Ruins of the past

Chapter 848 Penance and War

"Have you started taking action?"

Chu Qiguang walked out of the retreat, looked at Jin Nu and asked, "How did they get in? Which Nine-Border Army Town was breached? Why did it take five days to receive the news?"

Jinnu said: "They did not come from Jiubian, but appeared directly at Feng'an Mansion in Yongzhou.

And after it appeared, it blocked the whole city with some kind of Taoist magic, and all our arrangements in Feng'an City lost contact. "

Chu Qiguang raised his eyebrows: "Where is the gate to the Buddha Realm?"

Jin Nu said: "Based on subsequent inspections, it seems that it was forcibly closed."

Chu Qiguang sighed. Although he had long thought that the door to the Buddha Realm had been used by him many times, the other party would definitely find a way to break it, but he didn't expect this day to come so quickly.

"It seems that the other party also has people who study Buddhism intensively."

"After all, the Fanjing Sect once used the "Star Sutra" to spread the Dharma in the West. Juno, for example, used the "Thirty-Six Meditations" to break through to the realm of Taoism."

On the other side, Jinnu continued: "After capturing Feng'an Mansion, the demon army attacked Yongzhou from the inside to the outside.

The governor and the three divisions that governed Yongzhou were all in Feng'an, and they were all wiped out on the first day. Our intelligence network in Yongzhou is also insufficient..."

After all, most of Chu Qiguang's power was placed on his own territory and the Jiubian Army Town.

After all, in the past, the human side always considered that the opponent would attack from the border, but they did not expect that the demon army would appear directly within the territory.

In recent years, Yongzhou has mostly used masters to suppress and suppress the refugees. Its military equipment has long been weakened, and it is not uncommon for people to eat empty wages.

If there are only 20 to 30% of the army left in various places, the local generals are relatively incorruptible.

The so-called annihilation of the 100,000-strong army was no surprise to Chu Qiguang. It was even hard to say how much moisture there was in the 100,000-strong army.

Chu Qiguang frowned: "How did they get in?"

Jin Nu shook her head: "We don't know yet. Both the Cat Factory and the Dog Factory suspect it is related to Huangtian Dao, but they have no signs of contact with the demon clan outside the territory before, and they have not shown such cross-space delivery capabilities."

"Either their connection is secret enough, or there have been some changes within Huangtian Dao recently."

Chu Qiguang sighed: "Let Lingzhou be prepared. The new army is ready to be dispatched at any time. The Demon Suppressing Division will conduct a strict investigation inside Lingzhou. As for Yongzhou...let Jiaojiao mobilize some of the monsters from Jiubian to take a look."

Jinnu asked again: "Are we going to block the news of the fall of Yongzhou?"

"If it can't be sealed, just announce it. It should make people nervous."

After making various arrangements and responses through Jin Nu, Chu Qiguang began to retreat into seclusion again.

"What preparations can be made have already been made. The rest is up to them."

"For me now, practicing hard in seclusion is the greatest help for the future war situation."

In the early stages of the war, both sides were obviously relatively restrained in their actions, and did not reveal all their cards right away.

And since the opponent's powerful Saint Master has not taken action on a large scale, Chu Qiguang does not plan to go to the battlefield immediately.

Although he didn't know what the other party's Tongsheng was planning, Chu Qiguang planned to seize every minute and every second to improve his combat power.

In this way, he can better fight against the enemy's powerful saints in the future.

What's more, he knew that once he took the initiative, the other party's powerful saint would probably take action immediately, and the intensity of the war would increase sharply in an instant.

Regarding the battle in the Holy Realm, he still hopes to postpone it as late as possible.

As for the retreat during this period, Chu Qiguang mainly studied two things.

One is the practice of the martial arts Zhu Tianji Heart Palm, and the other is the method of transformation in the Vajra Temple.

The so-called Silent Heart Palm of All Heavens is a palm technique that infiltrates reality with the Buddhist world and uses the destruction and collapse caused by the collision of the two worlds to strike.

In addition, this palm technique is also the basic martial art of the magical power "Future Infinite Heart Seal".

But even if Chu Qiguang doesn't refine this magical power, the power of this palm technique itself is enough to attract him to practice, and it can immediately improve his combat power.

At the beginning of the retreat, because the profound gifts were exhausted when he advanced to become a saint, Chu Qiguang chose to practice this palm technique by himself.

He circulates his energy and blood every day, senses the Buddhist world, and tries to combine the two into one according to the method of the Silent Heart Palm of All Heavens.

The so-called heavens are different worlds of time and space.

The so-called silent mind is a state of mind that is pure and calm.

The purpose of the Silent Heart Palm of All Heavens is to sense and integrate the Buddha Realm with a peaceful and calm state of mind. When a palm is struck, the power of the Buddha Realm can be revealed to other time and space.

In his spare time while practicing the Silent Heart Palm of All Heavens, Chu Qiguang continued to absorb the Buddha Fire sent by Jin Nu, as well as the classics collected for him from various places, and continued to accumulate the gifts in the Ring of Foolishness.

As for the method of transformation in the Vajra Temple, he also studied it.

Each sect has different methods of understanding the way of heaven. The Vajra Temple uses esoteric rituals as an aid to re-cultivate the various phases of the Vajra, and through repeated re-cultivations, different transformations can be achieved.

But this process was too time-consuming and labor-intensive for Chu Qiguang.

First of all, this ritual requires building a temple and building a Buddha statue in your own image. Both temples and Buddha statues have strict regulations, and a large amount of gold, silver and auxiliary materials are required during the construction process.

Then practitioners must meditate and practice in temples every day and recite scriptures.

Then you have to regularly take specially refined Vajra Pills, a kind of elixir specially made to speed up reconstruction. You need to have completed the Vajra phases before you can take and utilize the medicinal power in it.

Finally, in the process of cultivation, Buddhist believers must be gathered to teach the Dharma every day and use Buddha statues to gather the power of faith.

The time required for such a reconstruction is about a year.

In other words, according to the regular method of practicing the Holy Spirit of the Vajra Temple, it takes a year to achieve the Saint Spiritual Transformation.

However, after Chu Qiguang's profound gifts accumulated to one hundred, he found that the options of Vajra Phases were once again illuminated, and he could consume the gifts to rebuild this righteous method.

Chu Qiguang guessed that it was probably because he had already completed the Vajra Phases once, so the cost of re-cultivation was greatly reduced.

However, now that Chu Qiguang has six Holy Transformations, it is uncertain how much combat power can be improved by rebuilding one time.

On the contrary, the improvement of combat power of Zhutian Jixin Palm is obvious.

After his hard work and accumulation of gifts, Chu Qiguang now only needs to spend 80 profound gifts to master this palm technique.

At this moment, after returning to the retreat, Chu Qiguang chose to practice this palm technique first to immediately increase his combat power.

As 80 profound gifts were consumed in one breath, bursts of golden Buddha light surged out from his body.

At this moment, Chu Qiguang felt that his connection with the Buddhist world was getting closer and closer, and as his energy and blood circulated, he could directly call on the power of the Buddhist world.

After cultivating the first level of the Peaceful Heart Palm of All Heavens, Chu Qiguang can not only open the door to the Buddhist world with a single thought, but his palm power also contains the power of the collision between the Buddhist world and the real world, containing incomparable lethality.

"But it's still not... strong enough."

Chu Qiguang, who had mastered this level of palm skills, was still not satisfied. He continued to practice the palm skills in seclusion and increase his gifts.

In the blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed.

In the past half month, information from the battlefield has been continuously sent to Chu Qiguang by Jinnu.

"According to the information brought by Maochang and Jiaojiao, the Da Zhu demon army is now raging all over Yongzhou. They feed on humans. Every time they enter a city, they will hunt for several days to replenish food and grass. Now, under our guidance, countless people in Yongzhou, They all fled to Lingzhou..."

"On January 25th, the demon army began to attack the two major military towns of Guxi and Zhenping on Jiubian. The two sides fought several times. The number of demon armies was countless. They were almost all over the mountains and plains. They were not afraid of death. The two major military towns The troops suffered heavy losses and were seriously afraid of war. They have been trapped in the city for many days..."

"On the third day of February, Martial God Shen Rusong went to Guxi Military Town alone to provide reinforcements. He was intercepted by Dazhu Martial God. The two sides moved hundreds of miles to fight. Their speed was too fast and they have temporarily lost contact with us..."

"On the fifth day of February, the God of War Zhou Junyan led the Nine-Border New Army to cover the refugees and annihilated the three thousand Da Zhu Demon Army..."

As time passed, Chu Qiguang's profound gifts finally reached 100, which was enough to rebuild the Vajra Phases once again.

The 100 profound gifts were consumed in an instant, and Chu Qiguang's body seemed to have gone through another reshaping process.

At the same time, he felt that his physical strength and energy and blood had increased somewhat in an instant.

'It seems that every time I rebuild, my physique will be improved and my physical strength will be stronger. ’

After witnessing the way of heaven again, three transformations of saints appeared in his mind, waiting for his choice.

‘Is it because of reconstruction? The transformation is not as much as the first time. ’

The three transformations are the Ten Powers of Vajra, the Mountain-moving Warrior, and the Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong.

Among them, the Ten Powers of Vajra and the Mountain-moving Warrior are related to the power of Qi and blood and the power of the physical body respectively.

And Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong... is one of the core transformations of the magical power 'Future Infinite Heart Seal'.

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