Sassy Princess Is a Doctor

Chapter 878: A beautiful man in white is better than snow

"Quickly, please go to the doctor, if something goes wrong with our wife, you will have good fruit!"

"Yes, yes, sister Meier, don't worry, the doctor is already on the way and will be here soon."

Eyelids are so heavy...

Xiao Nuan listened to the noisy voice in her ear, and she was so uncomfortable that she wanted to curse.

These little maids are really ignorant. Didn't you see that she was sleeping? They were still bluffing.

When you look back, you must let your sister throw them all out of the palace.

"Get out, get out, the doctor is here."

Xiao Nuan only felt that a beam of light pierced her eyelids, and when she opened her eyes, she saw an old man with gray beard reaching out to her.


She jumped up subconsciously and quickly patted that hand away.

The doctor who was about to roll her eyes was so scared that he backed away and looked at her with a frightened expression.

"This this……"

"Madam, you are awake, you really scared the slave to death."

Xiao Nuan raised her eyes to look at the talking maid, who should be about her age.


"What do you call me?"

Mei Er was taken aback, and she was surprised. "Madam, what's the matter with you? Isn't it uncomfortable?" He said, he stretched out his hand to help Xiao Nuan.

Xiao Nuan slapped her hand away.

"Madam? Sister Twenty-Eight Girl Yizhihua, when did you become your wife?" Xiao Nuan frowned and looked at the people in the room, wondering if they were from any country or school who came to her as a soft persimmon.

Everyone in the room changed their faces when they heard it.

"Doctor, what's wrong with our wife?"

"This...maybe your lady was stimulated after falling into the water, for a while..."

Mei Er looked worried. "Madam, let the doctor show you first."

As the two talked, Xiao Nuan had already sorted out what was happening now.

She remembered that she touched the bracelet on her hand on the street, and then came to a strange place.

After that she accidentally fell into the lake and was here when she woke up.

These people have always called her "Mrs." and their looks are not fake...

"Bring a mirror here."

Mei Er Yiyan took a mirror and walked forward.

"Madam, you..."

Xiao Nuan grabbed the mirror directly.

A delicate and gorgeous face was reflected in the slightly yellowed bronze mirror.

The delicate goose egg has a pair of beautiful eyebrows on the face, a pair of apricot eyes rippling with spring waves, and the straight nose gives the outline of the whole face a style of an exotic woman. The most delicate and charming is the pair of honey-filled small The mouth is so moist that it makes people want to bite.

This is clearly her face!

She threw away the mirror, pulled up her sleeves and looked at her arm.

There was a small mole on the elbow of her right hand. It was a wound made by Xiao Wan when she was three years old. The wound gradually faded and became a mole.

She is still her, and there is no such thing as crossing or resurrection in the painting books written by the mother emperor back then.

So what is this place?

The maids looked at the unpredictable expression on her face, and didn't know what to do for a while.

"The owner is here."

The owner?

Xiao Nuan raised her eyes in doubt and looked in the direction of the door.

I saw a slender white figure slowly entering the room.

After that figure walked in, Xiao Nuan instantly realized what Moments Guanghua meant.

Many lights were lit in the room, bright as day, but the person who walked in looked like a huge night pearl, capable of dimming all the light energy, so that the sight of the presence was focused on him.

No pattern can be seen on a light white robe, but only the Wei Yang Xiao Nuan brought from the walk knows that this fabric is the best quality in the world.

"The owner."

All the maids knelt down to greet him, Xiao Nuan raised his eyes to look at the person's face.


When she touched that jade-like face, she obviously felt her heart slow down.

Mo Shangren is like Yu Shi Wushuang Young Master, he is talking about the man in front of him.

The eyes are beautiful, the phoenix eyes are slightly raised, and there is a beautiful light wave in the eyes, the nose is like a mountain, high and deep, and the red lips are lightly pressed...

Xiao Nuan has been soaked in the den of beautiful men since he was a child, and the eyes of men are absolutely critical to the point of finding fault.

But the man in front of her still made her stare blankly.

Only two words flashed in my mind, scourge!

The mother emperor once said that a good-looking man is a curse!

For example, her father...

The man's eyes are extremely gentle, almost able to see people.

Xiao Nuan hurriedly adjusted her breathing to stabilize her heartbeat!

"What's the matter?" Ji Sixuan slenderly pushed to Xiao Nuan, gently holding her in the palm of her hand and asked.

Such a gentle voice, Xiao Nuan was guarded, and it was difficult to face him with a cold face.

However, before clarifying the situation, Xiao Nuan felt that he still said less and made less mistakes, and simply pretended to be dumb.

Without a response, Ji Sixuan was not angry.

"What happened to the third lady?"

"Back to the owner, madam, madam..."

"I have amnesia."

Xiao Nuan would not admit that she was poisoned by the paintings written by her mother.

Ji Sixuan's beautiful eyebrows wrinkled, as if with infinite pity. "really?"

With that said, the doctor was busy taking the call. "Owner, the third wife was frightened and fell into the water. It is not impossible to not remember anything in a short time."

In a daze, the warm hand struck her face, Xiao Nuan trembled subconsciously.

"Don't touch me!" She didn't like the touch of outsiders since she was a child, and she turned around and patted that person's hand.

In the next moment, the whole room was so quiet that needles fell to the ground, and everyone bowed their heads and dared not breathe.

Ji Sixuan glanced at the back of her hand that was slapped red by her, with a wounded expression in her eyes.

"Xue'er's body is still very weak, and you are all ready to serve." After speaking, he stood up.

"All meals must be prepared."


After giving instructions, Ji Sixuan turned to look at Xiao Nuan gently. "Xue'er, you rest well first, and I will come to accompany you later."

Xiao Nuan glanced at the back of his hand with the red seal still on it and nodded.

Although this person looks gentle and gentle, she always feels that he carries a dangerous aura.

Just like her second brother, he usually sees people with a three-point smile, and everyone in the family knows that the deeper his smile, the more miserable the other person will be calculated.

"Madam, will the servant bring the dinner in for you?" Meier asked cautiously after Ji Sixuan had left.

After Xiao Nuan woke up, almost all the maids in the house listened to her, so she stayed and let everyone go out.

"What's your order, Madam?"

"I have forgotten everything now. Should you tell me everything I need to know? For example, where is this place and who am I?"

Meier was stunned when she looked at her bright eyes, and immediately lowered her head and said: "Mrs. Hui, this is the Qingxiao Villa outside Qiyun City on the prosperous mainland..."

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