Ruins of the past

Chapter 831 Tianzun Appears and Lin Lan Appears

During the period of the Holy Emperor of Great Xia, Jiang Hongyun once traveled to the outer world with his consciousness when he was studying Taoism.

And in the process, he met a heretic god - Taishang Tianzun.

The other party was guarding in front of a gate called the Gate of Heaven. His origins were unpredictable, his cultivation level was as high as the sky, and his knowledge was as vast as mountains and seas. It even made Jiang Hongyun feel that the other party knew everything.

After that, the Supreme Heavenly Lord gave him the Ring of Foolishness.

Later, his Taoist cultivation level improved rapidly, and a very important point was because of the help of the Ring of Foolishness and the existence of the Supreme Heavenly Lord.

‘None of those losers in the Great Xia Dynasty listened to me, and they still came up with the Gang Qi Layer’s plan. ’

‘I can only follow Tianzun’s method and come to the Dragon Clan to study Huang Tian’s footsteps. ’

'It's a pity that those dragons in the dragon clan resisted the Emperor...'

The giant squid transformed by Jiang Hongyun slowly sank, and a huge dragon skeleton hundreds of meters long could be seen lying in the ruins.

The depths of the ocean floor he came to now were areas that most humans had never entered.

This was once a Haitian city built by the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea, where their Dragon Palace was located.

But now the former Dragon Palace has been reduced to ruins.

A bottomless trench divided the entire city in two, cutting it into two halves.

Many dragon bones, large and small, are scattered inside and outside the city. The small ones are no different from ordinary people, while the large ones are as huge as mountains.

Apparently there had been a great war here, which not only killed and injured many dragons, but also reduced the entire Dragon Palace to ruins.

Jiang Hongyun frowned slightly when he saw this scene: "According to what I learned after waking up, the Han Dynasty only drove the Dragon Clan back to the East China Sea two hundred years ago. Although they made several expeditions, they probably did not have the strength and technology to reach here..." '

He slowly swam towards the ruins of the Dragon Palace, and immediately felt a faint pressure coming towards him.

Under this pressure, the entire Dragon Palace was quiet inside and outside, and it seemed that no underwater creature dared to approach here.

He examined the dragon skeleton in front of him, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The deeper he went and the more he observed the battlefield and the dragon carcass, the more surprise appeared in his eyes.

‘The dragon here has been dead for at least two hundred years, but it still has such a strong pressure. Is it a saint? No, a few dragons are probably from the Shenyou realm. ’

‘And the injuries on their bodies...were left by other dragons? ’

‘A dragon civil war broke out here? ’

‘Is it a war between the emperor’s believers and the opposition? ’

Jiang Hongyun thought for a moment and did not continue to delve deeper. Instead, he began to look for the sacrificial artifact he left here.

A few days later, a collapsed palace was dug up by Jiang Hongyun, and a strange cone-shaped instrument was dug out by Jiang Hongyun.

'Finally found……'

Looking at the cone-shaped sacrificial vessel in front of him, a strong impulse surged in Jiang Hongyun's heart, causing him to directly hold a sacrifice to the Supreme Heavenly Lord in the deep sea.

The surrounding dragon bones are the best sacrifices, and the endless ruins are the best altars.

When the sacrifice was over and the ritual was completed, the cone-shaped sacrificial vessel in front of me slowly started to rotate.

It seems that a strange, powerful and dark and profound idea has descended into this cone-shaped sacrificial vessel.

Jiang Hongyun looked at the sacrificial vessel in front of him, and several thoughts flashed through his mind one by one.

Although similar thoughts had gone through his mind many times and he had the final answer, he still couldn't help but think about it at this moment, and finally said: "Tianzun!"

"Is there any way to resurrect the Heavenly Holy Emperor?"

In his sight, the strands of sea water seemed to turn into lines of writing.

"Isn't he dead yet?" Jiang Hongyun smiled slightly: "It's exactly what I thought. This guy has a backup plan, so he won't die so easily."

"In that case, please let me kill him first and then revive him."

"Let me prove to him that I'm right."

"Come on, Tianzun, tell me how to do this."

Yong'an 21st year, October.

Night City.

Since Chu Qiguang returned from Shenjing City, he no longer cares about the restrictions of the imperial power, and the development of chambers of commerce in various places has become more and more prosperous.

In addition to negotiating with Emperor Yong'an in Shenjing City, Chu Qiguang also brought back a talent.

"How is Jiang Longyu adapting?"

Chu Qiguang asked: "Have you started working?"

Jin Nu said from the side: "Manager Jiang's first qi-regulating product has been launched. Because of the name of the Eight Generals of Xinghan, sales have grown rapidly. This month it is already fifth on the sales list."

"However, he is very dissatisfied with the current working environment and requires a change of working environment, especially the daily water supply. He hopes to be provided with the spiritual water from Zuling Mountain."

"He also asked for an increase in share, to compensate for previous sales bonuses, and to bring his things from the capital..."

Chu Qiguang felt a little dizzy after listening to the pile of requests, and quickly stopped Jin Nu and said: "Okay, okay, you can just deal with it for me.

Jinnu's eyes flickered and she asked: "What's the perfunctory way?"

"Career Encourage No. 3." Chu Qiguang said casually: "How is his relationship with his colleagues?"

Jinnu said: "I had several fights with Lei Yushu. After I found out that Lei Yushu was your student, my work efficiency dropped by fifteen percentage points that day. I went home without working overtime."

"Home?" Chu Qiguang said: "Isn't their dormitory right next to the studio? What home did he go to? They should eat, sleep and sleep in the studio."

Jinnu said: "Manager Jiang has spent all his first month's income. He has bought a house in Jinrong Mansion, and also purchased furniture, maids, and a housekeeper..."

Chu Qiguang curled his lips: "It seems that the share is too much, making it difficult for people to concentrate on their work."

Jinnu continued: "Although Manager Jiang's relationship with his colleagues is very poor, his relationship with other friends in Shuzhou is not bad."

Chu Qiguang asked: "Friend? Is it Zhang Haizhu?"

Jin Nu nodded and said, "They invited Mr. Chu to their party several times, but you asked me to refuse."

Chu Qiguang sighed: "How can I not have as much free time as them? I still have the opportunity to hold a class reunion."

Jin Nu began to report other matters: "The first batch of new troops from Jiubian have been equipped with Qi and Blood Machines..."

"Yisiman graduated from a training class in Shuzhou, but he applied to stay in Shuzhou and wanted to be transferred to a workshop owned by Li Yaofeng..."

"Miss Juno left Shuzhou. She left a letter. The content of the letter said that she wanted to go back to the West and find out the current situation in Datai..."

"Master Qiao Zhi has woken up and is currently in good health. He made an appointment to meet you in the evening and said he has something important to tell you."

Suddenly, Jin Nu paused for a moment, her eyes flashing with fire, as if she was receiving some news.

After a moment, she said: "Mr. Chu, breaking news."

"Miss Lin Lan may have completed the "Refining the Soul" and achieved a breakthrough to the state of manifesting the spirit."

"But it seems they were attacked."

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