Sassy Princess Is a Doctor

Chapter 881: Thinking of "Blue Silver" is crazy

Xiao Nuan raised the sharp weapon in her hand, and pierced the hand reaching her fiercely!


The man in black suffered pain and was kicked to the ground by Xiao Nuan.

This move also attracted the attention of other people in black, who looked in her direction.

"It turns out that there is still a wild one, I just like this one! The more exciting the cross-country!" When the two men in black saw this, they laughed evilly, holding the **** knife and approaching Xiao Nuan a little bit.

Xiao Nuan's hand holding a sharp weapon gradually turned white.

She can only work lightly, if these people come up to besiege her, she can escape safely!

What to do, what a bad luck!

Xiao Nuan thought that no matter what happened in the past, his brothers would rush out to protect her immediately, and felt sad. After all, it took a few lifetimes of blood mold to come to this place inexplicably!

Just when the two men in black were about to catch her, Xiao Nuan only felt a burst of scarlet blood sprayed onto her face, causing her to subconsciously close her eyes...


At the same time, in Rongzhen's country in Canglan Continent.

Xiao Wan looked at the flying pigeon biography that he had just received with a headache.

"This person hasn't been out of Juedu, how can I not find it?"

Two days ago, Xiao Nuan left a letter saying that she would go out and explore some famous places. After she rolled up a hundred thousand taels of cash, she left.

Just leave, Na Ya's side will definitely follow the guard in secret, I really think I can make flowers.

But when everything was under control, Xiao Nuan was gone!

The dark guard only saw her entering an alley and never came out again!

I thought she was playing Jin Chan to find a place to hide, but who knows, she sent someone to find it and there is no news.

"Your Majesty is not more worried. As long as the second princess is in Juedu, you can definitely find it."

Xiao Wan rubbed her eyebrows sadly, afraid that the servant was not in Juedu now!

Before the mother and father left, Qian told her to take care of Xiao Nuan. Now that there are no people, how can she explain to her in the future?

"Your Majesty, there are flying pigeons passing on the book."

Xiao Wan looked up, took it, and opened it.

"Big Brother is coming."

As soon as the voice fell, a pale blue figure appeared ghostly in the hall.

"Ah!" He was so scared that the pastry plate in his hand loosened!

In the next instant, a slender, well-knotted hand caught the falling pastry plate firmly.

Rouzhi stared at the boy in front of her with rounded eyes, and her eyes instantly became heart-shaped.

"Big Brother...Hug~~"

Xiao Jin pushed hard and placed the dish firmly on the table.

In the next instant, a soft thing slammed into his arms and hugged him.

Xiao Wan rubbed Xiao Jin's solid chest with great satisfaction.

Xiao Jin has a masculine spirit on him, which is really tempting~~~~

Rouzhi looked speechless when she looked aside.

Your majesty, your expression is really disgusting...

Xiao Jinjunyi's brows were filled with helplessly looking at Xiao Wan's dark hair, and he reached out and patted her vest.

"Okay, my eldest brother is out of breath in your arms."

Xiao Wanquan didn't hear it, and after sliding Xiao Jin's tight waist and eating a handful of tofu, he let go of him contentedly.

Looking up at Xiao Jin, Xiao Wan's face was full of smiles.

Among several older brothers, the eldest brother looks most similar to the mother emperor.

Although he looks like a mother emperor, his facial features carry the depth and fortitude of Xiao Zhan, no matter how he looks like a sunny and beautiful man full of masculinity.

"Big Brother hasn't come to see me for so long, I think Big Brother is going crazy."

Xiao Jin raised the corner of his mouth handsomely, making Rouzhi who was standing by the side dazzled.

Just like when she was a child, she stretched out her hand and squeezed Xiao Wan's small face with a little fat baby and smiled: "Is it thinking that the big brother is crazy, or the man is crazy?"


Xiao Wan didn't feel ashamed even when she was exposed to her thoughts.

Yue Li said before going out to travel with Xiao Zhan, before Xiao Wan was eighteen years old, she must not let a man appear in her harem!

Xiao Wan was pinching her fingers and counting every day, and she had finally survived 17 years!

Next year, after next year, she will be able to expand her harem to sit on beautiful men in the world!

In order to fulfill this wish as soon as possible, Xiao Wan has always been diligent and loving the people, and tried every means to govern the country well, just to expand the harem in the future, otherwise the idle officials said she was greedy and ignorant of the government!

"Big Brother, why did you think of coming here?" Xiao Wan asked.

Xiao Jin stretched out his hand and took a bite of a piece of cake on the table. After a while, he threw the rest back into the plate.

"Nuan'er is gone, both mother and father know, let me see what's going on."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Wan's face collapsed.

"The mother emperor and dad know..." It's so hard, the mother emperor won't just rush back because of her anger!


Xiao Jin is now in charge of the Jiugong Pavilion, and now a large branch of the Jiugong Pavilion is located in Rongzhen. Xiao Zhan did this as a precaution to help Xiao Wan and the others.

Xiao Wan told Xiao Jin the news from the dark guard.

Xiao Jin's slender fingers gently rubbed against the table.

"It's gone for no reason..."

"Yes, as far as Xiao Nuan's temperament is concerned, there is still the possibility of wanting to get rid of the dark guard, but it is too weird to say that we can't find her whereabouts." Xiao Wan mainly couldn't accept it. Xiao Nuan just slipped under her nose!

"You don't need to worry about this. Big Brother will let someone check it out in a while." Xiao Jin stood up, ready to leave.

Xiao Wan felt unwilling to give up.

"Brother, have a meal before leaving?" She hasn't seen enough yet!

Xiao Jin smiled. "No, Brother still has things to do."

"Brother, what do you have, let me do it with you!"

Xiao Wan stepped forward and hugged Xiao Jin, not letting go.

Xiao Jin was helpless and reluctant to throw her away with brute force.

"Guy Wan'er, elder brother accompany you again, OK?" He really has something to do!

Xiao Wan continued to hold her tightly in complete disregard. "Isn't the eldest brother's business the Zhu's seven or seven? When do you want to marry, I will make an order for you."

Hearing this, Xiao Jinqingjun's face flushed suddenly. "You girl, what nonsense!"

"Hey, elder brother, take me out of the palace, just once it’s OK, I’ll just go out and see and come back! I’ll send four!"

Xiao Jin looked at Xiao Wan's rogue, exactly like Yue Li! It's really good not to learn, and if you don't learn bad, please don't change that way!

It's really helpless to the extreme!

"You are the empress of Yongzhen now..."

"That's why I begged my eldest brother to take me out... I was alone in this huge palace, listening to the wind to fall asleep at night, thinking of my brothers, thinking of the mother and father... my heart..."

"One hour!"

Xiao Wan's eyes flashed with brightness. "Deal!"

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