Sassy Princess Is a Doctor

Chapter 855: Everything comes too fast

Rong Zhen really changed!

The queen who has been for decades actually usurped the throne!

Now he was taken back by the descendants of the true heir to the throne!

All the veterans who supported Xiao Nian'en back then stepped forward, saying that they wanted the rightful heir to ascend the throne as soon as possible and become the new queen!

The new empress who was about to ascend to the throne held her swollen belly and looked at the pile of papers on the desk with a painful expression.

Yueli rubbed her eyebrows and then her temples.

Close your eyes, open your eyes, there are still so many memorials in front of you!

Xiao Yazheng has been in prison for three days, and she hasn't recovered yet.

This matter has been prepared for so long and a lot of effort was wasted, but in the end, is it too simple to end?

After the king was defeated, Xiao Yazheng was imprisoned like this? !

Before she had time to feel the blood and blood brought about by the seizure, she sat in this hot position! ?

"Hey..." It made her seem completely helpless.

"Mother, why are you sighing these past few days?" Xiao Jin blinked his innocent big eyes, looking at Yueli with confusion.

Yue Li shook her head sadly as you didn't understand me.

"You are still young, you will understand when you grow up."

Xiao Xuan raised his head from the pile of folds piled up like a hill. "My mother is just boring now."

After speaking, he lowered his head, holding a brush in his hand and writing something on the folder.

Yue Li stretched out her hand and squeezed Xiao Xuan's small face, Xiao Xuan was a little embarrassed to drop the zhezi to avoid her hand.

"Mother, do you want Xuan'er to help you sort out the papers?"

Yue Li took her hand and smiled flatteringly. "Look at Xuan'er, take a good look, mother won't bother you."

Some people are born to work hard, such as her second son Xiao Xuan!

At a young age, I didn’t know that after a few days of studying with Xiao Zhan, I would read the book!

I don't know if the above words can be recognized or not, but fortunately, it only allows the child to classify them. But thinking that she will be immersed in these world events in the future, it hurts.

"Mother, my dad said that my sister will be born in a few months." Xiao Chen climbed to Yueli's side and looked at her slightly bulging belly with a small face full of expectation.

Yue Li caressed her belly, thinking about giving birth to a daughter. Someone will have to take over this hard job sooner or later.

As he spoke, Xiao Zhan, dressed in a black robe, walked in.


Xiao Zhan touched Xiao Jin who had fumbled over, and led him to Yue Li.

"How do you feel today?"

His bright green eyes fell on Yue Li's belly.

Yue Li moved her body and rubbed against him before saying: "The whole body is uncomfortable."

Hearing this, Xiao Zhan frowned slightly.

"Where's not feeling well, go and get Ye Xiaoma."

"no thanks."

Yue Li stopped the guard who went out.

She just thinks that she will be separated from her husband in the future, and her son can't be with her all, so she feels uncomfortable all over!

Seeing that Yueli's stickiness had appeared, the three buns walked out cautiously, leaving room for the mother who was about to act like a baby with their heroic father!

Xiao Zhan looked at her small face, and kissed her soft lips softly.

Yue Li hummingly bit his soft lips with his teeth, not letting go or moving.

Xiao Zhan allowed her to make trouble, but when she wanted to step away, he held her face to deepen the kiss.

He didn't let her go until the breathing of the two became rapid.

"Those people will stay and wait until you ascend the throne before leaving."

Those people are talking about leaders who were brought by Qin Shang from various countries.

"Are they... okay?"

Qin Shang brought them all the way back, it is impossible to just want them to attend the Queen's birthday party.

"Some have been hit by Gu."

"Hit Gu?"

"Contemporary Gu."

Desperate Gu...

Yue Li has heard from Ye Xiaoma. Generally, people who are caught by this kind of Gu are like a soulless body. Within a month, they will completely lose their consciousness, and then they will become a man controlled by others. Of the living dead!

This is Qin Shang's purpose.

On the surface, there seems to be nothing unusual about those people, but if those people return to their respective countries, they will be secretly manipulated. By then, not all countries will be in Qin Shang's hands!

This trick is really ruthless!

"Is there no way to solve Gu?"

"This kind of Gu worm is extremely small, and it can be directly integrated into the bloodline, and there is no solution."

So Qin Shang didn't leave any way out for those people...

"Those who drank the divine water in the temple that day were all caught in Gu."

Yue Li sighed, so people really can't be too greedy.

The price to be paid to live forever is far more than imagined.

"After ascending to the throne, are you going back to EAST?" She ran away from all the troubles she had to deal with next, just wanting to know how long Xiao Zhan could stay with her.

She found that she relied more on him after she was pregnant. If he can't be with her suddenly one day, she must be 10,000 points uncomfortable!

Xiao Zhan looked at her with low eyes and held her hands tightly.

"Not giving up?"


"Then I will stay."

"Stay? Stay here forever?" Yue Li was slightly surprised.

"As long as Li'er thinks, I will stay." Xiao Zhan looked at her, his dark green eyes didn't mean joking.

Yueli only felt warm in her heart.

But she knew that this was too selfish, and Xiao Zhan had already left Dongyu for too long. Since she had chosen this path, she had to take it on her own.


In a hidden cave deep in the mountains outside Juedu City, a lonely figure sits in the cave.

The cave was full of light, and all around were dotted with night pearls the size of a baby's fist.

Qin Shang sat cross-legged to hold his breath, adjusting his inner breath.

"Hmm. Hum!"

But after a while, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

He slowly opened his eyes, and the bright white light shone on his face, even more so that his face was pale as paper, without a trace of living blood.

He clutched his chest and stood up, staggering to the only table in the cave.

There is a picture lying flat on the table.

The portrait is a woman with a beautiful smile.

Qin Shang stretched out his hand tremblingly and gently stroked the woman on the portrait, like a rare treasure.

"You Ruo, you finally got your Rong Zhen back. Are you very happy? Those people, you deal with Rong Zhen's affairs day and night. Although you are in the same house, you and I are even good. I can’t meet for a few days. You said, when Rong Zhen’s world is peaceful, you and I are both old, and you will accompany me outside to see the scenery we have never seen before...

Qin Shang's hollow eyes gradually became moist. "But you have forgotten that I am impatient. I can't wait for the day when we get old anyway before you can stay with me..."

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