Ruins of the past

Chapter 814 Hard Attack

Just as Qiao Zhi was about to continue speaking, he felt the unusual meaning in Chu Qiguang's tone.

He immediately realized that Chu Qiguang was pretending to be sick with them.

Qiao Zhi sighed: "It's over, I'm terminally ill... there's no way I can save him."

At the same time, the retreating Dragon Vein Earth Demon Sword suddenly disintegrated and changed. In the blink of an eye, it split into countless tiny sword lights that swept across the sky, surrounding Chu Qiguang's position up, down, left, right, and in all directions.

Almost instantly, dense sword light completely surrounded Chu Qiguang.

And if you carefully observe the distribution and movement of the sword light, you can find that it is secretly aligned with the stars in the sky, and seems to contain endless mysteries.

Qiao Zhi thought something bad: 'This Taiyuan Dragon Emperor... he didn't want to defeat you with his second move, so he directly changed the sword light move and turned the sword move into a sword formation. ’

‘I’m afraid he has sensed your escape into the void and knows that you can’t last too long. He will give you a fatal blow when you come out of the void. ’

Jiaojiao sighed: "Brother, why don't you pass the Chamber of Commerce to me first and then fight, or you can leave a token of some kind..."

"Go away." Chu Qiguang said confidently: "Watch carefully how I fight. As a weakling, you just need to hide behind me peacefully until the battle is over."

Although Chu Qiguang was ill, he was not without his brain.

While confronting Taiyuan Dragon Emperor, his brain was constantly working, thinking about ways to fight.

"As of now, I can only rely on my peerless talent to make a breakthrough on the spot."

"Chapter of Heavenly Tribulation! Improve me!"

The Chapter of Heavenly Tribulation is a reward that Chu Qiguang received after surviving the tribulation of Zhengfa, which can enhance his transformation.

Originally, Chu Qiguang planned to complete the "Soul Refining Record" according to the future demon's deduction, and then use it for the corresponding spiritual transformation.

But at this moment, dragging his seriously ill body to fight Taiyuan Dragon Emperor, Chu Qiguang couldn't care about it anymore.

He directly used the Heavenly Tribulation Chapter on the Yuanshi Bai Chapter.

In an instant, thunder burst out from his body, and some of the void cracks originally created by opening the Yuanshi Bai Zhang behind him also shrank and swelled.

"Yuanshi Tianzhang."

"The Yuanshi Taoism after the deduction of the Tao of Heaven."

"After using it, you can learn the miracle of disguise."

"It is said that the Yuanshi lineage has the custom of worshiping lies."

"So this kind of Taoism is not surprising."

Chu Qiguang instantly felt the power of this new transformation, and various realizations flashed through his heart.

‘In addition to the original combat power blessing, this transformation’s evolution mainly has one more function. ’

‘Unless you are beaten to death... no matter how serious the injury is, you won’t be able to see it. In the eyes of others, it will be automatically... beautified? ’

At the same time, Wu Xiang's ghost body had gradually lost its function, and Chu Qiguang soon escaped from the void again and returned to the material world.

Taiyuan Dragon Emperor seemed to notice this immediately, and the sword light in the sky rushed towards Chu Qiguang like a tsunami in the next moment.

Almost as soon as Chu Qiguang returned to the present world, the sword light was already in front of him, and he was slightly surprised by how precise he was at the moment.

Facing the sword light coming towards him, Chu Qiguang let out a long roar, and the massive power of Qi, blood and Xuanyuan divine power exploded, pouring into the Great Freedom.

It was like a sun suddenly appeared in the sky, and the sword light in the sky was like stars colliding at the same time.

Everything is like a dazzling star bursting with fire, resisting the strangulation of billions of stars.

The dazzling light illuminated the entire mountain range, making it difficult for everyone watching the battle to look directly. It even made people feel the slightest burning sensation on their skin.

Wang Feipian, who felt this scene, was horrified: "With one's own strength, just an explosion of physical strength can slightly change the celestial climate... What a terrifying power of energy and blood."

At the same time, the collision of the two forces triggered an earth-shattering storm, causing the atmosphere to boil like boiling water, and the entire sea of ​​clouds in Long Snake Mountain was swept away in an instant.

For a moment, the sky and the earth were filled with flying sand and rocks, and large tracts of woods, clods of soil, and smoke rushed into the sky under the blow of the hurricane, which made countless Taoist priests who were present feel terrified.

But in the sky, the dazzling brilliance like the sun gradually dissipated, just like the Tengu eating the sun, and was swallowed up by the Dragon Veins Earthly Sword at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Fu Nanzi felt depressed: "Can't I stop it?"

The next moment, the last trace of fire completely disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Just when the spectators thought that Chu Qiguang had been defeated, they saw the sword light gradually disappear, revealing Chu Qiguang in mid-air.

His face turned slightly red, and he spit out a mouthful of blood. Qi and blood surged all over his body, and there were many tears in his muscles and blood vessels. It was obvious that he had not received the blow easily.

But in the eyes of everyone, including Taiyuan Dragon Emperor, Chu Qiguang looked unscathed at this moment, he just turned around and spit.

Then he looked in the direction of Nagarjuna, vomiting blood, and said disappointedly: "That's it?"

Then Chu Qiguang waved in the direction of Longshu and brought up Rolling Thunder: "You still have a chance to make a move."

But the onlookers couldn't see the blood that Chu Qiguang vomited. In their eyes, Chu Qiguang spat a few more times in contempt.

Hao Xiangtong's eyes narrowed slightly. After taking the pill, she had amazing eyesight. At this moment, she subconsciously shouted: "Brother Chu seems to be fine!"

With the appearance of Chu Qiguang, bursts of cheers came from the Zixiao Palace.

Fu Nanzi and others also breathed a sigh of relief, and then their spirits were shaken, and they looked at Chu Qiguang expectantly.

"I've already connected with Dragon Emperor's two moves and he's still unscathed."

"Could it be that Chu Qiguang can already compete with the Saint Realm?"


The Mirage Dragon King on the other side frowned even more unknowingly, and the Golden Peng on his chest was even more surprised: "Chu Qiguang even managed to follow the Dragon Emperor's sword formation. Could it be that he has really broken through that formation?" layer?"

Mirage Dragon King suppressed the shock in his heart and said coldly: "This is definitely not Chu Qiguang's strength. I'm afraid Taoist Xuanyuan is secretly helping."

He secretly thought: 'Could it be that Taoist Master Xuanyuan has completely suppressed the evil thoughts? ’

A hint of hope flashed in Ji Haoran's eyes: "Did Chu Qiguang really break through to become a saint?"

Just when everyone was surprised by the scene before them, all kinds of thoughts came to their minds.

However, Taiyuan Dragon Emperor turned slightly and seemed to finally look directly at Chu Qiguang.

A strong sense of oppression came over instantly, making Chu Qiguang feel the heavy pressure immediately.

Although Taiyuan Dragon Emperor still said nothing at this moment, the void crack behind Chu Qiguang continued to expand, and streams of white air continued to pour out of it and injected into Chu Qiguang's body.

Yuanshi Tianzhang finally entered the first stage of blessing. From this point alone, Chu Qiguang knew that Taiyuan Dragon Emperor was not as indifferent as he showed at this moment.

At the same time, he saw Taiyuan Dragon Emperor's mouth open slightly, and waves of gray cyclones that seemed to be unclear were already generated in his mouth.

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