Ruins of the past

Chapter 849 Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong and Demon Army Base Camp

"Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong."

"To achieve the true meaning that all living beings can become Buddhas."

"A future Buddha decided to feed sentient beings with his own vajra."

"It is said that Buddha gave his last sermon."

"Everyone in the world will become Buddha after listening to it."

“Since ancient times, there has been an endless stream of believers who call this phenomenon the Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaosong.”

In the retreat, Chu Qiguang felt a sense of joy in his heart as he watched the transformation of the 'Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong'.

‘It turns out to be one of the core transformations needed for the future Infinite Heart Seal. ’

‘I’m lucky. ’

‘This Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong, combined with another transformation, can display the most basic future immeasurable heart seal, and achieve the effect of sure success. ’

Thinking of this, Chu Qiguang was determined to choose this transformation.

Although he had the same idea as Qiao Zhi, he had thought about creating his own set of magical powers.

But it is not so easy to create magical powers by yourself. Before creating his own magical powers, Chu Qiguang decided to use the Future Infinite Heart Seal first. Maybe you can learn something from it.

However, he now has six sage transformations, which means he has to replace an existing sage transformation.

After thinking for a moment, Chu Qiguang decided to choose the transformation of 'Heavenly Buddha's Palm Power'.

‘The Four Seas Dragon has miraculous effects in naval battles. ’

‘Buddha enlightenment of the way of heaven is the key ability to comprehend the way of heaven. ’

‘The other three transformations, working together, can increase my defense by dozens of times. It would be a pity to remove any one of them. ’

'Only this Heavenly Buddha's palm power is most useful in spreading the Dharma, but it is of the least use to me...'

Thinking of this, Chu Qiguang used the 'Tiandao Buddha Enlightenment' to perform the purification method in it, and exchanged the palm power of the Heavenly Buddha.

I saw that in the palm of his hand, the powerful palm power condensed by the scriptures collapsed and dissipated.

Immediately afterwards, the blood, spirit, and knowledge in his body melted again, and his whole body transformed into the form of a diamond.

But it turns out that the diamond inside and outside Chu Qiguang's body is clear and bright, which means it is pure and indestructible.

At this moment, King Kong trembled slightly, as if it had life, and continued to emit bursts of Zen sounds, giving it a hint of evil.

"The Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong can pollute the heaven and earth with diamonds and create Buddhas."

"The so-called Ten Thousand Buddhas refer to the Buddhas who were polluted."

"The so-called sect is me."

"Ten thousand Buddhas are paying homage to the sect... it means heaven and earth are paying homage to me."

Chu Qiguang could feel that this Ten Thousand Buddhas sect probably evolved from the form of the Buddha obtained in "Dragon and Elephant Great Freedom".

But what is more powerful than the form of the Buddha is that the Buddha transformed from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong can carry his strength, spirit and flesh and blood, and temporarily become a part of him.

"It's like being temporarily assimilated into one world."

After obtaining the new transformation of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong, Chu Qiguang did not wait too long and continued to practice martial arts, accumulate gifts, and pursue stronger power and higher realms.

The war in Yongzhou became more and more intense.

As the intensity of the war increased, the human casualties also continued to increase. News spread to all parts of the Central Plains, causing an uproar.

Some forces that originally did not pay attention to the threat from the alien monsters mentioned by Chu Qiguang were all deeply shocked, and then their emotions of fear, anger, and fighting spirit continued to rise.

At least at the beginning of this war, the vast majority of the human race still had the belief that they would win.

Yongan 21 years, February.

"President Chu, the entire territory of Yongzhou has fallen, Zhenping Town in the Nine Borders has fallen, and all the men, women, old and young, soldiers and civilians in the town have been executed..."

"Martial God Shen Rusong broke through the interception of Dazhu Martial God and successfully aided the Chiguxi Army Town..."

"A large number of Da Zhu demon troops have gathered at the border of Lingzhou. According to Jiaojiao's investigation, the number may have exceeded 200,000. Martial God Zhou Junyan is leading the new army to intercept..."

"Fu Nanzi led the Tianshi Sect to go north. In addition, the Holy Fire Sect and the Baiyang Sect also sent people to support the northward..."

Chu Qiguang's eyes flashed slightly: "Are we going to start a formal fight?"

The old-style troops of the Han Dynasty were defeated one after another before, and they were no match for the Da Zhu Demon Army. This did not surprise Chu Qiguang.

But the new army led by Zhou Junyan, the god of martial arts in Jiubian, spent countless money to build an ace army, all equipped with Shuzhou's most advanced Qi and blood machines.

If even this force cannot defeat the Da Zhu Demon Army, then the next battle will be difficult to fight.

"Let the Incorruptible Buddha stop collecting secret books first."

"Send him to Lingzhou to suppress the battle."

"Also, don't forget to send all the battle reports to Shenjing City so that Yong'an can prepare..."

A series of instructions were given by Chu Qiguang.

At this moment, Jinnu suddenly said: "Mr. Chu, Jiaojiao wants to contact you."

"She said she had sneaked into Feng'an City. Do you want to go take a look?"

Chu Qiguang's eyes lit up when he heard this. Since the Dazhu Demon Army appeared in Yongzhou, the Feng'an Prefecture that first appeared has become their base camp and headquarters.

All forces in the human race have sent many spies to understand the situation inside Feng'an City and how the Da Zhu Demon Army came to the Central Plains.

But the entire Feng'an City was blocked by Taoism, and all the spies disappeared without a trace.

"Oh? Did she sneak in?" Chu Qiguang's eyes lit up.

So Chu Qiguang and Jiaojiao then used the art of complementing humans and cats, and used the monsters controlled by Jiaojiao to check the situation in Feng'an City.

In the blink of an eye, he crossed thousands of miles and saw the distant scene.

In the past month, the Da Zhu Demon Army has been wreaking havoc in Yongzhou, turning countless human towns and villages into a ghostland.

These monsters from Da Zhu are like wild beasts that have been released from their cages, like locusts passing through, devouring everything in the human world crazily.

And when Chu Qiguang gained control of the monster, he felt that he seemed to be parasitic on someone.

At the same time, through the other party's vision, he saw that the once prosperous city was in ruins.

The streets were littered with piles of human corpses.

Various stumps and broken arms were covered with plasma and scattered all over the floor.

All kinds of little monsters scurry around the corpse, gnawing at it and feasting on it.

There are still some living people locked in cages, like cattle and sheep, looking at the scene in front of them with despair.

The whole city seemed to have turned into a huge slaughterhouse.

"Jiaojiao, don't look."

Just as Chu Qiguang finished speaking, he heard Jiaojiao's vomiting sound. She said while vomiting: "Brother... do you think I haven't seen it? But brother... it looks like this everywhere in Yongzhou now."

Chu Qiguang sighed and controlled the monster to observe the surroundings.

At the same time, the man parasitized by the monster spoke: "What are these Da Zhu soldiers doing? Are you just watching them mess around?"

General Da Zhu looked at the speaker and said with a smile: "Miss Juno, our sons and daughters have been very hungry these days. If we don't let them eat to their heart's content, how will we fight next?"

“Anyway, there are so many people here, there’s so much to eat.”

Juno breathed out after hearing this, gritted his teeth and said, "Take me to see your majesty."

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