Ruins of the past

Chapter 836 Surrendering the Murlocs

Under the sudden huge force and violent shock, waves of intense dizziness hit Youquan's mind.

At the same time, he felt as if he was firmly grasped by an invisible giant hand. Even if he tried his best and his muscles exploded with tremendous force, he could not break free at all.

Youquan was shocked: "Who is this person? Even the Martial God Xian Shen cannot suppress me in strength in this deep sea."

Then he saw a roar coming from his body, and the vortex around him expanded at an incredible speed.

In the blink of an eye, all the space that the sea water could touch within a radius of several thousand meters was pulled over.

The whirlpool instantly enveloped Chu Qiguang, and what appeared in front of him was nothing, a pure dark ocean.

This is the ghost realm of Youquan.

Once caught in it, even deep-sea species will find it difficult to breathe here.

At the same time, his ghost realm also contained countless ghosts of deep-sea fishmen in history, and they began to appear densely in this ghost realm.

And if you stay in the ghost realm of this deep sea whirlpool for a long time, your spirit will be eroded, and you will gradually transform into a fish-man and become a believer of the Star God.

Just as Youquan activated the Ghost Realm, his figure became distorted, as if he had been pinched deeply by an invisible big hand.

But instead of turning into a ball of meat paste, it turned into a ball of sea water and exploded.

The next moment, his voice came out from another fishman's mouth: "Hehehehe, it's useless."

"The moment I activated the ghost realm, I already won."

"Although my ghost realm can only be activated in the sea and in the dreams of Star Gods, once activated, it is impossible to lose... By the way, I almost forgot that you couldn't hear what I said."

"Humans are such a pathetic and weak race..."

Just when Youquan thought that the other party might not hear what he said or wouldn't answer, he saw Chu Qiguang speak directly.

The tyrannical force shook the sea water, turning into sound waves that swept in all directions.

"Fishman, are you the one who has been harassing my employees these days?"

"You can actually hear it?" Youquan's heart moved: "Are the people you are talking about the two women who completed the "Soul Refining Record"?"

He nodded understandingly: "I see, are you here to stand up for them?"

"That's such a shame."

"But when I turn you into a fish-man and a believer of the Star God, you can reunite with them in the future."

Chu Qiguang was sizing up the ghost realm in front of him. Suddenly, he moved and pulled out a long wave of water, retreating to the side at high speed.

But the sea water in front of him seemed endless. He felt that he had rushed at least tens of thousands of meters in one breath, but when he turned around, he was still within a thousand meters of Youquan.

Chu Qiguang thought in his mind: 'It seems that this ghost realm cannot be exited simply through displacement? ’

Youquan on the other side opened his mouth, showing his fangs, and said with a ferocious smile: "Unless you kill me, it is impossible to escape from this ghost realm."

"But it's impossible to kill me in this ghost realm."

The ghost realm of Youquan can corrode the opponent's spirit and turn the opponent into a fish-man believer. When he spoke now, he wanted to attack the opponent's spirit and speed up the erosion process.

His ghost realm is like the deep sea trench where the fishmen live. There is no special attack method. This ghost realm is like the deep sea, which itself is the greatest danger.

Youquan in the ghost realm is not in a hurry to fight. Anyway, as time goes by, victory will continue to tilt towards him.

Youquan continued: "All harm caused to me will be borne by the fish people in the ghost realm."

"Guess how many fishmen there are here?"

Chu Qiguang asked curiously: "Ten billion?"

Youquan was stunned: "No... not that many."

Chu Qiguang shrugged: "That's okay, that means as long as you kill them all, your ghost realm will be broken."

Youquan snorted coldly and said slowly: "The fishmen here all come from the dreams of the Star God."

"Generations of fish-men will sacrifice themselves to the Star God before they die, so that their souls can gain eternal life in the Star God's dream."

"And the fish people in my ghost realm are the fish people who have sacrificed themselves from generation to generation."

"Before you killed them all, you had already become a believer of the Star God..."

Chu Qiguang laughed, and the power of Tongsheng to transform into a dragon from all over the world was suddenly activated.

The power that broke through the limit of manifestation exploded, and it seemed that no matter what was in front of him, it would turn him upside down.

The entire ghost realm trembled in this power.

Before Chu Qiguang took action, large swaths of fish-men were shattered into pieces in the aftermath of the shock.

Outside the ghost realm, in the dark deep sea.

Densely packed murlocs climbed on the rock wall, seemingly waiting for their king's triumphant return.

In the deep sea of ​​silence, no one knows how long has passed.

Suddenly two figures came out of the whirlpool, it was Chu Qiguang and Youquan.

At this moment, Youquan was casually held in Chu Qiguang's hand, with strong fear still in his eyes.

‘They actually...really killed them all. ’

'one million? Two million? Or five million? ’

‘The number of fish-man ghosts I attracted from the Star God’s dream is so large that even I can’t count them all... and he actually killed them all? ’

‘What is the origin of this person? ’

Although Youquan said that the only way to end the ghost realm was to kill him, in fact, of course he himself could stop the ghost realm.

After Chu Qiguang killed all the fishmen, he accidentally discovered that Youquan suddenly became very talkative, so he asked him to escape the ghost realm.

At this moment, Chu Qiguang glanced at the murlocs in front of him. These murlocs were simple-minded and physically strong. More importantly, there was no concept of wages in the murloc world.

With so many good laborers, now that Youquan has been surrendered, he has no intention of killing these fishmen anymore.

So he shook the Youquan in his hand and said, "Let them all move away."

After a while, Chu Qiguang brought Youquan to a cave and began to interrogate him about the situation in this trench.

From the other party's words, he learned that these fish-men were indeed the descendants of the original Gemstone Island fish-men.

After being massacred, they threw themselves into the depths of the ocean.

Because they were killed so harshly by Daxia, the Central Plains and the mainland became extremely dangerous places in the legends passed down by them orally.

In order to prevent humans from chasing them, they continued to move deeper into the ocean, getting further and further away from the realm of human existence, and never even returned to the Central Plains.

Listening to Youquan's story, Chu Qiguang suddenly said: "Then you said before that someone told you that martial arts and Taoism in the Central Plains have withered, right? Who is this person?"

"And since you have never been to the Central Plains, how did you master the Taoist skills of "Refining the Soul"?"

I’m still writing the rest

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