Ruins of the past

Chapter 837 The Past and the Sleeping Star God

Under Chu Qiguang's interrogation, Youquan finally slowly told the truth.

The person who told Youquan a lot of information about the Central Plains called himself "Shi". It was also under the bewitchment of "Shi" that he dared to attack Lin Lan in the Central Plains.

Another reason why Youquan dared to do this was because he also came from the Central Plains Han Dynasty.

Youquan is not a fish-man native to the sea. He was originally a human from the Central Plains. He lived in the south a hundred years ago and was an accountant on a merchant ship.

When he was in the Han Dynasty, martial arts and Taoism were much more withered than they are now, and those who were strong in Taoism could dominate a country.

During a trip to sea, his fleet encountered a storm, and their ship was sent directly to a sea area that had never been visited before.

In this endless and unfamiliar sea, the ship drifted for a full twenty days. The food on the ship had long been exhausted, the fresh water had been drunk, and the people... only the Youquan was left.

Just when he was running out of ammunition, food, mountains and rivers, and thought he was going to die at sea, Youquan discovered an island.

So next he landed on the island and prepared to start an island survival adventure.

As a result, he discovered a ruins on the island the next day.

According to the documents left in the ruins, he learned that the person who built the ruins was a high-ranking official in the late Xia Dynasty.

When the Great Xia collapsed and the dragon clan wreaked havoc on the Central Plains, the other party took the opportunity to go to sea and fled with their family to this island to live in seclusion.

It's a pity that a great evil attack later struck, and this reclusive family was severely damaged, and eventually withered away.

The last of his clan members left a letter before his death, telling the story of the family's origins.

However, this information did not help Youquan at that time. He just took away some tools from the ruins and continued to struggle to survive.

Five or six years later, although Youquan was still alive, he was thin and suffering from various diseases due to lack of nutrition.

At the same time, in his long-term loneliness, his mental state has also developed serious problems, and he even often sees some phantoms in the sea.

After trying various methods of finding a way out to sea and failing, Youquan fell into despair.

He decided to commit suicide and end the lonely, boring, and desperate days on the island.

Youquan chose the place where he was buried among the tombs of the senior officials of Great Xia.

In the process of reopening the tomb, he discovered secrets of martial arts and Taoism in it.

This sudden gain brought some fun to Youquan's extremely boring life, and also rekindled a glimmer of hope for him.

'If you can practice martial arts and Taoism to a high level, you might have a chance to return to the Central Plains...'

So while he began to practice martial arts and Taoism, he continued to search for and organize secret books in tombs.

But Youquan soon discovered that he did not have enough meat and various elixirs on the island, and his energy and blood were seriously insufficient, so he did not have the conditions to practice martial arts at all.

So Youquan focused all his energy on Taoist training.

In the tombs, he also discovered three volumes of the inheritance of Taoism and righteousness: "The Record of Ten Thousand Ghosts", "The Record of Soul Refining", and "The Record of Nine Netherworlds", all of which were taken by the senior official of Great Xia when he fled.

So Youquan became even more excited and began to practice Taoism with all his strength, even to the point of forgetting to sleep and eat.

In the blink of an eye, another fifteen years have passed, and Youquan's body has become increasingly corrupted, with more and more problems on his body.

However, the lonely environment and the long-cherished wish to return to his hometown made him make rapid progress on the road of spiritual practice. Not only was he extremely healthy in spirit, he had even entered the fifth realm of spiritual practice and began to comprehend "The Record of Ten Thousand Ghosts".

Ten years later, Youquan was already old and dying, but he never succeeded in understanding "The Record of Ten Thousand Ghosts".

Just when he thought he was about to die of old age on the island, Youquan discovered an injured fishman on the beach.

Seeing the seriously injured appearance of the other party, Youquan cut off the fish head excitedly and had a delicious meal of grilled fish.

But the day after eating the grilled fish, he discovered that scales had grown on his body.

In the next ten days, Youquan was horrified to find that there were more and more fish scales on his body, and even transparent webs grew between his fingers.

His neck became thicker and thicker, his mouth became wider and wider, his teeth gradually fell out, and then a set of fangs grew.

Although the change in his appearance made Youquan extremely frightened, in this change, he seemed to become younger again, and his body became more powerful and stronger.

He even began to like staying in the water more and more, and the time he spent playing and sleeping in the water every day gradually exceeded that on land.

At the same time, he also found that he had made a breakthrough in understanding "The Record of Ten Thousand Ghosts".

The fish-man's bloodline and body are extremely suitable for the cultivation of "Ten Thousand Ghosts".

A year later, when he completely transformed into a fish-man, he also completed the Ten Thousand Ghosts Record and successfully entered the realm of Taoism.

But at this time, he no longer wanted to go back to the Central Plains.

That night, he had an extremely deep and mysterious dream.

In the dream, he dived into the sea and kept swimming towards the depths of the sea, as if he had returned to his mother's belly.

He dived all the way and finally came to a palace on the seabed, where he saw a being named Star God.

So the next day, he followed the guidance of the dream and jumped into the sea and swam to the depths of the seabed.

There he became the king of the Murloc Empire, received the blessing of the Star God, and even entered the realm of manifesting the gods many years later.

At this moment, Chu Qiguang looked at Youquan in front of him and asked, "Is this why you teased my employee?"

As Chu Qiguang's body moved, the entire sea area seemed to be agitated, and the surrounding rock walls were also shaking under the impact of the sea water.

Seeing this scene, Youquan seemed to remember the other party's performance in the ghost realm, and waved his hands repeatedly and said: "Don't mess around here! With your power, doing so will cause an earthquake and tsunami!"

At this moment, in Youquan's eyes, Chu Qiguang was already a super strong man in the realm of sainthood. If he had known about the other party's existence, he would not have dared to attack the humans in the Central Plains.

Chu Qiguang said: "Then how should you deal with your harassment of my employees?"

Youquan said: ", I was just verbal stimulation, trying to speed up the erosion of their spirits."

Chu Qiguang asked again: "Then tell me first if the Star God is still alive? As far as I know, Daxia should have killed the Star God."

Youquan said: "The physical body of the Star God has indeed been annihilated long ago, but the strong men in Daxia at that time still underestimated the Star God. They failed to annihilate the Star God's spirit."

"For these years, the spirit of the Star God has been sleeping in a dream, waiting for the day when he wakes up."

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