Sassy Princess Is a Doctor

Chapter 882: Injured

Xiao Nuan opened his eyes and saw a white figure standing behind the man in black in front of her.

Even if the man in black blocked half of that figure, Xiao Nuan could still see him at a glance.

This man is always gentle when he sees it, and always looks like a person who can speak so well that one can't pick out anything bad.

Looking down at the sharp point of the sword in his hand facing her direction, how could the lore of hostility make her believe that he is a harmless white rabbit.

The tip of the sword pierced the chest of a man in black before her. The body of the sword was stained with blood, and the next moment it was pulled away from the chest of the man in black.

The man in black rolled his eyes and fell directly to the ground with anger!

One arrow pierced the heart, such a powerful move!

The snow-white robe was not even splashed by blood, it was still white as dust.

"The owner is back, the owner is back!"

Among those women, I don't know who yelled such a sentence, and those dying souls seemed to have found a strong attachment in an instant.

A group of guards came in behind Ji Sixuan to fight with the men in black.

Obviously, those people in black were hardly opponents of those guards, but half of them were besieged in an instant.

"Hmph, Ji Sixuan, I will die with you today!"

Hearing that voice, it was not the leader of the man in black who had just entered.

Holding a half-person-height decapitating knife in his hand, he swung the guard forward and slashed towards Ji Sixuan.

Xiao Nuan stood at the place closest to Ji Sixuan, and when he watched the opponent rushing forward regardless, he subconsciously stepped back and prepared to stay away.

But when she retreated, her legs were damnably caught, and her whole body rushed towards Ji Sixuan uncontrollably...


In a blink of an eye, Xiao Nuan saw the black-clothed leader's big sword greet her in her direction... getting closer...

Ji Sixuan didn't expect Xiao Nuan to rush over at this moment, and the depths of her gentle eyes dimmed slightly.

In the next instant, Xiao Nuan felt a heart-piercing pain on his shoulder...

She swears that she doesn't know what pain it feels except for what she felt during the first menstrual period.

The blood spurted out, sprayed on her face, burning her with despair, no, just die like this... right...

Before fainting, Xiao Nuan finally fixed his eyes on Ji Sixuan's misty eyes.

She must remember this face, she can't let go of it...

Xiao Nuan didn't know it, her eyes looked affectionately staring in the eyes of others.

This "other" also includes Ji Sixuan himself.

The corners of Ji Sixuan's lips made a faint smile, and he looked like he was smiling, but the black-clothed leader felt his whole body's cold hair stand up.

Before the big knife in his hand was swung out, he only felt a suffocation in his throat. His eyes rounded, and his huge body fell straight down...

Ji Sixuan hugged Xiao Nuan horizontally, and his voice was still calm, revealing a chill that couldn't hold his beak. "Clean up and find out the identity of the other party."


In the room illuminated by Ye Mingzhu, Ji Sixuan stood by the bed and looked at Xiao Nuan, who had passed out in a coma.

Thinking of the way she stood up to her when the man in black rushed up, a little doubt flashed through her eyes.

She... doesn't want him to be hurt?

Could it be that she really lost her memory? Still installed?

If Xiao Nuan knew what Ji Sixuan wanted in his heart, he would definitely jump out of bed with anger.

She clearly stumbled over it accidentally, okay!

"The owner."

After hearing this, Ji Si Xuan returned to his senses and turned around and walked out of the house.

Ding Hui stepped forward and said, "The owner is from Deyun Villa."

"Deyun Villa." Ji Sixuan's right thumb and index finger gently rubbed back and forth.

"Yes, the concubine Yun Fang of the three princes is the second daughter of the owner of Deyun Villa."

Ji Sixuan's eyes sank slightly, and the smile on his lips became more gentle.

Ding Hui shuddered when he saw it.

The gentler the face on their father's face, the more unlucky the other person will be...

"Well, it hurts..."

When Xiao Nuan woke up, it was already three days later.

She opened her eyes and looked at the more unfamiliar tent, holding on to the bed to get up.

As soon as she moved, there was movement outside the door. For a while, Ji Sixuan had already appeared in the room, stepping forward to hold her carefully.

"Luan, you are awake."


Xiao Nuan couldn't help but shudder, her voice was so gentle that she almost melted!

She remembered that the mother emperor once said that there is a kind of person in this world, called the gentle smiling tiger, with a smile that confuses the prey on his face. When the prey relaxes his guard, the smiling tiger instantly drags the mask to reveal his real mask and eats the prey. There are no bones left!

Xiao Nuan thought that Ji Sixuan was such a smiling tiger.

So she instinctively felt that this man was dangerous and wanted to stay away.

Xiao Nuan wanted to break free from his embrace, but as soon as she moved, the pain on her shoulder made her want to kill.

"The injury on the shoulder has just been medicated, and the doctor said don't get out of bed until the wound has healed. Are you hungry? I have someone prepare a vegetarian porridge."

Xiao Nuan wanted to say that she was not hungry, and just wanted Ji Sixuan to disappear from this room quickly.

But before the words were spoken, a "grunt" sound came from my stomach.

So embarrassing, Xiao Nuan can’t wait to find a hole to go in...

The maid came in carrying the steaming porridge, and Ji Sixuan took it personally.

Xiao Nuan sniffed the scent of meat porridge and swallowed.

She was really hungry without eating for a few days.

"I can do it myself..." Although Xiao Nuan was used to being served by others since childhood, Xiao Nuan always felt that it was a terrible thing to let Ji Sixuan serve her!

"Your hand is hurt, I'll feed you." The gentle words, but with a tone of intent.

Xiao Nuan watched Ji Sixuan gently blow the meat porridge to her mouth, opened his mouth and ate it as soon as he closed his eyes.

The meat porridge has been boiled very badly and melts in the mouth, but just like this, the sweetness of the meat porridge is also lost.

Sure enough, the craftsmanship with the older brother is still far behind.

But because of being hungry, Xiao Nuan ate all night.

Ji Sixuan slowly looked at Xiao Nuan who was biting the spoon with big mouthfuls, but after two bites, she seemed to forget his existence, and she completely forgot about it, and even disliked him for feeding too slowly.

This woman...If she wasn't pretending, she could only use amnesia to explain her behavior now.

"This meat porridge won't have to be boiled for that long next time. The meat can be put in after the porridge is cooked, so that it won't lose its flavor.

Ji Sixuan paused slightly when he put the bowl down and raised his eyes to look at her. "Luan'er also cooks meals?"

"My big brother..."

As soon as Xiao Nuan spoke, he realized that he had missed his mouth, and turned around.

"I'm just fooling around on Zhuangzi..."

Ji Sixuan sat on the chair, glanced at her faintly, and stood up.

"Come here, get water."

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