Ruins of the past

Chapter 830 Key Negotiations and Undersea Cities

Palace of Eternal Life.

Inside the Immortal Hall.

Listening to what Chu Qiguang said, the face of the eunuch Yang Jinzhong changed wildly.

At this moment, he seemed to see the sky falling and the earth falling, and a feeling of impending disaster enveloped him.

If anyone said what Chu Qiguang said just now, Yang Jinzhong would only regard it as a joke. The person laughing at him does not know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is, like a frog at the bottom of a well.

But today, Chu Qiguang is no longer just the young martial god of the past, but a powerful man with world-wide power, wealth that rivals other countries, and a figure who stands at the top of the empire.

What's more, with the end of the century-old war at Longshe Mountain, rumors about Chu Qiguang being in the realm of sage have become increasingly widespread.

With Chu Qiguang's few fluttering words, Yang Jinzhong seemed to have seen the future of chaos in the world.

He never expected that a few words from a person would make him feel a sense of panic all day long.

At this moment, Emperor Yong'an's eyes were as cold as icebergs that had existed for thousands of years, and he wanted to completely tear into pieces the look of trust, appreciation, and confidant he had just shown.

However, this coldness only lasted for a short moment, and almost no one could notice it. Emperor Yong'an showed a look of heartache on his face, sighed deeply and said:

"Chu Qiguang, I have always treated you well. You have been promoted many times since you were in Lingzhou. Even Chaoyao Mountain was the one I made an exception to let you in."

"Afterwards, despite the criticism from the whole court, I asked you to take charge of the overall situation of Shuzhou and suppress the Southeast War."

"And no matter how the six ministers, nine ministers, and various censors slander you, I will bear it for you."

"As a result, now that things have come to a point, are you going to betray me?"

Yong'an and Chu Qiguang looked at each other, and both sides seemed to be trying their best to capture the information contained in the other's eyes.

Chu Qiguang said: "Yong'an, it's not that I want to betray you, but what you did, your dynasty, your rule... blocked the livelihood of the people in the world."

"You are rich in the world, but you are not enough to protect the world."

"You have the best cultivation qualifications in the world, but your strength is not the best in the world."

"The ministers, aristocratic families, and royal family you rule occupy more than half of the world's land and wealth, but they don't pay taxes. In recent years, their military force has declined. There is not a single top master in the world except you."

"Nowadays, most of the masters needed to fight against the demon clan have to be found outside the imperial court."

"Now that things have happened...both you and the Han Dynasty have done a great harm to the world. It's just that in the past, everyone knew about it, but no one spoke about it."

Yang Jinzhong on the side couldn't help but tremble when he heard this. The eunuch who was the most powerful eunuch outside the palace was as frightened as a frightened quail.

Just because what Chu Qiguang said was too treacherous in his opinion, and he bluntly said that the emperor was the greatest evil in the world, which was no different from slapping Emperor Yong'an in the face.

After hearing what Chu Qiguang said, Emperor Yong'an's chest heaved violently.

"A rebellious...thief without a king or a father..."

While coughing continuously, his eyes seemed to gradually turn into dragon eyes, and his eyes looking at Chu Qiguang were full of violence.

In the ground beneath his feet, the roar of dragons became more and more frantic.

Chu Qiguang also felt invisible pressure gathering on him, which was the power of the capital formation.

But at this moment, Chu Qiguang was not panicking. Since he dared to come to the capital, he was sure of it, but he was not willing to fight Yongan until the last moment.

After all, Yong'an is in charge of the world's spiritual veins and suppresses the destiny of the human race. His existence is very important for the future war against demons.

In Chu Qiguang's opinion, the best way to deal with it is to enshrine Emperor Yong'an on top. As long as the other party stops interfering randomly, he will not conflict with the other party for the time being.

As for the reform of the dynasty and the system, we can wait until the foreign enemies are resolved.

In fact, if Emperor Yong'an hadn't been stretching his hands longer and making bigger movements these days, he wouldn't have wanted to negotiate with the other party at the risk of war while the demon clan from outside the territory was eyeing him.

"Are you sure you want to fight me here?"

"What kind of impact will it have if I fight with you in the capital?"

"Besides, monsters from outside the territory may attack at any time. Do you want a civil war under such circumstances?"

"What's more..."

While speaking, Chu Qiguang had already formed a seal with his hands, and the gates of the Buddhist world opened all around, and violent auras came from them.

"Did you really think I would come unprepared?"

Feeling the rolling heat waves coming from the Buddhist world, as well as various deep and dark atmospheres, Yang Jinzhong knew that Chu Qiguang might have ambushed the top masters in the Buddhist world at this moment.

In Yang Jinzhong's opinion, this was completely embarrassing. No emperor could tolerate someone threatening him with force. It seemed that an earth-shattering war was about to break out at this moment.

At the same time, Emperor Yong'an's eyes swept across the Buddhist gates, with countless phantoms flickering in his eyes, as if he had suddenly penetrated the barrier between the real world and the Buddhist world, and saw what was behind it.

"Descendants of Daxia, Baiyang Sect, Holy Fire Sect, Jie Sect, Tianjian Sect, Tianshi Sect...there are Tianyu School and Qisha School."

"Okay, there are quite a few people coming."

"Do you want to force me to have a baby?"

Emperor Yong'an's eyes collided fiercely with Chu Qiguang's.

Chu Qiguang said without giving in: "It's about the safety of the world, we don't dare to gamble."

Yang Jinzhong on the side listened to Emperor Yong'an calling out names one by one, and felt deeply that a key node in the history of a relationship seemed to have appeared.

But at this critical moment, looking at Chu Qiguang in front of him and the strong aura coming from the Buddhist gates, Emperor Yong'an suddenly closed his eyes and sighed.

He said with some enthusiasm: "You... and them, do you think so little of me?"

As he said this, he looked more and more desolate, as if he had become a real loner.

After Chu Qiguang heard this, he fell silent and did not answer the question. He just said, "As long as you are willing to stay in the capital with peace of mind and stop reaching out randomly."

"Then you will still be our emperor from now on, the emperor of the Han Dynasty."

Although Chu Qiguang didn't want to take action, he tried his best to use as much combat power as a deterrent.

But after saying this, he was already ready to take action. After all, according to Chu Qiguang's judgment, Emperor Yong'an was by no means an emperor who would give up his own interests and power easily.

'I'm afraid there will still be a fight after all...but we must try to control the intensity and not damage the capital formation and the world's spiritual veins. ’

But just when Chu Qiguang was thinking this.

However, Emperor Yong'an sneered and said calmly: "The catastrophe is approaching, and I don't want to cause more killings, cause internal strife among the human race, and take advantage of the demonic races outside the territory."

"I don't care about Shuzhou, Lingzhou, and Donghaizhou, Quanzhou, and Yuezhou in the southeast."

"Fight the demon how you want to, then fight it how you want."

Hearing this, Chu Qiguang was slightly surprised. He didn't expect Yongan to be so considerate of the overall situation and make such a move like a strong man cutting off his wrist.

Emperor Yong'an glanced at him and said: "What? Do you think I will never let go? I will fight with you and those rebellious officials and traitors, and both sides will suffer, and in the end you will take advantage of those monsters?"

"Let's go."

"After I defeat those extraterrestrial monsters, I will slowly deal with you rebellious ones."

"When the time comes, you will naturally be able to get back the things I gave you one by one."

Seeing Emperor Yong'an pop out with his finger, Chu Qiguang felt the time and space in front of him suddenly change. When he came to his senses, he had already appeared on a hillside outside Shenjing City.

‘Can you move space already? Sure enough, my feeling was correct. The formation controlled by Yong'an in the capital was more sophisticated and profound than the Taiyuan Dragon Emperor's formation, and at the same level, its power would probably be even more terrifying. ’

‘After all, is it the center where spiritual veins gather in the world? ’

‘However, the goal has been achieved. For the next war, let’s maintain a semi-cooperative relationship with Yongan for the time being. ’

Just when Chu Qiguang was communicating with Emperor Yong'an.

Far away in the depths of the East China Sea.

A giant squid transformed by Jiang Hongyun was slowly diving towards the depths of the seabed.

‘Tianzun’s sacrificial vessel should be in the Dragon Palace in the past…’

But when Jiang Hongyun found the location of the past Dragon Palace according to his memory, what appeared in front of him was an endless underwater city that had been reduced to ruins.

There is one more chapter, currently being written

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