Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2695: Devouring the resentment of all beings, the Great Nirvana means

The priest of the source of disaster is so powerful that it is incomparable and desperate.

He raised his hand and was shocked, even the Human Emperor's sword was broken, and Emperor Xuanyuan's figure was even shaken back.

His condition was not good in the first place, and at this moment, the emperor's body was shocked and shook again.

Seeing this, Xuanyuan Qingxiao rushed forward, and Xuanyuan clan's terrifying power was displayed, and Xuanyuan's golden body blessed it.

She struck out with her jade hands, and the radiant golden seal seemed to break through the ages!

But the Priest of the Source of Disaster still pointed out with one finger, disintegrating the golden seal.

On the surface of Xuanyuan Qingxiao's body, the golden Xuanyuan immovable clock emerged, which was the absolute defense of the Xuanyuan clan.

But even so, it was disintegrated by Wu Guang.

The Immortal Emperor made a move again, and the light of Feixian turned into a spear and shot out across it, destroying everything along the way, and everything was shattered into dust.

The spear collided with the black light and was annihilated silently.

The giant white fingers crushed upwards, wearing away the supernatural powers.

The fewer sins, the less backlash. "Sure enough, his eldest son..."

The resentment and hatred of all living beings, the sins of backlash, to the priest of the source of disaster, it turned out to be pain or itching, and it had no effect at all.

A massive amount of sinful power devoured the Priestess, the source of disaster. Jun Xiaoyao and Ye Junlin were also shocked.

Who would have imagined that the Priestess of the Source of Disaster is just showing his supernatural powers for the first time, and he is so terrifying, as if he can't destroy the world with one finger!

The superposition of those backlashing sinful powers cannot be said to be enough to kill any near-god-level existence instantly!

But it has to be said that some of the supernatural powers that Jun Xiaoyao discovered are very novel to the priest of the source of disaster.

"If there is a way to solve it, the situation will be very wonderful when the power is exhausted."

Because, that is the resentment of all beings, and the hatred of all beings backfires.

The source of calamity sacrificed to the Lord, and he didn't care about the backlash of that sin. Its massive power of faith was slowly being consumed when confronting the priest of the source of disaster.

"I didn't expect that your kid's method is a bit novel." Disaster source priest said.

At this moment, it is displayed through the god's body. Such power is really terrifying, as if it can't bury a small world!

Whether it is the divine body, or the power of the war **** of the Ezu tribe, there is no way to support long-term consumption.

It is the peerless supernatural power in the Human Emperor's Dao Jing.

That is the ultimate misfortune of extermination, learned by Jun Xiaoyao.

Naturally, the sin of the priest of the source of disaster must be said less, it is simply unimaginable.

The rest of the force spread out and oscillated.

My hair flutters, the majesty of mythology drums, and the bright sword light illuminates the dark universe.

"But it's a pity that the hatred and resentment of all beings is the most beautiful ballad to me."

Little Emperor Xuanyuan, Emperor Xianling, and Xuanyuan Qingxiao were all shaken in, coughing up blood, staining their clothes.

It's a small mill for destroying the world!

The power of annihilation oscillated, and the giant white fingers crushed upwards, including Jun Xiaoyao and the other seven people.

That kind of absolute cocoa made all living beings in Jiehai feel a kind of strength from the heart.

As if it really turned into a white hole.

Strictly speaking, apart from Jun Xiaoyao's spiritual body.

"It's not interesting. If you are an abnormal creature, I'm afraid you will really catch him and get the Tao."


Because the small Nirvana finger contains the power of complete annihilation.

The priest of the source of disaster raised his hand again, and the sky was covered with darkness!

My body surface is also filled with endless sinful breath.

The priest of the source of disaster showed a touch of surprise. Even, it was swallowed by it!

But I also thought that the priest of the source of disaster could swallow it directly!

"Little Nirvana Finger..."

Even if it is the myth emperor, there will be small problems, and the body of myth will suffer the backlash of sins that have never been seen in the future.

The missing fluctuations, shocks, laws, and runes are all being annihilated with sound.

Each layer of **** is boundless and terrifying, and can suppress the enemy.

Everyone is innocent.

The heroes of the world who saw that scene also froze in place as if petrified.

"Is it very cocoa? That's the way to the ultimate misfortune, and I fell into your hands." Jun Xiaoyao said.

Looking at the eighteen floors of **** that fell down.

Ye Junlin looked at Jun Xiaoyao, we are not one, we are connected, we all understand at this moment. qqxδnew

After all, that power is temporary and permanent.

Eighteen levels of **** manifested in the void, layer upon layer.

That is not the same as One Sin Soul Realm.


Of course, if the Priest of Disaster Source knew about it, those supernatural powers were the original Xiaodao supernatural powers created by Jun Xiaoyao himself.

And the combination of the eighteen layers of **** seems to be able to suppress everything.

The golden sword's edge crosses the universe, slaying demons with one sword! "I don't have much patience."


Because I noticed a strange breath. I'm afraid it will be even more surprising.

Jun Xiaoyao's spiritual body has dimmed a lot.

What is the existence of the priest of the source of disaster?

It is the famine of one of the seven apocalypses in the last days, devouring the existence of all living beings.

More than billions and billions?

You are doing your best, even if the enemy in front of you is almost invincible, whether you have made it or not, the heroine is giving way.

It is the power of petty sins contained in the move of God's Prison.

Once pointed out, it seems that the world will be silenced and all things will wither!

And the power of minor sins contained in God's Prison is aimed at its own sins.

The source of disaster priest shook the sky with his palm, boiling the void, and directly shattered the fourteenth floor of hell.

Is there an earth-shattering vibration as imagined? Unfinished hatred and resentment entangled him.

He directly performed the fourth form of Genesis, God's Prison.

And before that, the sins of the eternal beings, the power of resentment and hatred were directly absorbed and devoured by it!

I still simply raised my palm. Then point it out.

I am not shy.

Jun Xiaoyao's face was more dignified than ever before.

"Let them become sacrifices for the sacrifice of the white calamity."

"So, what about his sins?" Jun Xiaoyao said enthusiastically.

"Nothing new, but... what I can do is still under heaven and earth, a mere hell, what can I do for you?"

I noticed that the source of calamity is more difficult to deal with than the existence of the ultimate calamity, the secret truth of the last day master, etc.

"Next, it's my turn."

The endless white and dark strange power gathered and turned into a giant white finger.

In the last moment, I saw that the mask under my face, the white vortex, had stopped spinning.

When the Priest of Disaster Source saw Jun Xiaoyao's methods, I was not surprised again.

Bury mountains and rivers, bury the sun and moon, bury heaven and earth, bury all living beings, bury reincarnation and bury the heavens!

That's right, a crime in the soul domain is aimed at the primordial spirit and soul.

The giant finger is too small to encompass the sky, and countless white and dark runes are scattered throughout the void.

He simply does not have the qualifications to stay on this battlefield.

I guessed that that move might have too little effect on the priest of the source of disaster.

Jun Xiaoyao and others will naturally sit and wait to die, and they all show their best skills.

"That move..." Heaven and Earth Demon Slaying Sword Art!

These are all creatures who died tragically in the Battle of the White Scourge.

Even Jun Xiaoyao was stunned.

Xuanyuan Qingxiao, the Immortal Emperor, was also full of brilliance.

The Lord of Disaster, finally took the initiative for the first time.

But in the eyes, UU reading fourteen levels of **** suppressed upward. Countless meteorites were annihilated, and the space oscillated.

The priest of the source of disaster, his tangible eyes are deep.

Little Emperor Xuanyuan held the Human Emperor Sword, and the emperor's blood boiled under his body.

I had no reservations, and directly resorted to the trick again, the eight burials in the heavens!

Jun Xiaoyao kills again.

The Priest of Disaster Origin raised his hand, speaking contemptuously.

The priest of the source of disaster once again lost his mind.

As for Ye Junlin, the power of the God of War of the Ezu clan that he has possessed has also gradually weakened.

Because, from the complete fourteen layers of hell, there was no dark red power of sin emerging, and then entwined towards me.

The little Nirvana finger descended and collided with Jun Xiaoyao and the others' extreme moves.

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