Ruins of the past

Chapter 815 Flooded Dragon Snake Mountain

When the Mirage Dragon King saw this scene, there was a hint of fear in his eyes: "It's the twelve plague dragons that are responsible for the disaster... Back off quickly..."

Under Ji Haoran's surprised gaze, Mirage Dragon King and Yinglong King suddenly retreated, and in the blink of an eye they had already retreated to a position a thousand meters away.

Seeing this scene, the Golden Peng on the Mirage Dragon King's chest asked: "What kind of Taoism can spread so widely?"

Mirage Dragon King suppressed the trace of fear in his eyes and explained: "After reaching the realm of sainthood, you can combine transformations and create unique magical powers and secrets."

"According to the different transformations, the magical powers and secret techniques are also very different. That is the true strength of the powerful saint."

"The Twelve Disaster Dragon Disasters created by His Majesty is a great magical power that condenses the essence of spiritual veins and uses twelve disasters to change the world and change the world, and control the death of life and masters."

"Under the Holy Spirit, anyone who touches it will die."

Huang Huangpeng was extremely surprised when he heard this, because he could hear a hint of fear from the mouth of the aloof Mirage Dragon King.

He kept an eye on the direction of the battlefield, curious about the power of Taiyuan Dragon Emperor's move.

I saw that the black cyclone in the Dragon Emperor's mouth was rotating at high speed, as if it was condensing continuously, and drops of gray water dripped out from the center.

It started out as a trickle, but soon became like a geyser.

After large tracts of gray water surged out, they gathered into a ball in front of the dragon's mouth and turned into a huge trembling sphere, emitting wisps of gray smoke.

Immediately afterwards, this group of spirit-killing twelve plague dragons shot towards Chu Qiguang, and almost instantly approached within a hundred meters of Chu Qiguang.

The moment the disaster appeared, Chu Qiguang felt an unprecedented sense of threat.

Related information also came from the seeker's eyes.

"The spirit kills the twelve plagues of dragons and floods."

"The magical power and secret technique of Taiyuan Dragon Emperor."

"Contains the power of twelve disasters such as aging, disease, collapse, erosion, and mold."

"Supernatural powers and secrets are the hallmark of sagehood."

"The Taiyuan Dragon Emperor was revived by Emperor Tian."

"In despair because of the emperor."

"So he began to curse all the old gods."

Chu Qiguang can understand that the trouble in front of him is definitely difficult to deal with. Even if it is slightly contaminated, it may cause irreversible damage.

But the illness on his body has not been completely relieved, and a trace of evil fire gushes out of his heart, which even makes him have an urge to pull out the Demon Emperor Sword immediately, activate the freezing of time and space, and break the trouble in front of him.

But after all, after just two moves, the degree of the disease has been greatly reduced, and Chu Qiguang's iron will can suppress this impulse.

‘No… there is only one chance to freeze time and space, and it must be used as a unique move to cut off the spiritual veins. ’

Chu Qiguang suppressed the impulse in his heart, formed seals with his hands, and in an instant, Buddhist doors opened in front of him.

The surging water was about to rush into the opened Buddhist door, but it instantly decomposed and cracked, passing through the gaps between the Buddhist doors like a goddess scattering flowers, turning into water dragons, heading straight for Chu Qiguang's position.

Wherever the disaster water passed, wisps of gray smoke swept over the mountains.

I saw that the mountain seemed to have experienced countless devastations in an instant, disintegrated and altered in an instant, and then dissipated into the air when blown by the strong wind.

Chu Qiguang naturally knew that the other party could not be stopped by a Buddhist gate. In an instant, the energy and blood power in the world, as well as Xuanyuan's divine power, exploded again.

The Great Freedom and the Dragon-Elephant Heavenly Fire swept out and bombarded the sky full of misfortune.

Amidst the earth-shattering noise, the flood of water in the sky was instantly blocked by the invisible force field, but he immediately felt something was wrong.

Every drop of disaster water was condensed by the Taiyuan Dragon Emperor extracting underground spiritual veins, which contained the pulse of the earth and the heaviness of the mountains.

At this moment, Chu Qiguang was catching the disaster, and he felt that what he was catching was not water, but a tsunami.

boom! Instantly, blood surged all over his body, his clothes burst, his muscles burst apart, and he spat out a large amount of blood mist from his mouth.

In the eyes of everyone, Chu Qiguang roared wildly, exhaled a large wave of air, and then with a little luck, his shirt exploded.

At the same time, the Great Freedom and the Dragon Elephant Sky Fire were eliminated by the disaster and almost collapsed at the first touch.

The disaster water paused for a moment, then swooped down again.

What's more, the huge waves transformed by the misfortune bypassed Chu Qiguang and flooded the Tianshi Sect's main altar like a mountain torrent.

Seeing this scene, Chu Qiguang shouted loudly, and a torrent of flames rose into the sky.

The qi and blood power in the world is being drawn out crazily, and the Xuanyuan divine power contained in every trace of flesh and blood in the body is also continuously pumped out.

I saw him slapping his palm downward, and his great freedom exploded.

It seems that an invisible huge hand can be seen covering the entire Dragon Snake Mountain main altar, blocking the disaster that is pouring like a torrent.

At the same time, Chu Qiguang swung his palm upward again. The invisible palm force covered the sky and blocked the sun, temporarily blocking the flood of water in the sky.

However, under the collision of disaster and water, Chu Qiguang's great freedom dissipated rapidly. If it were a different martial god, he might have been drained out in an instant.

At this moment, Chu Qiguang could only forcefully mobilize the Qi and blood power in the world and try to squeeze every ounce of Xuanyuan divine power in his body to support it.

Seeing that the Qi and blood power in Tianxiatong is declining rapidly, it will soon approach the red line with the risk of a run.

And even with the strong support of Chu Qiguang, the Great Freedom is still being squeezed by the floods from the sky.

Large areas of the mountain were cracked and decomposed, and the disaster was rising all the way. In the blink of an eye, it was already higher than the position of the Tianshi Sect's main altar.

Seeing this scene as if the sky was shattering and the earth was shattering, everyone in the Tianshi Sect was panicked.

Wang Feipian was shocked: "No, Taiyuan Dragon Emperor wants to flood Dragon Snake Mountain!"

"What should we do?"

"Let's retreat quickly! The water is coming!"

Just when everyone was in panic, Fu Nanzi sat cross-legged in front of the statue of Xuanyuan God and shouted down the noise: "Quiet, no noise in front of Zixiao Palace."

"Resisting the Dragon Emperor is a matter for the headmaster brother and the Chu town envoy."

"What we have to do is pray devoutly to help Dao Zun suppress his evil thoughts."

"The Heavenly Master teaches all his disciples to listen to my orders and recite the scriptures along with me to suppress evil thoughts."

Under Funanzi's comfort, each believer returned to his original position, and the sound of chanting scriptures spread throughout the entire altar.

In the sky, Chu Qiguang snorted and grabbed the mountain from the air.

"Taiyuan Dragon Emperor, if your water is one foot higher, I will raise the mountain one foot higher. Let me see how you flood!"

There was a loud bang, and under the surprised eyes of everyone, Chu Qiguang once again pulled up the mountain from the air.

At the same time, he continued to exert great freedom, withstanding the downward impact of the tsunami-like water in the sky.

At this moment, Chu Qiguang in the sky held the sea with one hand and lifted the mountain with the other, showing earth-shattering power.

The Tianshi Sect cheered from top to bottom, looking at Chu Qiguang as if looking at a god.

However, the torrent of disaster did not decrease at all and continued towards Chu Qiguang and the Tianshi Sect Headquarters.

Huang Huangpeng, who saw this scene, couldn't help but said: "Chu Qiguang's martial arts has reached the point where it can overwhelm mountains and seas? And now, it seems that he has not fallen behind at all..."

Mirage Dragon King said with a gloomy face: "It's impossible... He is just a firefly in front of the Dragon Emperor. He must be relying on Daoist Xuanyuan to hold on. Let's see how long he can hold Tianshi Peak."

Chu Qiguang was indeed unable to hold on any longer. After many collisions with Taiyuan Dragon Emperor, the muscles, bones, and blood vessels in his body were severely overloaded at this moment.

What worries him even more is that the energy and blood power in the world is being rapidly consumed every moment, and is about to reach the warning line.

However, after fighting against the Taiyuan Dragon Emperor, his symptoms have gradually been alleviated, and he suddenly felt resigned.

‘It’s no longer possible, we must withdraw. ' Chu Qiguang gritted his teeth and thought: 'But if I withdraw...'

With the corner of his eyes, he glanced at the Celestial Master Sect's main forum behind him, knowing that once he evacuated, the thousands of Celestial Master Sect followers below, as well as human elites like Fu Nanzi and Hao Xiangtong, would be dead.

But if he continues to hold on, the universal Qi and blood power in the world will be excessively depleted, and it may be a disaster that sweeps across several states in the world, and countless people will have their families destroyed.

‘Isn’t Huang Daoxu done yet? ’

Just when Chu Qiguang was in trouble, Qiao Zhi's voice suddenly came over.

"I remembered."

Qiao Zhi looked at the disaster that was so close and felt the fatal threat coming towards him. The cat in Donghai State had already exploded its hair.

Under such a sense of fatal threat, a large number of memories revived from his mind.

The last time a similar situation happened was when he broke through the realm.

Originally, Qiao Zhi only thought that his memory would be unlocked when he broke through the realm, but it was not until he came into contact with the power of Tongsheng and faced the fatal threat of the Dragon Emperor that he realized that memory could be revived under such circumstances.

"Chu Qiguang, I remembered a palm technique you taught me."

Sorry to keep everyone waiting. My chest and head have been hurting for the past few days, and I can hardly write out the details.

To make matters worse, yesterday, George's entire body from the neck down was smeared with feces, and then the house was covered with feces. The family even vomited when they were cleaning...

Today, we can still find residues of leaked feces on various electrical appliances at home, and they still stink...

I just took the medicine prescribed by the online pharmacy today, and the chest pain was significantly relieved, and it finally came out again.

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