Sassy Princess Is a Doctor

Chapter 879: Way back

Xiao Nuan looked at the medicine she brought to her, stroking her eyebrows, her face hurting.

She inexplicably went to the Qingxiao Mountain Villa outside the city of Qianguo Qiyun. This country was not in the Canglan Continent, but on a continent called Dingsheng.

That's all, the beautiful man in white clothes just now is the owner of Qingxiao Mountain Villa, Ji Sixuan, the husband of "her"!

"She" is the man's eighth favorite concubine, and she is also a favorite!

I learned from Mei Er that "she" was called Fengluan, and Ji Sixuan brought it back from outside. No one knew the origin of "she", only that "she" was liked by Ji Sixuan. As long as Ji Sixuan returned to Qing Xiaoshan Villa, he almost stayed in "her" room.

Xiao Nuan held her forehead sadly, but she didn't expect that the dog-blood story from her mother's words actually happened to her!

Traversing is just her movement from one place to another. In other words, Feng Luan must be someone else, and he is likely to be very similar to her. Otherwise, how could these people recognize the wrong person?

Meier said that Fengluan went to the lake in the villa to enjoy the moon last night, and accidentally stumbled and fell into the lake. When she was rescued, she became Xiao Nuan.

She remembered that she also accidentally fell into a lake, and then came to this place somehow.

Could it be that there is something wrong with that lake?

"Madam, the medicine is cold, you can drink the medicine first." Meier brought the medicine forward and carefully stared at Xiao Nuan.

Their wives have been spoiled since they married the owner of the village. They have always had a bad temper. They would punish the servant girls at every turn. Some of them even fed their corpses directly to the wolves after being killed. So far, everyone in the village was afraid of her and the servant girls around him. It changed batch after batch.

"I'm fine, take this medicine."

"But Madam..."

Xiao Nuan was wondering whether she should go to the lake where Fengluan fell into the water again, and she might go back when she woke up after jumping off!

Thinking of this, she stood up.

Before she could go out, messy footsteps sounded outside the door.

"Second lady, fourth lady, our wife just woke up, and the owner said to let the lady rest well, and the two ladies should come back tomorrow." Although the little maid said something polite, her tone was not polite. Without seeing her, Xiao Nuan could imagine her arrogant expression.

"It's just a lowly maid, can you stop the second lady? You are trying to provoke the relationship between the second lady and the third lady, what is your intention!?"

"Four ladies forgive their sins, even if they give the servant a hundred courage, the servant dare not..."

At this time, a gentle voice rang out.

"Since the third sister is uncomfortable and inconvenient to see us, let's go back first, but don't disturb the third sister to rest."


"Okay, we brought some supplements, and we will bring your wife in later."

Xiao Nuan blinked in the room. The woman who was speaking didn't know if she was really generous or hidden deeply, and she was not bad on the surface.


These have nothing to do with her!

After the people outside the door left, Xiao Nuan asked Mei'er where the lake was and asked everyone to retreat.

After hearing no noise outside, Xiao Nuan cautiously pushed open the window behind the house and jumped out.

Compared to her palace in Rongzhen Palace, this yard was more than twice as small, and she quickly touched the back door of the yard and turned out.

When walking in Qingxiao Mountain Villa, Xiao Nuan found that this Villa was much larger than she had imagined, and the structure was a bit strange, different from any architectural structure she knew in Rong Zhen.

It's easy to get lost as you walk.

Just as she was about to pass through a moon arch, there was a sudden sound of footsteps in front of her, and her figure flashed and she hid behind a tree.

"Second Madam, look at her arrogance, isn't it just the owner who loves her? You all condescended to visit her at her door, and she even took Joe away from anyone, which is too much. Up!"

"The third sister is unwell now, it is normal not to see us."

As the voice got closer, Xiao Nuan caught a glimpse of two slender figures walking towards this side.

Under the moonlight, Xiao Nuan vaguely saw that the woman in red walking in front was a little shorter and could not see clearly, but from a distance, she had a gentle temperament.

The woman who walked one step behind the woman in red wore a long light blue dress, half a head taller than the woman in red, and her rosy lips could be seen from a distance, shining with a light moisturizing light in the moonlight.

Ji Sixuan will really enjoy it. The women around him are all beauties, and they are all beautiful and unique!

"Hmph, she should have been drowned in that lake back then!" The fourth lady snorted coldly, and the figure walked past the tree where Xiao Nuan was.

"Shut up!" The second lady's expression changed and she gave a cold snort.

Four husbands reluctantly shut up.

After the two of them walked far away, Xiao Nuan walked out from behind the tree.

Could it be that they wanted to kill Feng Luan and push her into the water?

Sure enough, where there are many women, there are more right and wrong.

Xiao Nuan walked through the arch, and after two quarters of an hour, he finally found the lake that Meier said.

Seeing the sparkling on the lake at a glance, you can't see the edge!

Meier said that this Hu's water was drawn from the mountain outside the villa and was connected to the outside world.

Xiao Nuan looked at the sparkling water and reached out to test the water temperature.

so cold!

She doesn't know how to swim, what if she can't go back and can't get up?

But want her to stay in this inexplicable place to be a concubine for a man?

What can she do as the princess of the dignified Rong Zhen country!

Thinking about this, Xiao Nuan gritted his teeth and closed his eyes and jumped!


"Gulong Gulong"

The body was instantly surrounded by the cold lake water, Xiao Nuan obviously felt a terrible suffocation in her chest, making her unable to breathe at all.

She closed her eyes and just muttered silently, go back, go back!

But in a flash, she couldn't bear to choke a lot of water!

She opened her eyes, but she could see nothing but darkness.

Why haven't you gone back yet!

Just when Xiao Nuan was about to be unable to support her, she only felt that one of her hands lifted her from the water.


The moment she breathed the fresh air, her eyes went dark and she lost consciousness.

By the lake, Ji Sixuan, dressed in white, looked at Xiao Nuan who was lying on the ground and fainted. His eyes, always with a gentle smile, became more and more blurred in the moonlight.

He looked at Xiao Nuan for a moment, then stepped forward and squatted down, tapping several places on her.

Xiao Nuan's lying body twitched.


The water in Xiao Nuan's belly was vomited out, and he slowly opened his eyes and saw a beautiful male face close at hand...

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