Ruins of the past

Chapter 829 The power of faith talks with the emperor

After obtaining the talisman-making magic, Chu Qiguang immediately used it several times to create a large stack of basic talisman papers that shone with a faint golden light.

During the manufacturing process, he also discovered some special features of the talisman-making technique.

This technology is likely to be the prototype later used by Shenghuangji to create Taoist Xuanyuan and Tianshijiao Fulu.

In the process of using it, you can directly steal the power of faith to make talismans.

The method of stealing is to absorb the statues, altars, paintings, scriptures and even incense candles of Taoist Xuanyuan.

Moreover, Chu Qiguang discovered that the longer the ancient statues, altars, paintings, and scriptures, the stronger the power of faith contained in them.

'Shenghuangji understood the mystery of the power of faith more than four thousand years ago, and based it on it, he created Xuanyuan Dao Zun, transforming the power of faith into Xuanyuan divine power. ’

‘The so-called power of faith is a gathering of mind, thoughts, and consciousness. ’

‘This power is supplied to Xuanyuan Dao Zun through the prayers of believers to increase his power. ’

'But obviously...either the Holy Emperor's traces were left behind, or there was a mistake made by Taoist Xuanyuan. ’

‘Tao Zun failed to absorb all the power of faith, and some of this power remained on the statues, altars, paintings and even those scriptures. ’

‘As time goes by, the remaining power of faith has become very impressive. ’

Chu Qiguang was walking on the streets of Jinrong Fucheng in Shuzhou. From time to time he would see some statues and portraits that contained the power of faith. He extracted the power and attached it to some ordinary white paper, and immediately created a A golden talisman paper.

So after some experiments, Chu Qiguang ordered to collect ancient statues, paintings, and scriptures from all over Shuzhou.

On the one hand, a plan was proposed to the Shuzhou Celestial Master Sect to replace old ones with new ones and update the statues in major temples for the Celestial Master Sect.

That night, he placed the talisman paper created by the talisman-making technique in front of Huang Daoxu.

"Is this a new type of paper? Do you want to use it to make talismans?"

Huang Daoxu shook his head: "The talisman taught by Tianshi is a combination of talisman and incantation. When drawing the talisman, you need incantation, location, and prayer to integrate the incantation and divine power into it. When using the talisman, you need the combination of talisman and incantation."

"The talismans used are naturally very particular. Our Tianshi Sect has had a place specializing in the production of talismans since ancient times. There, there is a complete set of rituals from planting sacred trees, to brewing pulp, to final cutting and consecration. There is no need to purchase external talismans."

These golden talisman papers did not attract Huang Daoxu's attention at first, but after Chu Qiguang asked him to try to use these talisman papers as basic materials to make Taoist talismans from the Tianshi religion, he immediately discovered the difference.

Huang Daoxu is a master at the pinnacle of Xian Shen, and his intensive study of the Celestial Master's method of teaching talismans can be said to be the best in the world today.

Even without the Celestial Master's Seal, he was able to integrate mantras and Xuanyuan's divine power into the talisman paper to create a talisman that was in the realm of manifesting the gods without a venue or praying.

As Huang Daoxu's fingertips traced across the talisman paper, he could feel a trace of the power of faith following the route he traced, perfectly blending with the incantation he wrote.

He said with some surprise: "What kind of talisman is this? It actually contains the power of faith and can enhance the effect of the talisman?"

Huang Daoxu estimated in his mind that the effect of the talisman paper in front of him at least doubled the power of the talisman.

Moreover, he felt that his consumption was much less. If he used this talisman paper to make talismans in the future, his output would also be increased in the future.

Chu Qiguang said: "The specific method of our newly developed papermaking technology cannot be announced to you. I will show it to you and ask you if you want it."

So Huang Daoxu simply discussed related transactions with Chu Qiguang.

Huang Daoxu could discuss the price and details of the transaction with Chu Qiguang without asking his shopkeepers and craftsmen.

Because Huang Daoxu himself is the highest productivity of the Tianshi Sect's talismans, he alone can take over 90% of the Tianshi Sect's talisman production.

The same is true for Chu Qiguang. He alone has the Ring of Foolishness and is the highest productivity of the talisman.

This is also a characteristic of this world. Masters, especially those who have entered the Dao or above, represent extremely high productivity. People like Huang Daoxu and Chu Qiguang are even more powerful than thousands of people. They themselves are very productive. Can determine output and price.

On the third day, Huang Daoxu once again visited Shuzhou in accordance with the reception plan. He boarded the Star Building in Jinrong City and looked at the newly built cement road in Heishui Mansion...

Until the night before leaving, Li Yaofeng launched a new design at Chu Qiguang's urging.

"There is no need for a new design." Huang Daoxu felt that his wallet was being targeted again, and he quickly said: "Isn't the original design already decided? Just like that..."

"This is the deluxe version of the Dharma Protector's Machine Soldier." Chu Qiguang said in confusion: "The original Dharma Protector's Machine Soldier was just a small soldier at best. Could it be that the high-level magicians in the Tianshi Sect also use this?"

"The new deluxe version has a more gorgeous appearance. A purple Celestial Master robe is added under the armor. The surface is also engraved with scriptures in gold. The material is simulated unicorn leather and heavenly silk."

"The new shell provides more talisman card slots."

"The function also adds the 'blood-devouring technique', which can double the core power in a short period of time."

"Six rounds of magic blood bullets have also been added, and the name can be called divine punishment."

"The six-shot magic blood bullet is usually hidden on the wrist. The qi and blood machine there simulates the qi and blood circulation in the "Blood Arrow Sutra" and can shoot the magic blood bullet a hundred feet away."

"With one bullet, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, ghosts cried and wolves howled..."

So under Chu Qiguang's strong promotion, Huang Daoxu ordered ten more deluxe versions of the Dharma Protector Robots before leaving.

Not long after Huang Daoxu left, Shuzhou Workshop launched a new generation of Qi and blood machine products.

After the press conference hosted by Li Yaofeng, the stock price of the workshop skyrocketed, gathering more and more funds.

Looking at this scene, Li Yaofeng thought to himself: "Chu Qiguang has amassed a large amount of Shuzhou's wealth to develop blood pool technology and expand the production of qi and blood machines, but it is much smarter than the imperial court's arbitrary expropriation." ...'

And just when the development of Shuzhou was in full swing, a large number of Qi and blood weapons were produced in batches.

Chu Qiguang came to Shenjing City again.

Longevity Palace, in the forest garden behind the Immortal Palace.

As the door to the Buddhist world opened, Chu Qiguang slowly walked out.

What appeared in front of him was Emperor Yong'an, who was white-haired and thin, looking up at the stars with his back to him.

The other party looked at a bright star in the sky and made a hoarse voice: "According to the observations of Qin Tianjian, the brightness of that star has been increasing in recent months, and it seems to be getting closer and closer to us."

"That's Huangtian World, right?"

"Do you know how long it will take before the emperor comes?"

Chu Qiguang raised his head when he heard the words, looked in the direction of the starry sky, and said slowly: "I heard someone say that the body of the Huangtian world is in the void, and the planets in the material world are just his projections."

"So his speed and route are difficult to judge."

"So it's in the void?" Emperor Yong'an nodded, coughed a few times, and continued: "No wonder the Qintian Prison's opinions are uncertain. Some think it will arrive in ten years, while others think it will arrive in a thousand years. of."

"But whether it's ten years, a hundred years, or a thousand years, Huangtian will eventually come back."

"By the way, the demon clan from outside the territory is besieging the Central Plains. Did you get this news from the dragon clan?"

After seeing Chu Qiguang nodding, he said thoughtfully: "The results of the divination are similar to mine. In the future, there will be many monsters around, and the Central Plains catastrophe is coming. Once it fails, I am afraid that the three evils will happen again." The dragon disaster a hundred years ago was even worse."

He sighed softly: "In order to fight against the emperor, the foreign gods, and the demon clan, I have worked hard since I came to the throne, and I don't dare to take a day off."

"But destiny is like this, and the situation is getting worse day by day after all."

"There are still loyal ministers like you who are loyal to the country and resourceful. You have worked hard over the years."

After he finished speaking, he coughed violently again. Chu Qiguang could even vaguely see that there seemed to be a faint demonic dye overflowing from the body as the other person's body shook.

There was no answer from Chu Qiguang, but Emperor Yong'an didn't seem to wait for his answer, but continued: "I have listened to the report of the Demon Suppressing Division on the matter in the southeast. You did a good job."

"Although the Tianshi Sect is in trouble, they are still a big help under the threat of the demon clan and have to help."

"I heard that you established your authority in the southeast, opened a chamber of commerce, and brought in the four major aristocratic families, two major sects, and even the Baiyang Sect and the Holy Fire Sect..."

"Cough cough cough cough..." Emperor Yong'an coughed violently again midway through his words.

He was bent over and coughing violently as if he was about to cough out his lungs.

The flesh and blood kept rising and falling under his body, as if something was drilling inside him.

Seeing his seriously ill appearance, and recalling his past heroic image of single-handedly suppressing the world, Chu Qiguang couldn't help but sigh.

The eunuch Yang Jinzhong on the side said worriedly: "Your Majesty, it's time for you to rest..."

Emperor Yong'an reached out and stopped Yang Jinzhong from continuing. He looked at Chu Qiguang and said, "Don't worry, I know you have your difficulties. Now that the situation is difficult, it is no longer time to stick to the laws of our ancestors."

"Whether it is the Baiyang Sect or the Holy Fire Sect, as long as I am willing to cooperate with the imperial court, I can put past the blame."

"Now you have not only connected the southeastern martial arts world into one, but you have also collected the business taxes owed over the past year. It is a great achievement."

"I have suppressed all the memorials criticizing you. From now on, you can go ahead with confidence. I will take care of anything for you."

"As for the Duke title that I promised you last time, don't worry. Since I promised you, I will definitely not break my promise."

After coughing a few more times, Emperor Yong'an took a deep breath, seemed to cheer up, and continued: "You can ask me if you have any requests."

"Although it is difficult for the six departments now, it is also difficult for me, but the situation in the southeast must not be chaotic. If I can promise you, I will definitely promise you."

Chu Qiguang looked into the other person's eyes, and it seemed that he could only see pure trust and appreciation in those eyes, while the other person's body, energy and blood gave people a strong sense of weakness.

He thought for a while and then said straight to the point: "Your Majesty, I heard that you arrested Jiang Longyu a few days ago? Can you let him go?"

"And the Tongtian treasure banknote, can it be reopened for circulation and allowed to pass across the country?"

Emperor Yong'an looked deeply at Chu Qiguang and said solemnly: "There is Qi and blood flowing in the Tongtian treasure. Once it spreads out, if it is not controlled by the imperial court, it will inevitably leave endless poison."

As the emperor of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Yong'an felt the danger of this thing soon after he became aware of the existence of Tongtian Baobao.

On the one hand, this thing allows people to transfer energy and blood to each other, so the court can no longer restrict the spread of martial arts through previous methods.

On the other hand, in the view of Emperor Yong'an, this thing could completely replace silver in circulation and become a new currency, a currency that was difficult for the court to supervise and control.

No matter which aspect, the Tongtian Baobao made Emperor Yong'an sleepless and sleepless, because it deeply threatened the rule of the imperial court.

Although Emperor Yong'an did not say it clearly, Chu Qiguang could guess some of the other party's concerns, so he continued: "Tongtian Baobao can allow more people to learn martial arts, allowing the human race to give birth to more masters in the future. , Only in this way can we win the battle against the demon clan..."

The white jade bricks at Emperor Yong'an's feet suddenly shattered. This piece of brick alone was worth hundreds of taels, but now that it was broken like this, there was nothing left.

And Emperor Yong'an looked at Chu Qiguang and said: "Chu Qing, in the future a group of monsters will besiege my big man. Do you really think you can defeat the monsters with those wine bags and rice bags below?"

"You haven't understood this along the way? Only geniuses like you and emperors like me are the key to turning the tide in the future and supporting the building from collapse."

"Do you think I don't know what people in the world think of me?"

"They think that I am extravagant and lustful, that I only know how to exploit the people, that I only know how to cultivate mystical knowledge and don't know the sufferings of the world."

"But I know everything. I know it's not easy for the people."

"But if I hadn't practiced hard day and night over the years, using this Taoist technique to control the capital formation, the world's spiritual veins, suppress luck, and protect the Gang Qi layer, the Central Plains would have fallen long ago!"

"Let's just say that this time you and Huang Daoxu fought against the Taiyuan Dragon Emperor. If I hadn't secretly helped you, would you have won?"

At this moment, Emperor Yong'an suddenly became taller, and his shoulders were as majestic as carrying the sky.

Dragon roars came from the ground under his feet, and it seemed that all the spiritual veins in the world were crawling in front of him like giant dragons.

Looking at Emperor Yong'an who suddenly had his hair and beard spread out in front of him with overwhelming momentum.

Chu Qiguang's seeker's eyes scanned the fifteen haloes of light behind the opponent's back.

At the same time, it flashed through his mind that Emperor Yong'an had recently started collecting demons in Lingzhou, sending eunuchs and eunuchs to Shuzhou, sending demon-suppressing officers to sweep away Tongtian Baobao, and raising the southeastern business tax, etc. …

Chu Qiguang knew that Emperor Yong'an regarded the entire world as his private property. He was indeed willing to fight against the monsters outside the territory, but what he wanted was to scour the world and harvest the people to help him fight against the monsters.

And this harvesting method and resource allocation...

"Your Majesty, your rule has become outdated. Dynasty will eventually become an obsolete form of rule."

Emperor Yong'an suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked at Chu Qiguang with shock and anger in his eyes: "What did you say?"

Yang Jinzhong on the side said in shock: "Bold! Ambassador Chu, do you know what you are talking about?!"

Chu Qiguang continued: "Your Majesty, this may be the last time I call you Your Majesty."

"You have reached the state of manifestation with some reluctance. Even if you continue to search for resources, you may not be able to break through to the realm of sainthood. You may even lose your mind, go crazy, and become a burden to the human race."

"It is better to invest the limited resources of the human race in more promising places."

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