Ruins of the past

Chapter 847 War begins

In the next two days, Qiao Zhi passed on the cultivation method of 'Future Infinite Heart Seal' to Chu Qiguang.

With Chu Qiguang's current level and qualifications, he could easily memorize the method of cultivating this magical power, as well as all the key points.

But if you want to truly succeed in cultivation, you can't just memorize it.

Before leaving, Qiao Zhi reminded: "Chu Qiguang... the future boundless heart seal is indeed very powerful, but it may not really be suitable for you."

"I think..."

Qiao Zhi recalled everything that had happened in the past few years, as well as Chu Qiguang's so-called goal of common prosperity. He sighed: "Many things have changed. Maybe in terms of magical power, you can also find a different path... … come the way that suits you better.”

"After all, the most suitable is the strongest."

"And in the realm of Tongsheng, you should find out the path you want to take. I always feel that... skipping this step is not necessarily a good thing."

After touching Qiao Zhi's cat head, Chu Qiguang nodded: "I will consider what you said carefully."

He thought in his mind: 'The Ring of Foolishness should also be helpful to the cultivation of the Holy Realm...'

Chu Qiguang said again: "You should be careful when you go to the south. Let those fishmen do their work. The main thing is not to be discovered by people, let alone the Dragon Clan, that you are looking for the "Star Book"."

Qiao Zhi laughed when he heard this and said: "Don't worry, why not take people to work underwater? I have experience and I guarantee that they will do it quickly and well!"

Chu Qiguang touched Qiao Zhi's head again: "Don't worry, I will wait for you in Shuzhou to get the "Star Book" back."

Looking at Qiao Zhi's leaving figure, Chu Qiguang also started his first practice in the realm of sainthood.

At the same time, in the distant deep sea.

Under the pitch-black water, two huge balls of light suddenly emerged.

To ordinary people, the Canglong King was already a behemoth, but in front of the pair of light balls, he seemed like a toy at the moment.

The pair of huge light balls in front of him are a pair of dragon eyes.

It was the dragon's eyes that Taiyuan Dragon Emperor transformed into after devouring a piece of spiritual veins on the seabed.

As Taiyuan Dragon Emperor opened his eyes, a majestic voice surged in the sea water. The strong power of the dragon instantly caused panic among the swimming fish within a radius of dozens of miles.

"King Canglong, what's going on?"

"I told you not to disturb me until I have completely healed my wounds and turned into an ancient dragon."

Canglong King said: "Your Majesty, the coalition forces of Datai and Dazhu are planning to take action. They agreed to enter from Zhenxiguan in Yongzhou of the Han Dynasty. They will first go to Yongzhou and Lingzhou, and then go straight to Jingzhou to attack Shenjing City and capture Emperor Yong'an. "

"Your Majesty, do we have to get ahead of them?"

Taiyuan Dragon Emperor's voice stirred up the sea water again: "Don't worry about them."

"Let's first see if Dahan and the Tianshi Sect have any backup plans."

The next moment, the dragon's eyes closed again, and the entire underwater world once again returned to darkness.

The Canglong King looked at the dark sea in front of him, silently lowered his dragon head and retreated.

Over the years, droughts, floods, and locust plagues have continued in Yongzhou. The refugees at the bottom have rioted and resisted several times, but they have been suppressed by the court again and again.

Nowadays, Yongzhou has been devastated for thousands of miles, the people's livelihood is in ruins, and a large number of refugees have gathered outside several cities and are struggling to their death.

However, Huangtian Dao has developed better and better in recent years under the cover of natural and man-made disasters.

At this moment, the most prosperous Feng'an City in Yongzhou and the headquarters of Huangtian Dao are still full of splendor, singing and dancing.

But deep in a study room, tensions were rising and the atmosphere was tense.

An old man with white beard and hair sat in the main seat, looking a little ugly.

He is Huang Lisheng, the current leader of Huangtian Dao, and he practices the inheritance of "Five Thunder Zhengfa".

Since the leader Zhang Xinhui left, he, the elder, has been in charge of all affairs of Huangtian Dao.

Standing in front of him were two envoys from Datai.

"Huang Lisheng." One of the envoys said: "We have given you all the benefits we promised you. When will you arrange the rituals for the Emperor's Gate?"

Two years ago, in the 19th year of Yong'an, Huangtian believers from the demon clan outside the territory contacted Yongzhou Huangtian Dao.

They hope to absorb Huangtian Dao, let them assist the demon clan in attacking the Central Plains, and help them rule the human race in the future.

But in the past two years, Huang Lisheng has always made various requests for various scriptures, talismans, elixirs and other materials from Da Tai, but he has always followed Da Tai's orders.

It has been almost three years since these two envoys came to the Central Plains. They spoke fluent Chinese: "The millions of combined troops of Datai and Dazhu have arrived outside the pass. With just one order, they can defeat the nine sides and sweep away the Han Dynasty. "

"Huang Lisheng, today is your last chance. If you don't follow the method we taught you to carry out the ritual and open the gate to the emperor, you will be responsible for the consequences."

Although Huang Lisheng is a believer in the Emperor's Heaven and is willing to obey the oracles brought by the Emperor's Angels, he is also a human race and does not want to see China ruled by the demon race.

In the past two years, two conflicting thoughts have been constantly entangled in his mind, making him extremely conflicted.

So faced with the warnings of the two envoys, Huang Lisheng still chose to delay.

However, the envoys were obviously not satisfied with his answer and looked at another old man standing aside, that was General Tianyou, the leader of many leaders in Huangtian Dao.

Three days later, Huang Lisheng was assassinated. General Tianyou led many commanders to eliminate the traitors and took control of the situation in Huangtiandao on the grounds of capturing the assassin.

That night, the ground at the Huangtian Dao headquarters was soaked in a thick layer of blood.

There were shouts of death, screams, and roars everywhere...

In the central hall, hundreds of resisting believers were executed together, and their bodies were placed according to some mysterious ritual.

Along with the prayers of General Tianyou and many believers, a black-yellow cloud gradually spread in the hall and turned into an illusory door.

Seeing this scene, General Tianyou looked at the envoy from Tai Tai with a flattering look: "Emissary, it's successful."

One day and one night later, the door suddenly opened, and countless monsters roared and screamed and swarmed out, flooding into the entire city like a tide.

Yongan 21 years, January.

Buddha Realm, underground of Night City.

Chu Qiguang has been in the retreat for half a month, and has never come out except for contacting the outside world through Jin Nu.

This scene made many people marvel. This was the first time that Chu Qiguang had practiced in seclusion for such a long time.

After all, Chu Qiguang has always relied on management and resource allocation to quickly improve his level.

For example, in the realm of Tongsheng, he had to personally understand the way of heaven and could only rely on his own process. This was his first experience.

At this moment, Jinnu hurriedly walked to the door of Chu Qiguang's retreat and said to it: "Mr. Chu, Da Zhu's demon army broke through Feng'an Mansion in Yongzhou five days ago and completely annihilated the imperial court. A hundred thousand troops now occupy more than half of the land in Yongzhou..."

The door opened with a bang, and Chu Qiguang slowly walked out.

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