

When Jun Xiaoyao shows this smile, it means someone is going to be unlucky. "It seems that you already have an idea, Xiaoyao." Zhu Zu also smiled.

"So for now, there is no need to reveal my return to the Immortal Realm, in order to avoid alerting other regions." Jun Xiaoyao said.

He wants to bring a big one to the foreign land.

He wants to fight and establish his unparalleled reputation as the Xiaoyao Emperor!

Some people died, but not completely…

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