Sassy Princess Is a Doctor

Chapter 877: This is an interesting story

The second year of Joan was the second year of the new Emperor Rong Zhen ascended the throne.

Outside Juedu City, a black carriage was slowly driving on the official road.

There is nothing special about the carriage from the outside, but the people in the carriage know the low-key luxury.

Yueli has not left too many marks on her face for more than 30 years. She has been in power for many years, giving her a touch of majesty in her brows.

"I don't know how Wan'er is now. I left. That kid might feel lonely."

Xiao Zhan embraced Yue Li, who would completely belong to him in the future, and he was extremely satisfied.

"The children always have the day when they grow up."



Inside the Rongzhen Palace.

Xiao Wan stood alone in the huge imperial garden, a ray of golden light shining her back in melancholy.

The close-fitting grand court lady ran towards her in small steps. "Your Majesty, the carriage of the Supreme Emperor is out of town."

Xiao Wan looked at the withering chrysanthemum not far away, and suddenly remembered the strange tune her mother had loved to sing most these years.

"The chrysanthemum is broken, the ground is hurt~~"

Rouzhi looked at Xiao Wan, who raised her head slightly and said with a bright and sorrowful expression: "Your Majesty, the Emperor, before walking up, secretly left you barbecue condiments in Taiming Hall."

Someone's sad face changed in seconds, and he glared softly. "You kid, can you say it all at once next time."

"The maidservant sees your majesty being immersed in grief and daring not to disturb himself."

"The lonely..." I felt so uncomfortable to think that Beauty Daddy would be monopolized by his mother from now on.

I think she can no longer eat the tofu in the arms of the beauties like she did in the past, what else can she expect to live?

"Your Majesty, Princess Nuanyang has left the palace, saying that she is going to travel the world."

A little palace lady ran forward panting with small steps.

"What? Even she wants to leave?"

Xiao Wan's thoughts were lost in an instant, and now she didn't even have the only fun.

"Xiao Nuan is shameless, where do you want to go? Now the rivers and lakes belong to the eldest brother, she is still a fart!"

"Rouzhi carefully looked around." Your Majesty, pay attention to words and deeds. "

Xiao Wan sighed, shook her head and continued walking towards Taiming Hall.

Life has been so difficult, let's use some strings to comfort the lonely injured heart...

If you think that what you are going to write about this fan is loneliness, you are very wrong!

Outside the palace, a slender and beautiful figure looked at the fading carriage and waved.

"Mother Queen, Daddy, don't you guys come back so soon!" Xiao Nuan's delicate goose egg face was full of expectation for himself after going through the world.

Tightening the baggage on his body, Xiao Nuan glanced at the bracelet that was shining strangely warm in the sun, and smiled badly.

This bracelet is the jade bracelet that Yueli could enter the space back then.

People raise jade, and jade raises people. Over the years, this jade bracelet has become more transparent.

Xiao Nuan still remembered that at her birthday last year, her brothers, sisters and fathers all quietly prepared gifts.

Only the mother emperor, after a surprised face, took off the jade bracelet from her hand and put it on her hand.

For this reason, Xiao Wan stared at her dissatisfiedly for three days!

Because they are born on the same day!

She swears that the mother emperor must have forgotten that day.

This woman, apart from her daddy in her eyes and heart, her daughters and so on, are all born to play with her when she is idle!

Xiao Nuan walked on the bluestone road leading to the most prosperous street in Juedu.

Five years ago, her elder brother accepted Jiugong Pavilion, the No. 1 martial art school in the world.

The second brother became the emperor of the East Kingdom six years ago.

Three small years have become masters with extremely high academic attainments.

The fourth sister is now the empress of Yongzhen in the palace behind her.

Look at her again...

Xiao Nuan let out a light sigh, and decided that something amazing must be created, so that they would be admired!

It was not that Xiao Nuan hadn't seen the outside world before, but her mother always let them go out to see if there was nothing to do.

Under the control of the mother emperor for more than ten years, Rong Zhen is still peaceful.

"Doctor, please see for my father..."

"Hey, girl, this is a medical clinic, not a relief hall. You have already credited several times before. We are also a small business. The girl should visit another house."

Xiao Nuan stood on the opposite side of the street and watched this scene not far away.

There was an old man lying beside the woman with a face of earth, fearing that the position below the neck was buried in the ground.

"I said girl, you may find a place with good feng shui now, it may be more practical than seeking a doctor."

As a kind woman, Xiao Nuan decided to step forward and persuade the woman.

Who knows, the woman's face changed when she heard it.

"Who are you to curse my dad, you can hardly die!"

Xiao Nuan was pointed at Nose Mom/'s gray-headed face, the saliva sprayed on his face could wash his face.

People are aura, especially the well-protected rabbits with big fangs!

"I'm also doing this for your own good, why are you swearing!"

"You curse my father to die, I won't scold you who you curse..."

The girl's scolding was really terrible, Xiao Nuan had to turn around and ran away.

Xiao Nuan sat boredly on the stone steps, and inadvertently fiddled with the bracelet on his hand.

"Hey, how come these people are so indifferent to good and evil? I obviously have good intentions. It would be great if they can go to other places..." Before the voice fell, Xiao Nuan only felt a slight warmth in the palms of his hands and opened his eyes again. I have reached another place.

There was a breeze blowing around, and Xiao Nuan didn't come back to his senses until he felt the cool wind.

She looked around, there were endless rice fields everywhere, and at the end of the rice fields was a prism-like lake.

"Where is this...?" She was clearly on the street just now!

"Hey, is there anyone?"

"Is anyone here? What is this place on earth?"

Called for a week, no one answered at all, not even a bird.

I go!

What the **** is this?

Xiao Nuan walked to the small lake shining with silver light on his shoulders.

This lake is not big from a distance, but when I look closer, I find that I can’t see the edge...

"Strange, is there no one here? Somehow there is a village or something, otherwise, who made these things?"

Xiao Nuan looked at the lake, and the ghost walked forward, squatting down and taking a bow.

"Wow, it's so, there are fish..."

As soon as she leaned forward, she reached out to catch fish in the lake, but she slipped.


The water splashed everywhere, and Xiao Nuan fell into the water...


The lake was so clear that Xiao Nuan thought she could step on to the bottom, but no matter how she kicked her legs, she couldn't touch the bottom of the lake. When she was swimming desperately to the shore, a strong force was drawn from her feet... …

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