Sassy Princess Is a Doctor

Chapter 880: Assassin, insult


Xiao Nuan's eyes rounded and looked at the handsome face close at hand, when she subconsciously wanted to get up.


The softness of the lips made her whole body numb like an electric shock, and even the brain forgot to react!

It wasn't until I felt a light mint scent attack that I suddenly recovered and stretched out my hand to push the person away!

"You, you..." Xiao Nuan stared at him with rounded eyes, and reached out to wipe his lips.

The first kiss she had kept for 16 years was gone!

Or to a man with a backyard full of women!

She also said that the first kiss must be reserved for the man she likes!

Ji Sixuan stood up slowly and looked at Xiao Nuan's eyes with infinite tenderness.

"Luan, what do you want to do?"


Xiao Nuan gradually calmed down, looking at Ji Sixuan's gentle eyebrows, always feeling that his eyes darker than night could penetrate everything.

No, before you can be sure to return to the Kingdom of Rong Zhen, you must not reveal any flaws!

"I have amnesia. They said they lost my memory after falling into the lake, so... I want to jump in and try to see if I can think of something." Xiao Nuan looked at him and said half-truth.

Ji Sixuan, as gentle as water, stepped forward to help her up.

Xiao Nuan didn't like being touched by strangers, and wanted to break free.

But when I was struggling, I found this man who looked like a white rabbit. I didn't expect him to be so strong!

"Don't worry, I will definitely remind you." Ji Sixuan stroked her forehead lightly, making Xiao Nuan think that this man really held her in his heart.

But she knew from the bottom of her heart that even if he is a pet, the person he pets is not herself, and there is no need to be affectionate.

Ji Sixuan didn't ask anything more, and didn't say any more, only called a maid to send her back to the previous yard.

It was not until Xiao Nuan left that a black figure came out of the shadow on the shore. The back who watched Xiao Nuan leave was slightly silent.

"Owner, is Feng Luan really amnesia?"

Ji Sixuan's eyes shone with a gloomy light, making people look at it.

"Maybe. Whether she really forgot or not, I will definitely remind her."

Xiao Nuan was sent back to Fengming Pavilion.

For several days, she tried to do everything possible to get back to the place where she was shipped.

But in the end, I tried everything, but I couldn't go back!

Oh my god, is she going to stay here forever from now on? !

"The third lady is okay. Come on, go to the front yard with the slave and maid."

While Xiao Nuan was thinking, Meier suddenly rushed in with a bitter face.

Xiao Nuan was caught by her for a moment. "what happened?"

"Madam, Zhuangzi is surrounded by assassins!"


The first thing Xiao Nuan thought of was that he had a chance to leave here!

Meier was about to cry, but in a blink of an eye she saw Xiao Nuan's face that was almost laughing, she only felt that the third lady was scared and stupid...

The front yard of the villa is not too far from her yard. It is the place where the owner Ji Sixuan usually meets guests.

As soon as Xiao Nuan was taken there, she saw people gathered inside. Except for the maids, they were all beauties of all kinds, let alone twenty or thirty!

"No, the assassin is here!"

Suddenly, a guard covered in blood rushed in, leaving a word that scared everyone present before he died.

"Ah! What to do, what to do I don't want to die..."

"Where is the owner, where has the owner gone?"

Xiao Nuan was so irritated by the women's quarrel that she stepped forward and grabbed Meier. "Are there any other exits here?"

Mei'er had already been scared to tears. "No, no, the back door is locked all the year round. We can't get out. Only the front door can get out of the entire villa."

"Damn it!"

"I have long heard that there are many beauties around the owner of Qingxiao Mountain Villa. Today, my brothers can also taste these beauties! Hahahaha..."

There was a frantic laughter outside the door, making the people in the room even more terrified.

"You are all women of the village owner, life can only be the owner's person, and death can only be the owner's ghost, comer, Shang Bailing!" It was Mr. Zhang, the chief steward of Nei Zhuang, except for Ji. Outside of Si Xuan, she is the most important person to speak at Qingxiao Mountain Villa, and can even deal with any lady in the Villa at will.

When Xiao Nuan heard this, they wanted them to die!

Outside the door, the shouts of killing became clearer and clearer, the assassins were approaching!

Xiao Nuan gritted his teeth and grabbed the sharp weapon in the house, holding it in his palm, always ready to rush out.

She has been cold and slow since she was a child. Apart from reading the scriptures written by the mother emperor, she doesn’t know anything about poetry and martial arts. The only thing she is fortunate is that she saw her dad flying around in the sky on a certain day and month. After learning light work, he can use it to escape at this time!

As for the people in this room, she couldn't protect herself, but she still managed so many!

Bai Ling was brought up, and all the ladies looked at the guards approaching them in horror.

"No, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die..."

These women are no more than their teens or twenties at most, and they are the best years for women. Who is willing to die at this time? !

A fierce flash flashed in Manager Zhang's eyes. "kill!"

Two guards stepped forward and reached out and grabbed Xiao Nuan.

Not waiting for Xiao Nuan to escape.

With a "bang", the door behind him was knocked open.

"Brother, there are so many beauties here, hahaha, this time we can treat our brothers well!"

"Brothers, all come in for me."

The big knives in the hands of the two black men walking in the front were dripping with bright red blood, and they walked towards them step by step.

Manager Zhang's entire complexion was darkened.

Xiao Nuan clenched the only sharp weapon in his hand and pushed it to the corner to wait for an opportunity.

The headed man in black stepped forward and pulled a beauty to "tear" her clothes to pieces!

", help!"

The beauty struggled with fear, but to no avail.

In a blink of an eye, the man in black caught a glimpse of the falling Bai Ling and a few beauties whose skirts had been strangled to death, and a strong killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"Take out the dead! Do you think you can be clean if you die? Brothers, no matter whether you live or die, **** me crazy!"

After finishing speaking, he pulled the belt of his pants, instantly erected the beauty on the ground, and penetrated in one second!

"Ah... don't, save me..."

Xiao Nuan was secretly shocked when she looked at the picture in front of her. She was held in her palm and protected well since she was a child. The cruelest picture she has ever seen was just a dad punishing a man who wanted to climb onto the mother's dragon bed.

Now seeing a weak woman being raped alive, it feels like her whole heart has been lifted up!

"Little beauty, what are you looking at? Do you want it too..."

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