Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2698: Dao Emperor, Jun Cangsheng!

The golden sky covered the boundless sky and earth. And at the end of the sky.

A hazy figure came through the air with a bamboo flute in hand.

At its feet, there are waves churning, which is the long river of time. M.biQUpai.

It seems that there are countless sentient beings up and down, and the time changes, and the vicissitudes of life are manifested.

This figure, just stepping on the long river of time, came leisurely, aloof from the world, and peerless in style!

Although his figure is hazy, it can be seen that this man's face is very young and out of the world.

His white hair fluttered slightly, and he was dressed in a simple Taoist shirt.

He stepped slightly.

The stars of the universe thousands of miles below are all compressed and folded.

shrink into an inch!

The next moment, the white-haired man was standing on the no man's land!

A transcendent and misty power is pervading, overwhelming the audience!

The white-haired man raised his hand and said a word lightly. "Condensation!"

Immediately, the golden sky that encompassed the heavens and the earth directly converged into one, turning into a mighty force that blasted towards the Great Mill of Extermination!


An unimaginable roar sounded.

The Great Mill that Exterminated the World was broken directly, and countless cracks were shaken out!

All kinds of dark and strange confinement runes in it were wiped out by the bright golden divine power!

Emperor Xuanyuan also escaped accordingly, temporarily leaving the dangerous situation.

Xuanyuan Qingxiao hurried forward with concern in her eyes.

Emperor Xuanyuan was covered in blood, but his eyes were on the white-haired man.

He finally made a move. dead silence

The entire uninhabited land and the vast battlefield can be heard quietly at this moment.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

There is no need to say more about the black disaster group.

All of them looked at the detached white-haired man, showing unprecedented horror.

To them, that white-haired man was simply more terrifying than any World Destroyer Demon God.

One move directly killed tens of billions of black disaster creatures, even the emperor was instantly killed, and even the **** level could be injured!

Moreover, this is not aimed at a certain one, but directly and indiscriminately inflicts severe damage on the entire black disaster group!

What kind of heaven-defying strength is this?

On the Jiehai side, countless monks, after the initial shock and stupor.

It is an unprecedented excitement and ecstasy!

One move can do it, turning the world upside down, severely injuring the black disaster army, and even rescued Emperor Xuanyuan.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is like a fairy. "The Daoist Emperor, the Daoist Emperor!"

There was a shout, with a look of fanaticism.

One of the founders of the Three Religions, the Taoist Emperor finally appeared!

Regarding the legend of Dao Emperor, there is no need to say much in Jiehai.

The founder of the Sanqing Daomen is also the only one among the founders of the Three Religions that has survived forever.

It was even the Doutian Zhanhuang who wanted to overthrow the three religions with one palm.

Before, there were still people who had doubts about this rumor.

Dou Tian Zhanhuang is so strong, no matter what, he won't be wiped out by the palm of Daohuang, right?

but now.

Seeing the astonishing strength of the Dao Emperor.

Everyone knows they are wrong. How wrong!

They didn't overestimate Dao Emperor. Rather underestimated!

Dao Emperor, stronger than the legend! Dao Emperor made a move, shocking the whole world!

What shocked some people even more was the name spit out from the mouth of the priest of the source of disaster.

Before, Jiehai only heard the title of Emperor Dao.

But no one knows his real name, and no one knows. But now, with the words of the master of disaster, the truth is revealed.

Dao Emperor's real name, Jun Cangsheng!

A gentleman character represents everything. He is also the first ancestor of the Jun family! The whole world was in an uproar.

On the Jiehai side, facing the invincible strength of the Priestess of Disaster, they still had despair in their hearts.

But now, the appearance of Taoist Emperor Cangsheng once again gave them dawn.

"Master Dao Emperor!"

Dao Emperor appeared, and on the side of Sanqing Daomen, many Daoist cultivators showed unprecedented excitement and fanaticism.

After all, Daohuangjun Cangsheng is the source of Daomen in Jiehai.

Even the current sect master Dao Xuanzi is nothing more than a disciple of Jun Cangsheng.

Jun Xiaoyao looked at Dao Emperor with a touch of curiosity.

Is this the first ancestor of his Jun family? It is indeed unfathomable.

Not only is his cultivation unparalleled, but he has also established such a huge orthodoxy as the Sanqing Daomen.

What the ancestor can do is indeed extraordinary.

"Junior Jun Xiaoyao, I have met my first ancestor." Jun Xiaoyao gestured to Jun Cangsheng.

Jun Cangsheng's eyes also fell on Jun Xiaoyao.

He took a look at Jun Xiaoyao, and a faint smile appeared on Chuchen's handsome face.

"Son of Jun Wuhui, not bad, very good." What is Jun Cangsheng's state, what is his identity?

For him to say such a compliment, it can be seen that Jun Xiaoyao really satisfied him.

"Thanks to the first ancestor for taking care of me. When the younger generation was hit by the immortal curse, the first ancestor also took action."

Jun Xiaoyao naturally knew that Jun Cangsheng also made a move when the Empress Dowager Ba attacked the Blood Witch Edi.

"It's just a matter of raising your hand, members of my Jun family can't be insulted at will." Jun Cangsheng said.

In his opinion, Jun Xiaoyao can be frustrated and tempered.

But at that time, the Blood Witch Edi's attack was indeed a bit too much.

Moreover, protecting one's weaknesses is a character engraved in the blood of the Jun family.

Jun Cangsheng is no exception. "Have you finished exchanging pleasantries?" The voice of the priest of disaster source sounded.

Do these two Jun family members take him seriously?

"Master of Disaster, you really shouldn't have been born." Jun Cangsheng turned his gaze to Master of Disaster, shaking his head and sighing.

"What do you mean?" The priest of disaster source said indifferently.

"Because you were born this time... you will die." Jun Cangsheng said.

The atmosphere of the world was immediately chilled.

"Oh, who can make me die, you?" the Priest of Disaster Source said coldly.

Although Jun Cangsheng's strength is unfathomable, the priest of disaster source has absolute strength and absolute confidence, and UU Reading can control everything.

Even if Jun Cangsheng joined the battle and made a move, he showed no fear.

"The destiny is not mine." Jun Cangsheng said calmly.

He also said this sentence when he made a move last time, when the Du'e clan's lair.

"'s not on you, could it be on the kid next to you?" The priest of disaster source sneered.

In his opinion, look at the audience.

Only Jun Cangsheng is qualified to let him take it seriously.

Emperor Xuanyuan and Emperor Xianling are both at the end of their strength, and they are not at their peak.

Xuanyuan Qingxiao was still a little immature, and he hadn't recovered long after recovering from the emperor's daughter, so his combat power couldn't make him pay attention.

As for Jun Xiaoyao Ye Junlin, let alone.

The rest of them were blocked by Emperor Sansheng and others, so they couldn't intervene in the battlefield at all.

"Who knows, it's not ligers and tigers that really make elephants feel uncomfortable, but ants."

Jun Cangsheng's eyes were deep, and his words contained deep meaning.

After the words fell, he shot directly, and the bamboo flute in his hand turned into a three-foot green blade.

The sword is three feet long, with cyan lotus patterns floating on the surface, carrying a transcendent fairy charm, peerless and fierce!

Jun Cangsheng slashed out with a sword, like the sword **** of the sky, dividing the universe from heaven to earth!

The power of this sword is extremely strong, illusions come and go, all heavens are silent, and all things wither!

The long river of time is surging, and with the confusion of sword energy, it covers the universe!

Seeing this, the Priestess of Disaster Source raised his hand, and the power of darkness condensed and turned into a pitch-black mirror.

It is the mirror of reversal!

Previously, the master of the source of disaster used this move to directly block Jun Xiaoyao and others' joint magical powers.

But at this moment, the sword that seemed to cover the years and extinguished the time fell down.

The world is silent! next moment! Click! There is a sound of breaking! The Mirror of Reversal, shatter!

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