Ruins of the past

Chapter 838 Devouring and Networking

Youquan's story gave Chu Qiguang a better understanding of the Scholomance School and the origins of its Zhengfa lineage.

'After Daxia killed the Star God, he brought it back to the Central Plains for research. He should have combined the secrets of the Star God with some knowledge from the Four Great Sutra Kings to create the "Record of Ten Thousand Ghosts" and "Record of Soul Refining" , "Nine Nether Records" this line of righteousness. ’

‘It’s a pity that after the fall of Daxia, many Dharma inheritances were scattered and lost. After the founding of the Han Dynasty, they seized part of the heritage of the Dragon Clan and Daxia. ’

‘For example, the Feng Shui Taoist techniques of the royal family and the “Ten Thousand Ghosts Record” of the Theosophical School should have been obtained at that time. ’

'It's just that the Theosophical School has too little understanding of "The Record of Ten Thousand Ghosts", so it has to spend a lot of manpower and material resources on continuous experiments, and many people died...'

'I didn't expect that there were people in Daxia who brought out the complete dharma of the "Ten Thousand Ghosts Record" series, lived in seclusion at sea, and were finally found by Youquan. ’

In some folklore, in order to keep it secret...each sect has only one copy of the Dharma inheritance.

But insiders like Chu Qiguang know that among the major schools, there has never been a saying that there is only one copy of the Dharma inheritance.

For example, as far as he knows of his "Sutra of Mount Sumeru King"... there are at least two and a half copies. Otherwise, he, the Dharma in the Buddhist world, and the hunter school of the Demon Suppressing Division would not be able to become a Taoist martial god.

After all, the Dharma inheritance was originally created by man, so it is normal to create more copies.

The cultivation of Zhengfa must be like Chu Qiguang's Sumeru Mountain King Sutra, which can only be practiced with the real secret book of inheritance.

If a sect only has one inheritance, and people in the sect have to queue up in various ways to gain enlightenment, how can the inheritance of the Dharma be so inconvenient?

Speculations about the origins of the Scholomance School and the Ten Thousand Ghosts Record series of dharma... flashed quickly in Chu Qiguang's mind.

He continued to look at the Youquan in front of him, sighing in his heart that he didn't know whether the other party was lucky or not. Although he had cultivated the righteous method of entering the Tao, he had also transformed into a being like a fish-man, and was bewitched to become a believer of the Star God.

'However, as far as I know, "The Record of Ten Thousand Ghosts" can only be completed by transforming into a ghost. ’

‘The reason why Youquan was not able to be cultivated at first was because it was not possible to encounter ghosts on the island. ’

‘And the key to the success of the subsequent cultivation is probably the fish-man. ’

Chu Qiguang recalled his own experience of practicing "The Record of Ten Thousand Ghosts" in his mind. He had saved ghosts time and time again, and extracted the power called ghost power from them, and then he gradually completed the "Record of Ten Thousand Ghosts".

‘The Record of Ten Thousand Ghosts is originally derived from the special physical body of the Star God, so it is not unimaginable that the fishmen who belong to the Star God are more suitable for the Record of Ten Thousand Ghosts and can even directly practice it...'

Chu Qiguang glanced at the fish-men with his eyes that manifested the transformation of spirits into ghosts and gods, and he could feel that there seemed to be inherent ghost power wandering in their bodies.

‘Are these things... born half-human and half-ghost? ’

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind. At the same time, Chu Qiguang also heard Youquan's words about the Star God.

He frowned and asked: "Will the Star God wake up? How can he wake up?"

Youquan said: "The Star God has woken up from time to time over the years, but he often falls into a deep sleep again soon."

"It was when the Star God awakened that I was blessed with a physical body, and I gained the powerful body I have now."

"But one day..." When he said this, fanatical faith took over in Youquan's mind again: "The Star God will completely awaken, and the entire world will be ruled by fish-men."

Chu Qiguang touched his chin and said, "How can the Star God wake up?"

Youquan opened his mouth, but immediately closed it again, looking at Chu Qiguang warily: "Why do you ask this?"

"This is Star God's secret, I won't tell you."

"Oh?" Chu Qiguang probed and found that Youquan was in a state where he was afraid of death, but would rather die than reveal more of the Star God's secrets.

I guessed that this might be related to the Star God's bewitchment of the fish-men.

However, although he could not ask more from Youquan, the information Chu Qiguang obtained this time was enough for the Book of Void friends to make a judgment.

Tianshui Zhenhun: Your monks are quite powerful. They even beat the Starry Sky Wanderer into a dormant state.

Tianshui Zhenhun: If it were another planet, I am afraid that the entire planet would have been corrupted by the starry sky wanderers and become aberrations.

Tianshui Zhenhun: If you are dormant, there is a way to let your companions absorb the dreams of the starry sky wanderer. Not only can it improve her strength, but it can also complete her inheritance, and can replace the starry sky wanderer to control those fish. Human aberrations.

After referring to Tiansheng Zhenhun's advice, Chu Qiguang asked Youquan to appease the murlocs in the trench, and then took him back to Shuzhou.

When Dalin Lan saw the fish-man in Chu Qiguang's hand, there was murderous intent in his eyes, but he was even more surprised.

She also didn't expect that Chu Qiguang would surrender so quickly and even capture Shuzhou.

Chu Qiguang said to her: "Xiaolan, I have a way for you to absorb the dreams of the Star God to complete your inheritance and enhance the gestating ghost realm."

Hearing this, both Lin Lan were even more surprised. They couldn't figure out how Chu Qi Guangming, who had never mastered the Soul Refining Record, could be so good at this. First he found and subdued the fish-men based on his dreams, and now he wanted to devour the Star God. Dreamland.

So next, under the guidance of Chu Qiguang, they used the power of the deep sea call and returned to the Star God's dream together.

This time, there was no interference from the quiet spring. The entire dream was peaceful and peaceful, and there seemed to be no danger.

The two Lin Lans looked at each other, held hands, and began to follow Chu Qiguang's method to try to communicate in this dream.

The ghost power passed and vibrated between the two people, turning into waves of invisible fluctuations that swept through the entire dream.

At the same time, the dream began to gradually become brighter, as if it was changing from night to day and something was waking up.

In the material world, Chu Qiguang stood in front of the sleeping Lin Lan, recalling what Tian Shui Zhenhun said in his mind.

"To you, wanderers are monsters (aberrants) from outside the world, and the ghost type your companions belong to is also a type of monsters (aberrants)."

"Monsters (aberrant bodies) can devour each other, but most of the time, this devouring can only be used to restore strength, and sometimes it can reduce sanity. It is better than nothing."

"But the situation like your companion's is different. Her inheritance has flaws. Swallowing can make up for the shortcomings of her inheritance, especially since her new abilities are still being developed. The wanderer's dream will complete her abilities. Make her stronger..."

Next, Chu Qiguang simply stayed beside the two Lin Lans, waiting for their new transformation.

Youquan was also pushed aside obediently by him, but he was not worried at all: 'How could the Star God be swallowed up by a mere mortal? Their actions will only anger the Star God...'

After waiting like this for half a month, Youquan suddenly turned around thoughtfully and looked at the two Lin Lans with doubts in their eyes.

Under the gazes of him and Chu Qiguang, the figures of the two Lin Lans slowly floated and stood up.

They opened their eyes at the same time. In Xiao Linlan's eyes, there seemed to be a sea with waves emerging, while in Big Linlan's eyes, there were countless deep sea whirlpools spinning continuously.

Behind the two of them, the sound of waves became more and more obvious, and there seemed to be countless tentacles emerging.

Youquan crept to the ground feverishly and shouted loudly: "Star God! Awakened!"

In Chu Qiguang's seeker's eyes, the same handwriting appeared on the bodies of the two Lin Lans.

Dalin Lan looked at her body and saw the whirlpool in her eyes turning. Chu Qiguang felt his body being gently pulled. When he reacted, he came to a deep sea.

Xiao Linlan said excitedly: "Brother Chu, we succeeded."

"The Star God's dream has been integrated into our ghost world."

"Now as long as you respond to our call, you will be dragged into this combination of dreams and ghosts..."

Listening to Xiao Linlan's introduction, Chu Qiguang suddenly had an idea in his mind: "Can this be used as a network?"

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