Ruins of the past

Chapter 846 Looking for the Star Scripture and Supernatural Powers

Under the complementary influence of humans and cats, Qiao Zhi felt the surging power in Chu Qiguang's body, as well as the multiple transformations of saints that could be started at any time.

"This is the true force of the Saint Realm. It's so strong."

"In this state, Chu Qiguang is probably no longer able to cause any harm to Chu Qiguang as a saint. Even if he is a saint, most of his methods can be ignored."

"As expected of the various forms of vajra, one that is solid and cannot be cut off."

If we say that the last time on Dragon Snake Mountain, when Qiao Zhi harnessed the power in Chu Qiguang's body at that time, the most powerful place he felt was the surging power after the divine power of Tianxia Tongxing and Xuanyuan was gathered in his body.

So what Qiao Zhi felt from Chu Qiguang this time was an unparalleled solidity.

"Although each one has different emphases in the sage and rectification, according to the knowledge in my memory, the current state is far from the limit of the various phases of vajra."

"After all, I have just become a Tongsheng, and I have not yet developed my own magical powers. I am afraid that Chu Qiguang is still not as good as Taiyuan Dragon Emperor in terms of hard power."

"Sure enough, you still need to concentrate on your magical powers, right?"

At this moment, Chu Qiguang's inquiry about the "Star Scripture" came. Qiao Zhi nodded and said, "Yes, I remembered it."

Along with his memories, Qiao Zhi seemed to suddenly return to the memory of his previous life, recalling the days when he built undersea tunnels in the South China Sea.

Qiao Zhi remembered that the weather that year was muggy and hot. He and another tabby cat went to the market to find a job at the end of the day, intending to earn some living expenses.

They followed the foreman all the way, and when they arrived at the construction site, they discovered that they were going to build an undersea tunnel.

The environment on site was too harsh, with no sunlight, humidity, heat, and turbid air.

Qiao Zhi felt like he was in a big steamer, having to do the hardest and most tiring chores. Every time he got under there to work, he was covered in mud.

The monsters who came with me basically worked for a whole morning and then ran away, and some even preferred to leave without being paid.

After Qiao Zhi gritted his teeth and persisted for a day, the whole cat also collapsed. He returned to Datongpu in the city and fell asleep.

The next day, his muscles were so sore that it was difficult to move. It took him three days to recover.

Originally, he was already afraid of working in the undersea tunnel, and he didn't want to work another day even if he died.

But the wages given by the other party were several times the market price.

So Qiao Zhi went there again after being hungry for a few days, only to find that the construction site had stopped working. It was said that some important cultural relics were found on the seabed, and the court had sent people to investigate the site.

As far as Qiao Zhi knew, the construction site had been suspended for half a year, and he only found out later... that the thing dug out from the seabed at the construction site was the original version of the Star Sutra.

Feeling that this memory was now emerging, Qiao Zhi said with emotion: "The Star Sutra is located about a few miles south of the Yuezhou coastline."

"It should be that after the collapse of the Great Xia Dynasty, he was taken to the sea, but encountered a war or a natural disaster? In the end, he sank to the bottom of the sea and was washed there."

"Later, under the attraction of knowledge, I was accidentally discovered."

Chu Qiguang frowned slightly when he heard this: "Under the sea? Can you determine the specific location?"

Qiao Zhi said: "There is a general range. I'm afraid it will take some time. I will look for it myself."

Chu Qiguang said: "Bring a group of fishmen with you. They are an undersea race and are very suitable for this kind of work."

After learning that the "Star Scripture" was still lying on the bottom of the sea and that it would take time to search, Chu Qiguang gave up the idea of ​​going into battle himself.

‘Then my most important task next should be to improve my combat power in the Sainthood stage. ’

Chu Qiguang asked again: "Master Qiao, how to condense magical powers and increase combat power in the realm of Tongsheng? Do you have relevant memories now?"

According to Chu Qiguang's speculation, if Qiao Zhi's memory was hidden according to the realm of power, then he should have what he wanted by now.

After all, after the great demon dye, the masters of various sects withered away, and there was even less information about the realm of saints. Chu Qi Guangzheng needed more relevant information and previous experience to reasonably improve his combat power.

Sure enough, I just heard Qiao Zhi say: "The realm of Tongsheng is different from the previous ones of entering the Tao and manifesting the spirit. After reaching this realm, it is like a child who has grown into an adult and has learned something. He can no longer copy the cat and the tiger, but has to find it for himself. Make your own path."

"The purpose of this path is to condense magical powers..."

According to Qiao Zhi, magical powers are like martial arts created by martial arts masters. They are created by every powerful Tongsheng...the method that is most suitable for them and can best exert their own strength.

After all, each powerful Saint master has cultivated different dharma and obtained different transformations. How to better utilize his own abilities and even create a method where 1+1 is far greater than 2 is magical power.

The condensation of magical powers requires transformation.

"Whether a strong sage masters magical powers or not, there is a huge difference in combat power."

"The process of condensing magical powers is the process of integrating transformation, Taoism, and martial arts."

"Every powerful magical power, in addition to the support of martial arts or Taoism, often also requires several specific transformations as the core."

Chu Qiguang was slightly stunned when he heard this, and said: "Martial arts and Taoism can still be practiced, but this transformation... If there is no specific transformation required for magical powers, wouldn't it be possible to condense magical powers?"

Qiao Zhi smiled slightly and said: "Here I have to talk about the special features of the realm of sage. After you broke through to sage, you should have learned how to understand the way of heaven, right?"

"After stepping into the realm of Tongsheng, you can achieve the transformation of the realm of Tongsheng by understanding the way of heaven."

"However, the Tongsheng Transformation is too powerful, far exceeding the previous Dao Transformation and Divine Transformation, so it can be cultivated up to six. If there are more than six, neither humans nor demons can withstand the oppression brought by the transformation..."

According to Qiao Zhi, the transformation achieved after practicing the Tongsheng Dharma is just the beginning.

Next, we need to continue to understand the way of heaven and obtain more transformations.

Although you can only master six Tongsheng transformations at most, you can use special methods to replace the transformations you obtained in the past with newly completed transformations.

Each sect has different ways of understanding the way of heaven and achieving transformation.

The hardest way to practice and the one with the most luck is to wander directly into the void. You may not get anything for several years, or you may get various types of transformations, even powerful martial arts, Taoism, or some mysterious knowledge. .

In addition, depending on the sect, there are also methods such as secret rituals, sacrifices to foreign gods, re-cultivation of skills, consumption of the devil's holy meal, etc.

If each sect understands the way of heaven according to the method it has discovered, it will be easier for them to achieve transformation that suits their own inheritance.

Hearing this, a flash of understanding flashed through Chu Qiguang's heart: 'So that's it, the realm of sage requires continuous transformation to become stronger. ’

'And the combination of specific transformations, combined with unique martial arts or Taoism, will have the opportunity to form supernatural powers. ’

Chu Qiguang asked: "Then what kind of magical power is the palm technique you used in Longshen Mountain? What kind of transformation is required?"

Qiao Zhi said: "That palm is called the Silent Heart Palm of All Heavens. It comes from the magical power 'Future Infinite Heart Seal'. It is the basic martial arts in this magical power."

"It is not difficult to learn this palm with all the Vajra forms in the Holy Realm, but in order to cultivate the 'Future Infinite Heart Seal', a total of five specific transformations of Holy Souls are required."

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