Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2697: Strong reinforcements arrive, Luo Tian takes a big step, and kills hundreds of million

Emperor Xuanyuan's words were not very impassioned.

He just stated his beliefs and the reasons why he has always insisted on it.

But it made many monks on this side of the boundary sea moved.

What is righteousness?

This is justice!

Emperor Xuanyuan didn't want to leave.

He just wants to protect his clan and his roots from being destroyed by the Black Disaster.

"Ha... senseless truth."

Naturally, the Priestess of the Source of Disaster could not understand this complex, and felt that Emperor Xuanyuan was ignorant of current affairs.

The moment a strong man has concerns, he has a weakness and is no longer a strong man.

Just like Emperor Xuanyuan right now.

When he became concerned, the source of disaster caught the flaw.


The world-destroying mill rotates and continues to crush down.

Emperor Xuanyuan's vast imperial body continued to disintegrate, the skin on the surface cracked, and blood overflowed all over his body.

In fact, the mythical laws in his body are breaking, and he can no longer support the terrifying power that crushes the world.


Xuanyuan Qingxiao's eyes were blood red, and he took action with all his strength. The vast magical power of law emerged and bombarded the world-destroying grind!

But in the Great Moment of World Destruction, dark runes emerged, imprisoning the space.

Imprisoning Emperor Xuanyuan within it also prevented outsiders from breaking through.

Jun Xiaoyao and others are also taking action, bombarding the barrier composed of dark runes.

Jun Xiaoyao's eyes were very cold.

When he saw Emperor Xuanyuan, he seemed to be seeing the former Emperor Beidou and Emperor Wu Ending.

It's also like seeing his father, the white-robed God King Jun Wuhui, who will always leave him with an unbendable figure.

They all have sincere hearts.

Perhaps this world will become a better place precisely because of the existence of such people.

Jun Xiaoyao asked himself, he couldn't be so selfless.

But he sincerely admires this kind of hero!

Jun Xiaoyao, Ye Junlin, Xuanyuan Qingxiao, and the Immortal Emperor are all taking action. The laws run through the heaven and the earth, and the magical powers are shocking the world.

But it's useless.

If the source of disaster is the worshiper, it is so easy to shake.

Then it is impossible for him to become the source of black disaster and the ultimate fear of the entire world sea.

"The way you are struggling makes me feel a little more interesting in my boredom."

The Priestess of the Source of Disaster seemed to be enjoying the drama he had arranged.

Xuanyuan Qingxiao, such a powerful woman, had beautiful eyes blood red with a trace of tears at this moment.

When they reach their level, their mood is calm and their emotions are very rare.

But now, Xuanyuan Qingxiao couldn't restrain himself.

No matter how powerful she is, she is still his daughter. At this moment, she cannot be calm.

Not only Xuanyuan Qingxiao, but countless powerful monks on this side of the boundary sea are also worried about Emperor Xuanyuan.

"What to do, how to save the Emperor!"

"Human Emperor, it shouldn't end like this!"

Some Jiehai monks were roaring, and they were also taking action, activating their magical powers and bombarding the World-Destroying Great Mo.

Many dense magical powers converge into a torrent of mana, falling towards the Great Mill of World Destruction.


Too weak, too powerless.

There is no way to break the darkness.

This is an absolute, destructive force that crushes the world, and no one can stop it!

Jun Xiaoyao's face turned cold when he saw this scene.

He could understand Xuanyuan Qingxiao's feeling.

Because before, during the darkness and turmoil, his father Jun Wuhui did the same thing. He stood in front of him and was willing to sacrifice his life to fight against the Lord of the End Times.

Jun Xiaoyao looked at Ye Junlin.

Ye Junlin also looked at Jun Xiaoyao at the same time.

They are one, and they feel something at this moment.

However, just when Jun Xiaoyao was about to take action.

Suddenly, the entire no-man's land fell silent.

Even the entire boundary sea was in silence.

Everyone can feel that special aura and pressure.

That boundless vast pressure of aura does not come from the source of disaster, but from another aura!

"That is……"

Some monks seemed to sense something and looked back, then their expressions suddenly solidified!

What did they see?

A vast golden curtain spread from the other end of the boundary sea, covering the sky and the sun!

That golden curtain seemed to include everything in the world, including the sun, moon and stars.

On the golden curtain, countless shadows of immortals and gods appeared.

There are like three thousand immortal classes and all the gods in the sky are among them.

At this moment, on this side of the no-man's land, the armies from both realms were suffocated.

what is that?

Questions appeared in everyone's mind.

However, on the side of the boundary sea army.

When a cultivator from one side saw this, his eyes suddenly widened, he took a breath and showed disbelief.

This force is none other than the Sanqing Dao Sect!

The leader of the Sanqing Dao Sect, Dao Xuanzi, had a look of shock on his face.

Given his status, it is understandable that he would show such an expression.

"This is... Luo Tian Dazhan!"

Dao Xuanzi's eyes trembled.

Luo Tianda dips!

This is the most powerful move in the Taoist sect, and even he can't use it!

There are even rumors that this move is a magical power!

Otherwise, why is it so strong?

And among the Jiehai Dao Sect, there is only one person who can perform Luo Tian Da Di!

In the Sanqing Taoist camp, there was a female Taoist cultivator who was elegant and peerless. Her jade-like eyes were also looking at the golden canopy that covered the heavens.

She is none other than Su Lingyun, the Taoist senior sister who had crossed paths with Jun Xiaoyao before.

At this moment, Su Lingyun's expression was also frozen due to shock, and her jade lips murmured to herself, with a trace of absence.

"It's...Lord Dao Emperor!"


Luo Tian's Great Dip, the most powerful Taoist skill, can be called an immortal move!

A golden canopy covered it from the other end of the boundary sea, with three thousand immortals and gods engraved on it, as if some great sacrifice to all the worlds was being held.

This is the essence of Taoism.

With just one move, the whole world was covered, spanning across the vastness.

The golden sky curtain rushed directly to the no-man's land, wrapping the sky and the earth.

A boundless power trembled out, and billions of golden rays of light came out!

Above the curtain, it was as if countless immortals and gods were alive, all trembling and raining down the wrath of heaven!


It was just a move. In the no-man's land, on the side of the Black Trouble clan, countless Black Trouble creatures were shaken to pieces.

Even some great emperor-level figures were affected by this suppressive power. Their orifices bleed, their heads exploded, and their souls collapsed.

An ordinary emperor couldn't bear this blow at all and was killed instantly!

Even the powerful men with extremely profound cultivation in the Imperial Realm were severely injured in an instant.

The nearly god-level beings were all knocked back thousands of miles, their chests shook, and they spit out large mouthfuls of blood.

one move!

It's just a move.

It directly killed tens of billions of black disaster creatures!

Blood splattered and filled the sky!

Ordinary emperor realm beings were directly shocked to death by dozens of people!

Even those with stronger cultivation levels were severely damaged and their combat power was greatly reduced!

The near-god-level beings were all traumatized, with blood bleeding from the corners of their mouths!

The Three Lives Emperor, the Heaven-devouring Evil Demon King, the Mother Queen of the Devouring Clan, and other beings all showed surprise.

Such ability has to be shocking.

Even if it was the priest who was the source of disaster, he would all look at him, let out a light sigh, and then notice something.

On the Boundary Sea side, people were even more confused. Many people who didn't understand the mystery were completely confused and didn't know what was going on.

And just then.

A soft whisper rang out, but it carried the heavenly sound of the Great Dao, making all the heavens tremble.

"Jun came here uninvited. I would like to give you a small gift. Are you satisfied with me, the priest who doesn't know the source of the disaster?"

The voice was very calm, as if he was really chatting like he was meeting an old friend.

The worshiper of the source of disaster said quietly.

"Have you finally decided to take action?"

"Jun Cangsheng!"

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