Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2696 The terrifying world-destroying mill that cannot break the spine

The World-Destroying Great Mill is the most powerful ancient weapon of Black Disaster, crushing the world.

During the ancient black disaster period, countless worlds and universes were crushed and turned into material.

But now, the Priestess of the Source of Disaster personally controls the World-Destroying Great Mill.

Its power was fully unleashed.

The pitch-black mill, covered with countless dark runes, emerged from the void, almost covering the entire sky.

During the rotation, the endless crushing force shook it down.

The surrounding void is cracked and shattered, unable to withstand the crushing force of the world-destroying mill.

In the face of the Great Moment of World Destruction, even the solid plane boundary walls were as fragile as paper.


The name of the Priestess of the Source of Disaster fell down.

The world-destroying mill crushed down.

That scene really looked like a dark sky had collapsed.

A scene of doomsday.

Billions of flaming meteors are falling, and countless voids are collapsing and collapsing!

"Oh my god..."

The monks on the side of the bounded sea looked up, and what was reflected in their pupils was the scene of the world's destruction as the sky collapsed.

Before, it was terrifying enough for the Mythical Emperor to trigger the Great Mill of Destruction.

But now, the source of the black disaster, the priest of the disaster, personally controls the world-destroying Great Mill.

That power really lived up to its world-destroying reputation.

It can be said that if no one stops it, this world-destroying mill will be allowed to fall.

The army on this side of the boundary sea will definitely be shocked to death!

This is simply not human power, but the power of God!

There are five people: Emperor Xuanyuan, Xuanyuan Qingxiao, Emperor Xianling, Jun Xiaoyao, and Ye Junlin.

They all took action at the same time, each performing their ultimate moves. At the same time, their divine energy erupted, and their imperial power was astonishing. They had to resist the suppressive power of the world-destroying Great Mo!

However, the world-destroying Great Mill controlled by the Priest of Disaster is so terrifying that it makes one's heart tremble.

All magical powers falling on it were like mud cows falling into the sea, without making any waves.

"With one move, I will annihilate you all!"

The words of the Priestess of Disaster were indifferent and cold.

How arrogant is it to kill five of the strongest with one move?

But at this moment, no one spoke up, let alone refuted.

The invincible strength of the source of disaster priest is already there, and it is absolutely capable of destroying the world.


Surrounding the World-Destroying Great Mo, countless dark runes appeared, as if to imprison this void.

We must completely suppress Jun Xiaoyao and the other five people, and then grind them all away like beans!

"You guys retreat first!"

When Emperor Xuanyuan saw this scene, he immediately shook his breath and pushed Xuanyuan Qingxiao, Jun Xiaoyao and others back.

He is considered experienced and has some understanding of the methods of the source of disaster priests.

If all five of them are really imprisoned at the same time, there will really be problems, and there may be a possibility of the entire army being annihilated.

Xuanyuan Qingxiao, the Immortal Emperor, Jun Xiaoyao, Ye Junlin, was shaken out by Emperor Xuanyuan.

He alone faced the world-destroying grind like a dark sky!


Xuanyuan Qingxiao spoke, and it was difficult to maintain that kind of transcendent calm.

Emperor Xuanyuan's face was very calm at the moment, without joy or sadness, as he looked at the falling world-destroying grinding mill.

"Oh? Xuanyuan, you still have the spirit of sacrifice and dedication as always."

Seeing this scene, the source of disaster priest spoke calmly, with a sense of irony in his tone.

He didn't care much about this situation. Anyway, for him, Jun Xiaoyao and others were just the difference between dying early and dying late.

He is now like the director of a scene, and the outcome is in his hands.

In his opinion, the stubborn resistance of Emperor Xuanyuan and others undoubtedly only added a little boring fun to him.

Emperor Xuanyuan sacrificed Xuanyuan's golden body, with golden divine patterns filling the air.

A golden clan pattern also appeared between the eyebrows.

At the same time, he performed some kind of secret technique, and his body actually swelled up against the storm, turning into an extremely majestic and vast imperial shadow!

This emperor's shadow stands tall against the sky and the earth, standing on the vast sky!

Just like the heaven and earth, the prestige is astonishing!

He raised his hand, like Pangu opening the sky, and like gods and demons tearing apart the world, and bombarding the world to destroy it!

Alone, holding up the dark sky!

And behind him, there are countless sentient beings in the world!

This scene is so shocking!

It’s like the reappearance of ancient historical myths!

One person stands upright to protect the common people!

"Emperor Xuanyuan!"

"Your Majesty the Emperor!"

The Boundary Sea Army and countless creatures looked at the figure of the man holding up the dark sky with trembling eyes!

At this moment, that standing figure and unbreakable backbone are deeply engraved in the hearts of all the creatures in the world!

"Xuanyuan, if you want to be a hero, I will help you."

"But being a hero requires paying a price."

Seeing the sentient beings in the ocean roaring like mountains and tsunami, the source of disaster priest sneered.

He pressed down with one hand.

The world-destroying Great Mo was also blessed with terrifying dark power. It spun around and unleashed an even more terrifying force of suppression.


As powerful as Emperor Xuanyuan, he blessed Xuanyuan's golden body. At this moment, cracks appeared in his physical body and it was disintegrating.

Blood spurts out one after another.

That was because the blood vessels were put under great pressure and exploded.

Emperor Xuanyuan was covered in blood, and his hair was dyed red with blood.

But his expression was as cold and solemn as ever, without any change.

"Master of Disaster Priest, our Xuanyuan clan is the first clan to take root in the Boundary Sea."

"Jiehai is the root of my Xuanyuan clan."

"If you want to destroy the Boundary Sea, you must first step over my corpse!"

Emperor Xuanyuan roared, his hair fluttering, and a long roar shook the vastness of 30,000 miles!

He held up his arms to the sky, as if he was holding up the eternal sky, and actually held up the world-destroying millstone to prevent it from falling!


The tone of the source of disaster priest fluctuated for the first time.

To be honest, when it comes to opponents, he has never seen an existence as stupid and stubborn as Emperor Xuanyuan.

"Xuanyuan, you once cultivated to be a god, and you are expected to step into the immortal path. Is it worth it for this little sea of ​​​​boundaries and little sentient beings?"

The source of disaster priest sighed.

He who knows the times is a hero, and the Three Lives Emperor is very happy to cooperate with him.

And Emperor Xuanyuan was so stupid that he spent his entire cultivation to reinforce the Great Immortal Formation of the Origin of Ten Thousand Worlds with his body to suppress himself.

Hearing the words of the source of disaster priest, Emperor Xuanyuan looked at him with bloodshot eyes.

"The source of disaster, you are not a human, so you will never understand."

"What is home and what are roots?"

"The sea of ​​boundaries is the root of my Xuanyuan clan."

"Without roots and home, even if I become an immortal, what does it matter?"

"I am still just a homeless person..."

"And now, even if I fall and die, I will die."

"At least, I can be buried in my hometown, and return to my roots."

Emperor Xuanyuan spoke calmly.

It was not very exciting, but it said everything.

Perhaps, with Emperor Xuanyuan's talent, he could become an immortal, go further, and go to a wider world.


So what?

When he looked back, he found that the way home was no longer there.

Looking around, there were no relatives or friends. Who could understand that kind of loneliness?

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