Ruins of the past

Chapter 850 Emperor Tai Tai

'This stupid war should stop. ’

Juno sighed in his heart, then asked again: "How is your war going?"

The other party laughed and said: "These Central Plains humans are okay to eat, but they are too useless to fight."

"Our soldiers in Dazhu are unparalleled in their bravery. I think ten thousand elite soldiers are enough to sweep away their army of one million."

Chu Qiguang, who controlled monsters with Jiaojiao, heard this conversation and was surprised: "Is it Juno?"

Jiaojiao said, "Well, I found her on the way."

Chu Qiguang: "Then does she know that she is parasitized by your monster?"

Jiaojiao: "I know, but she did it voluntarily. She hopes that we can prevent the Gang Qi layer from being torn apart."

After a while, Chu Qiguang and Jiaojiao followed Juno's gaze and found themselves in front of a manor.

This place was originally supposed to be built by a local wealthy family, but now it has become the headquarters of the demon army.

And the environment here is much better than other places in the city. At least Juno didn't see any corpses on the street.

In addition, through Juno's sight, Chu Qiguang and Jiaojiao could see a huge door more than ten meters high emerging from the manor.

Jiaojiao exclaimed: "Why does this door look like the door to the Buddhist world?"

Chu Qiguang said: "I'm afraid the reason why Da Zhu's army suddenly appeared in Yongzhou has something to do with this sect."

General Dazhu on the side said: "This is your newly built Huangtian Gate in Taitai. Once it is successful, I heard that it will last for at least a year. There is no need to prepare rituals and sacrifices in advance every time the door is opened."

"Hahahaha, by then tens of thousands of our warriors from Da Zhu will be able to come to the Central Plains..."

Juno's expression became more solemn as he watched this scene.

She had already seen Da Tai's current army before coming here. It could be said that they were the only elite troops she had ever seen in her life.

Special high-level troops also use the technology passed down by the Emperor Angel. The Huangtian Gate in front of you is one of them.

In Juno's view, Tai's army was ahead of its time.

Compared to this, the Da Zhu Demon Army is just cannon fodder that wins with numbers.

"Once the Imperial Gate is completed, victory will be established."

Thinking of this, Juno's eyes flashed with deep worry.

‘But this world is not ready to welcome foreign gods yet. ’

When Chu Qiguang and Jiaojiao heard these words, their hearts sank, and they silently kept this information in their hearts.

After Juno was brought to the manor, the Dazhu general retreated.

Then a maid took her through the pavilions and came to the outside of a library.

"Is it Juno?"

A gentle voice came from inside: "Come in."

Chu Qiguang and Jiaojiao connected to Juno's vision together.

Then he saw a young man lying on a large chair, looking lazily through a book.

In Juno's eyes, the other party's seemingly peaceful demeanor hides endless majesty and dominance.

As the Emperor of Tai Tai, the other party was rich all over the world, and the territory he occupied was now more than twice that of the Han Dynasty.

Everything in the world seems to be just a plaything in his eyes.

In Jiaojiao's eyes, this is a young man who looks as gentle as jade, just like any scholar in the Han Dynasty.

She couldn't see anything strange about him.

In Chu Qiguang's eyes, the opponent's human skin exuded an inhuman aura like a demon.

It's a pity that now that he's several layers apart, he can't see through the other party's reality with the eyes of a seeker.

"This library was built by the local wealthy family two hundred years ago."

“The collection here is very rich.”

"According to my estimation, if someone can read them all and apply what they have learned, as long as they receive the righteous inheritance, they will be able to enter the Tao."

"It's a pity that since the Great Demon Ran, there are too few people who can read all these books."

"The ancestors of the human race spent countless efforts to create this knowledge, but the younger generations of the human race are no longer able to inherit this knowledge."

"The Han people say that the treasure mountain is guarded in vain and cannot be entered. This is probably the case."

Emperor Tai Tai spoke in fluent Han Mandarin while looking at the classics in his hands.

There was not even the slightest hint of strangeness in his spoken language, as if he was a native Han Chinese.

"What? Is my Chinese okay? I learned it by myself in Feng'an Mansion during this period."

"The Central Plains human race is indeed a splendid civilization."

"Generations of heroes have composed the soul of this nation."

"The Four Great Scriptures also came to the world here, which allowed their martial arts and Taoism to develop endlessly. Just the method of entering the Taoism, actually derived a total of twenty-five schools... Oh no, it is now twenty-six schools, right?"

"For a long time, this unique place has been ahead of us in martial arts, Taoism, culture, and economy. It is only now... that we have finally surpassed us completely."

"But if you want to conquer the Central Plains and conquer the human race, you must crush the soul of their civilization and completely break their backbone."

As he spoke, a mysterious smile appeared on his face, which made Juno and Jiaojiao feel good feelings spontaneously even after hearing his words.

"A unique race, a brilliant civilization, how much genius and potential will burst out before dying..."

"Thinking about it, I'm really looking forward to it."

Emperor Tai Tai stood up, and a majestic and majestic aura came over him, making Juno and Jiaojiao feel like they were not facing a living being.

Instead, we are facing the rolling mountains, the unfathomable sea, and the high sky.

A strong sense of admiration ensued.

When he looked at Juno, not only Juno, but even Jiaojiao had the illusion that his consciousness was completely penetrated.

Chu Qiguang felt a wave of fluctuations in the sea of ​​consciousness, and his brain subconsciously turned into a diamond state for defense.

He immediately reminded: "Jiaojiao, don't look at him!"

"Ah? Why?" Jiaojiao murmured, "He is very good-looking."

"He has affected our consciousness." Chu Qiguang shouted: "If you are reading, I will punish you by doing ten test papers today."

When Jiaojiao heard this, she instinctively twitched and quickly stopped looking at Emperor Tai.

After a moment, she said with some fear: "I seemed to have been affected just now. This guy can still affect us despite Juno and monsters? Is he actively attacking us?"

Chu Qiguang shook his head: "If we really want to attack, Juno has been controlled a long time ago. He should be just passive... It is a Taoist technique that is constantly taking effect. Like the way I just eliminated his influence, it is also a passive one." .'

In the library on the other side.

"Juno, I heard that you want to oppose this war?"

The Taoist skills flowed in Juno's body, and the power of "Thirty-Six Meditations" allowed her to brace herself and said: "Your Majesty, if you defeat the human race, you will have to face the foreign gods."

"Now when we face foreign gods, we are just lambs to be slaughtered. How is it different from the humans facing us?"

Emperor Tai Tai smiled: "Juno, do you know that the magic dye is growing?"

"I have completed the "All Things Meditation", and naturally I am not afraid of demon contamination."

"But not the hundreds of millions of people in Datai. They need Huangtian's technology to save their lives."

Hearing this, Chu Qiguang asked curiously: "What is this "All Things Meditation"?"

Jiaojiao explained: "This Juno told me that it is the Tongsheng Dharma practiced by Emperor Tai Tai, and it also comes from the Fanjing Sect. Ours is called "The Samadhi Zen Contemplation of the Dharma Realm"."

On the other side, facing what Emperor Tai Tai said, Juno tried to argue with reason: "But..."

"There is no but." Emperor Tai Tai said:

"Whether it is an individual or a civilization, survival is the first priority."

"We can only talk about anything else if we survive first."

Juno said: "But if there is no long-term plan, how can the Tai Tai and the demon clan survive? Now conquering the human race and tearing apart the Gang Qi layer is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst."

Emperor Tai Tai shook his head and sighed: "Juno, you are too timid. If we don't contact the outer gods and tear apart the Gang Qi layer, we will never know the gap between ourselves and the outer gods."

"There is no opportunity to contact and learn from the outside world."

"Such a closed country is the only way we can survive in our own ways."

Finally, he finally said decisively:

"As for conquering the human race and how to contact the outer gods, I and other senior officials have already made comprehensive considerations and plans. You don't need to say anything more."

"Why don't you come out and talk to the guest in your body?"

Upon hearing this, both Juno and Jiaojiao were shocked.

Juno insisted: "Your Majesty, what are you talking about? I don't understand."

"Juno." Emperor Tai Tai sighed: "The Taoism practices you and I come from the same lineage.

I don’t know if you still remember the story you heard before, there was a saint who practiced this art and once ruled the sect with the ability to read minds. "

Juno looked ugly and said: "Your Majesty, you..."

"Are you wondering, have I read that Chu Qiguang is hidden in you?"

Jiaojiao said nervously: "This Emperor of Tai Tai actually knows the art of mind reading?"

Chu Qiguang said silently: "It should have developed from some kind of transformation."

At this moment, Emperor Tai Tai continued: "Chu Qiguang, I know you are listening.

In one month at most, the Huangtian Gate, which I personally supervised, will be successfully built. "

“At that time, the two worlds of the East and the West will be completely connected.

Not only Da Zhu's tens of millions of hungry and crazy monsters are about to descend on the Central Plains. "

"Our Great Tai Heavenly Army will also arrive in the Central Plains."

"At that time, you won't have the slightest chance."

Hearing these words, Juno and Jiaojiao's hearts stirred up, as if they had seen the tragedy of Feng'an City unfolding across the Central Plains.

"Chu Qiguang, let me take a good look at what kind of brilliance your race and civilization can burst out under the crisis of life and death."

The next moment, a sharp pain came from the monster.

Jiaojiao immediately disconnected and said worriedly: "Brother, is Sister Juno okay?"

Chu Qiguang said: "Emperor Tai Tai can tell her so much, so she should be kept useful, and there is no need to worry about her life being in danger for the time being."

Jiaojiao asked again: "What about the Emperor's Gate?"

"What else can we do? The other party has invited us like this, so we have no choice but to go."

Chu Qiguang smiled slightly and said: "This is a conspiracy to invite you to the urn. If you don't go, you will have to sit back and watch the demon army descend on the Central Plains. If you go, you will inevitably face their ambush."

If Chu Qiguang could barely accept the fall of Yongzhou, then tens of millions of monsters would flood into the Central Plains and wreak havoc everywhere. This kind of war would eventually turn the Central Plains into ruins, and he would not be able to accept it.

"We must go." Chu Qiguang thought to himself: "But even if we go to fight the demon army, how exactly are we going to destroy the Emperor's Gate? If it's just a temporary interruption, or it hinders the construction period, it doesn't make much sense. ."

Suddenly something moved in his heart, he took out the Book of Emptiness and asked on it: "Does any of you know about the Gate of Emperor Tian?"

"I'm fighting a monster here, and the other side will be able to open the Imperial Heaven Gate and bring in tens of millions of troops in a month. Is there any way to solve it? Waiting online, urgent."

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