Li Shuang'er sat on the horse, holding Xiao Wang in his arms, and sighed in his heart as he watched Jue Du who was drifting away behind him.

Yue Li, goodbye, I hope I have a chance to see you again in this life.

"Mother, can Wang'er see Li brother and them in the future?"

"Brother Li said that he will become a master of martial arts in the future, and Wang'er also wants to learn martial arts, okay, mother queen."

"Okay, but you have to be diligent when you learn it. You can't fish for three days and dry the net for two days."

"Okay! Hope you will definitely work hard."

The large team arrived on the mountain trail after walking for several days. All the caves were called by Yue Sui them. They are now going back the way they came.

At night, the team rested in the mountains.

Li Shuang'er was lying on the carriage with Xiao Wang in his arms. Because he was going to walk the mountain road, the carriage he prepared was not big. The two lay down and the position was just right. Xiao Rui would rest on the other carriage.

After a day’s journey, everyone was tired. Li Shuanger hugged Xiao Wang and soon fell asleep...

In her sleep, Li Shuang'er only felt a violent shaking under her body, which made her wake up from her sleep.

She subconsciously hugged Xiao Wang in her hand! !

"Mother, what's the matter?" Xiao Wang fell asleep, awakened by Li Shuang'er's behavior.

"The ground moves, the ground moves, run, run!"

After a while, there was a panic and scream outside.

The ground moved!

Li Shuang'er was shocked, and quickly woke Xiao Wang up, holding him and jumping out of the carriage.

It was dark outside in the middle of the night.

It makes people's eyes black and sees nothing!

"Shuang'er, Wang'er! Hurry, protect the queen and the prince!"

Xiao Rui's roar faintly came from Li Shuang'er's ear. She wanted to follow the sound to find it, but as soon as she took two steps, she was knocked to the ground by the panicked crowd.

"Woo wow... mother queen, mother queen..."

"Don't be afraid, Wang'er, the queen is here..." Li Shuang'er struggled to stand up, but the mountain suddenly shook, causing people to fall to the ground and couldn't stand up!

"Wang'er, don't be afraid... the queen will come to rescue you soon..." she yelled, trying to calm the frightened Xiao Wang.

"Found the prince, found the prince!"

Suddenly a familiar voice came from not far in front, and she heard that it was the most powerful guard around Xiao Rui.

"Quick, bring the big prince to the emperor, quick!"

Great, they found Wang'er!

"Go find the queen!"

Li Shuang'er almost cried out in relief. Just when she was about to speak out where she was, the mountain suddenly shook violently. She was hit by someone again, and she rolled down the mountain...

The shouts and screams gradually faded in the ears until they disappeared...

The sky gradually turned white, illuminating the people who were punished by the angry mountain god.

Rong Zhen was indeed an earthquake, but the epicenter of the earthquake was not here, otherwise they wouldn't be able to only feel that degree of vibration.

However, even aftershocks were enough for them to suffer. The deaths and injuries were no longer a minority. Most of them were rolled off the cliffs or killed by rocks.

Just after dawn, Xiao Zhan sent someone to spread the word, saying that he would return to Rong Zhen for the time being, and set off again after repairing.

In this situation, even if they want to hurry, everyone can only retreat to the nearest border city for repairs.

"The emperor, I have searched everywhere, but I haven't found the whereabouts of the empress."

Last night, during the chaos, Xiao Wang was found and protected by the guards, but Li Shuang'er was gone.

After dawn and the ground movement subsided, someone came to tell him that Li Shuang'er could not be found.

"Can't find it?! How could it be impossible to find it! Where were the guards who protected the queen empress last night? Where did they go?!"

Xiao Rui was furious, thinking that Li Shuang'er might be killed by a rock somewhere, or fell to the foot of a mountain, and felt an unspeakable suffocation in her chest!

He stared at the guards with red eyes, as if looking at them like this, he could see Li Shuang'er!

"Go and find! Find me! We must find people!"

"Yes Yes!"

"Father, where is the queen? Where did the queen go?"

Scared in the middle of the night, Xiao Wang, who fell asleep again under the comfort of the court ladies, stared at Xiao Rui with wide eyes, and subconsciously wanted to find Li Shuang'er.

Li Shuang'er was by his side after he had been out for so long. The child felt anxious without seeing her for a while.

Hearing the milky voice behind him, Xiao Rui's angry expression eased slightly.

"Wang'er woke up."

"Father, were you injured last night?"

Xiao Rui rubbed his little head and smiled gently: "Father, it's okay. We will go back to the city before we set off in a while, and we have to hurry. You can rest for a while."

"Father and queen mother?" Xiao Wang grasped this question without letting go.

"Your mother will go there first, and we will be able to find her in the past."

"Really? Why did the mother go by first, without looking..." The little guy muttered a little dissatisfied, but didn't ask any more.

Xiao Rui looked at his innocent face, her eyes darkened.


"What? The ground moved?"

In the Palace of Qinzheng, Yue Li, who received the news the next day, fell directly to the ground with the zipper in her hand!

Soon after she ascended the throne, Xiao Zhan will take the team to leave Rong Zhen. He will personally lead the team to prevent some of them from wanting to keep Rong Zhen to make minor moves. Originally, the situation of her new emperor's ascension was very unstable and went to the court A bunch of powers of Feng Wang and Xiao Yazheng were waiting for her headache.

If the outside world is still in trouble, then she is really the top ten.

But who knows that Xiao Zhan and they just moved on the mountain road!

"But don't worry, your Majesty, it's just the impact of the aftermath of the earth, not serious." Tudor handed the collected information to Yue Li.

The epicenter of the earthquake was in the mountains in an uninhabited area on the border of Rongzhen. The reason why Xiao Zhan and the others were affected was because the roots of many mountains were connected together.

"Xiao Zhan, are they alright?" Xiao Zhan brought Xiao Xuan's children with him this time, saying that he wanted to take them back and train them well.

Tudor glanced at her charmingly. "Without him, don't you still have me?"

Yue Li looked at his eyes that were even more seductive than women, and the corners of her eyes jumped. "I don't need your mother!"

Seeing her faintly angry, Tudor was not joking. "Don't worry, his scourge, as well as his small scourges, will be left for thousands of years. It's all right. But..."

"But what?"

Yue Li's heart that was about to fall raised again, can this be said at once!

"However, it seems that the Queen of Chu is missing." Tudor said lightly.

"What? Shuang'er is gone?" Yue Li was startled.

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