Sassy Princess Is a Doctor

Chapter 856: Forget, start over

On the day of her ascension to the throne, Yueli wore the bright yellow robe of a five-clawed golden dragon, with a golden crown on her head, and walked step by step to the upper dragon position, starting a different life path from then on...

"Master, I found some entrances, but the entrances have formations, and our people can't open them."

Yue's entourage took a look at the enthronement ceremony underneath, and confronted Xiao Zhandao.

After the enthronement ceremony is over, people sent from all countries must leave. In order to ensure nothing is lost, Xiao Zhan intends to go on the road with them.

Of course, it must be the way Qin Shang took them.

However, those roads are all set up with formations, and those who are waiting are simply unable to walk without being led.

Xiao Zhan's green eyes were deep. "What kind of formation is it?"

"Some are like gossip seven-star arrays, but brothers can't solve them in that way."

"follow me."

Xiao Zhan flew towards Hailan Hall with a little tiptoe.

When Yueli got what Xiao Nianen left behind, it was in the dark room of Hailan Temple.

At that time, Yueli did a strange dance step to open the dark room.

Xiao Zhan came to the spot where Yue Li had stood before, and started to move based on his memory.


At the moment when the footsteps stopped, the door of the dark room opened!

"Is it such a formation?"

Yue Sui looked at her eyes brightly, indeed!

"Subordinates go over and try!"

After five days, all crossings were opened!


"My lord, everything is packed and you can leave at any time."

Xiao Rui, as the monarch of the Chu Kingdom, naturally cannot stay in Rong Zhen forever. Now that Yue Li has ascended the throne to become the empress of Rong Zhen, he has no need to stay because he knows that he will never let her again. Go back to yourself.

"Is it ready to go to see the queen? We will leave in an hour."


"Mother, will Wang'er never see Li'er brother and them again in the future?"

When Xiao Wang learned that he was leaving Juedu and separated from Xiao Jin and the others, he was very disappointed.

Li Shuang'er touched his little head lovingly. "How can you never see them again? Brother Li'er and the others will definitely go to Wang'er for fun. After a while, mother will take you to say goodbye to them, okay?"

"Okay, Brother Li'er likes to eat the most, and Wang'er will bring him a lot of delicious past..."

"it is good."

Yue Li had just ascended the throne, and there were many tedious things to deal with. Although they knew that Li Shuang'er and the others were leaving, they couldn't see each other personally.

"Go and say goodbye to Wang'er brother, Uncle Rui and Aunt Li."


Xiao Jin took the two younger brothers and ran towards the West Palace. Yueli looked at their backs and sighed softly.

Xiao Wang stood at the gate of the West Palace, looking bafflingly, until Xiao Jin and the others appeared, he changed his smile and ran forward quickly.

"Brother Li'er, you are here!"

After several foundations, Xiao Jin still developed a certain friendship with Xiao Wang.

"Hey, I made this by myself. Take it on the road."

"Wang'er also has gifts to give to brothers."

The four little guys lowered their heads and didn't know what they were talking about. Li Shuang'er kept looking at them with a smile.

"Aunt Li."

A small figure walked to Li Shuang'er, Li Shuang'er was shocked.

"Is Xuan'er?"

Xiao Xuan nodded. "Mother said, I have a few words for Xuan'er to tell Aunt Li."

"it is good.


When all the tedious rituals are over, it is already an hour later.

Xiao Zhan, we have to leave today...

Yue Li changed into a gorgeous and grand dragon robe and walked alone into the Hailan Hall in a long skirt.

She has been cleaned up here, but even so, there is no way to conceal the obsolescence that she has abandoned for many years.

She opened the door of the temple and walked in.

There was a figure sitting behind the screen in the main house. She walked around behind the screen and walked to the figure.

The figure had been sitting still, hearing the sound, slowly raised his head to look at her, and suddenly laughed.

"The queen will come to see me again, does it mean that the queen actually has me in her heart?" The coquettish peachy eyes raised slightly when she spoke, but Yueli did not miss the bitterness that flashed through his eyes.

"Xiao Zheng, are you tired?" Yueli pulled a chair and sat down in front of him.


This is the first time someone has asked him that after he has lived for so many years.

Xiao Zheng looked at the face in front of him, the same as before, and wanted to reach out and touch it, but just halfway through his hand, he fell weakly.

Yes, he is now a useless person. A few days ago, Xiao Zhan abolished his martial arts cultivation base and made him a worthless person!

"Tired, let the queen rub it for me."

Yue Li stood up, walked slowly behind him, and stretched out her bright white fingers to gently press on his temples, gently rubbing them.

Since coming to Rong Zhen and being captured by Xiao Zhan, Xiao Zheng has never had a good night's sleep. He is awakened by nightmares every night. Now, it is more comfortable and relaxed for him than ever.

"If you meet me before you meet Xiao Zhan, will you fall in love with me?" Xiao Zheng's voice was very soft, and if he didn't listen carefully, he could hardly hear him.

"Perhaps, I will." She paused and thought about it. After encountering Xiao Zheng, will this man fall in love with him for everything he has done to her from before to now?

She didn't know, if there was no Xiao Zhan... who would know.

But the reality is that there is no if.

"Whether you lied to me or coaxed me, I believe it." Xiao Zheng suddenly closed his eyes contentedly, as if he was asleep.

"Xiao Zhan, the living king, is really cruel. Did you let me give me a result? His temperament makes it hard for me to live up to now. The winner is king, and the loser is the invader. No matter the end, No matter what, I recognize it."

Yue Li paused with her hand on his temple.

He thought she was here to kill him today.

The silver needle on Yueli's fingertips gleamed with a cold light.

"I want to give you a new start, Xiao Zheng, forget all the past and welcome the new life." Before the words fell, the silver needle in his hand pierced the acupuncture points on his head accurately.


Before Xiao Zheng had time to figure out the meaning of her words, he only felt a sharp pain throughout his body, which made him almost shout.

But even so, Yue Li still didn't mean to stop. The silver needle in her hand kept piercing his acupuncture points, until the last silver needle in her hand settled, and she let out a sigh of relief.

Xiao Zheng had already fainted, and Yue Li took out the veil and carefully wiped the fine cold sweat on his head.

"Xiao Zheng, I hope you can get real happiness."

Half an hour later, Yue Li walked out of Hailan Hall.

Xiao Zheng in the hall woke up quietly.

Nashuang's eyes, which always had a three-point smile and a half-evil look, were confused at this time, looking around and muttering seemingly confused. "Where is this..., who am I?"

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