Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2769: The whereabouts of the throne of the Emperor of Heaven, the tide of chaos, and the se

"The throne of the Emperor of Heaven?"

Hearing this, Jun Xiaoyao was surprised.

The throne of the Heavenly Emperor is an important weapon in heaven. Even among immortal weapons, it is an extremely extraordinary existence.

However, during the last foreign invasion and the collapse of the Immortal Palace, the throne of the Heavenly Emperor was lost.

Before, Lingyuan had received the Immortal Weapon Brand from the Heavenly Emperor's Throne.

Yuan Che also said: "Because Ling Yuan returned to me, I also received the mark of the throne of the Emperor of Heaven."

"In addition, because of my bloodline, I also have a vague sense of the throne of the Emperor of Heaven."

"And recently, I finally noticed a breath of the Heavenly Emperor's throne." "Where is it?" Jun Xiaoyao asked subconsciously.

Then, he realized something was wrong: "Sorry, this doesn't seem to be the question I should ask."

This is the immortal weapon of Immortal Court. It is extremely important news to Immortal Court and has nothing to do with him.

However, Yuan Che shook his head and told Jun Xiaoyao directly. "It should be in the tidal zone of chaos at the border."

"Tide of virtual chaos?" Jun Xiaoyao thought for a while.

It was a vast starry space on the other side of the wilderness.

It was one of the battlefields where the two worlds fought between the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm and the Foreign Realm. Because that war was too huge.

In the end, the void collapsed and the space surged, forming the so-called tidal zone of virtual chaos.

And because that place is too complicated, you will be involved in the turbulence of the void if you are not careful.

Even the Great Emperor may lose his way and be trapped. Therefore, generally no living beings in either world would go there.

Unless there are some desperadoes and treasure hunters who want to find some ancient remains of ancient battlefields there.

"The tide of virtual chaos, the chaos of space."

"Perhaps it was also a coincidence that the lost throne of the Heavenly Emperor drifted back, and I noticed a breath of it."

"I haven't told anyone else about this yet, so I'll tell you first." Yuan Che smiled.

Jun Xiaoyao looked at Yuan Che.

"Why did you tell me such important news first?"

The whereabouts of the Heavenly Emperor's throne is definitely the biggest secret of the Immortal Court. For example, this is like revealing the whereabouts of the Jun family's Four Immortal Swords to others.

Yuan Che said without hesitation: "Because you are my sweetheart." She pursed her lips and smiled, her eyebrows arched.

Yuan Che made no secret of her love for Jun Xiaoyao. Jun Xiaoyao was silent again.

Then, he thought for a while, and suddenly there was a trace of thought in his eyes.

"Yuan Che, there is something I can ask you for." "What?" Yuan Che showed a hint of interest.

Jun Xiaoyao actually had something to ask of her. This is very rare.

It was also what she wanted.

The so-called feelings are cultivated through getting along again and again. She is happy to do things for Jun Xiaoyao.

"I think we can set up a game around the throne of the Emperor of Heaven." Jun Xiaoyao said.

"Set up a trap?" Yuan Che was confused.

"A game that can make foreign lands pay the price with blood." Jun Xiaoyao smiled. The meaning of this smile is self-evident.

It means someone is going to be in trouble.

Jun Xiaoyao continued: "Of course, you don't have to worry about the throne of the Emperor of Heaven. I will definitely help you get it."

For Jun Xiaoyao, he can not only set up a trap to trap a foreign land, but also help Yuan Che obtain the throne of Emperor of Heaven.

It's a win-win situation.

Yuan Che said: "I have no objection. It's up to you to decide how to arrange it."

"Even if I lose my throne as Emperor of Heaven, as long as I can help you Xiaoyao, it doesn't matter."

I have to say that Yuan Che is a bit of a love brain. Not that she's naive.

But her past memories were always in the Fairy Garden Qionghua Palace.

She is like a princess in a castle, innocent and pure, with a beautiful fantasy of love, willing to pay for her sweetheart.

Seeing Yuan Che's attitude, Jun Xiaoyao also sighed slightly in his heart. It is most difficult to accept the kindness of a beautiful woman.

Although he is used to eating the soft food of all kinds of beauties.

"Then the first step is... to spread this news secretly." Jun Xiaoyao said.

Yuan Che clicked his chin.

Although this is an absolute secret for Xianting.

But since Jun Xiaoyao has decided on the layout, she will naturally help. After meeting Jun Xiaoyao.

Yuan Che left secretly.

She went to arrange the follow-up matters.

Looking at Yuan Che's leaving Nong Na's back, Jun Xiaoyao also sighed in his heart. He seems to have owed favor to many women.

How to return it?

Do you really want to use your body to pay debts?

Jun Xiaoyao shook his head slightly to suppress these ridiculous thoughts. Right now, we still need to focus on solving matters in foreign lands.

Only the affairs in the foreign land have subsided, and the Nine Heavens Fairyland is completely peaceful. Only Jun Xiaoyao can go to the vast starry sky with peace of mind.

After all, his father, Jun Wuhui, went to the vast starry sky.

There is also the matter of the so-called ancient covenant, including the vast catastrophe mentioned by the ancestors of the Jun family before.

In addition, there is also the matter of the Nine Heavenly Books, which is related to the rumored heaven of the vast starry sky.

Not to mention Jun Xiaoyao also activated the sign in the vast starry sky and heaven. Therefore, no matter what, Jun Xiaoyao is going to the vast starry sky. But all this will have to wait until the Nine Heavens Fairyland is completely settled.

"The game has been laid, and we are just waiting for the ancient royal family to involve foreign lands into their trap." Jun Xiaoyao smiled.

in the days that followed.

A piece of news began to spread in a small area in the Immortal Realm.

That is, traces of the Heavenly Emperor's throne, the once important weapon of the Supreme Immortal Court, have emerged.

It seems to be in the chaotic tidal zone of the border wilderness.

There are also rumors that only Princess Yuan Che of the Ancient Immortal Courtyard can possibly cause the throne of the Emperor of Heaven to reappear in the world.

All in all, all kinds of news are circulating. This is no small thing.

The throne of the Emperor of Heaven is the symbol of the Supreme Immortal Court.

There are even rumors that the person who obtains the throne of the Heavenly Emperor will become the master of the Immortal Court and reorganize the Immortal Court.

No matter what, the emergence of the Heavenly Emperor's throne will have a great impact on the Immortal Realm.

Some people think that maybe Yuan Che will really become the master of the Immortal Court in the future.

But some people feel that the camp headed by Fuxi Xiantong may not be willing to surrender to Yuan Che.

After all, Fuxi Xiantong also had ambitions and launched the Young Emperor Haotian. However, in the end, he became a tool for liberating the dark truth of the end of the world.

As a result, the prestige of Immortal Court plummeted.

And many people think Fuxi Xiantong will not sit idly by when the throne of the Emperor of Heaven is born this time.

The Huntian Immortal Realm is one of the Nine Heavenly Immortal Realms. It is the base camp of the Supreme Immortal Court.

At this moment, in the Huntian Immortal Territory, an ancient star field.

The golden palaces here are continuous, with various atmospheres and magnificent atmosphere. It is the location of Fuxi Xiantong.

Although after the dark and turbulent battle, the prestige of the Supreme Immortal Court was greatly reduced. The reputation of Fuxi Xiantong has also weakened a lot compared to the past. But after all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

The Fuxi Immortal Lineage and the Wahuang Immortal Lineage are among the best among all the Immortal Lineages in the Immortal Courtyard. Their foundations are still here.

And in the dark turmoil, after the death of Emperor Haotian.

Fuxi Xiantong also had a powerful young king named Xuanyu who broke the seal. He is also Yuan Che's pursuer.

Some people died, but not completely…

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