Ruins of the past

Chapter 813 Three Moves

Chu Qiguang emerged from the grass.

He started from scratch despite being seriously ill, and finally dominated the country with his strength through hard training.

And now, the power of his men is constantly expanding. It can be said that he has become extremely powerful and wealthy.

But even so, Chu Qiguang's disease still has not found a cure, but there are many more channels for relief.

For example, he can now find a Martial God to spar with him, or he can get a group of people to speak a few words and cure his illness.

But many times, the outbreak of the disease does not depend on his will.

For example, at this moment, after facing a super strong man like Taiyuan Dragon Emperor and being watched by everyone present, Chu Qiguang's illness broke out again.

‘I never expected that I would have to drag my injured body against a master like Taiyuan Dragon Emperor. ’ He sighed in his heart: ‘I have really sacrificed too much for the people of this world. ’

The injury also caused his original plan to be disrupted.

Facing the dragon-veined earth-shattering sword slashed by Taiyuan Dragon Emperor, he did not choose to dodge, but decided to take the opponent's move forcefully.

Chu Qiguang's behavior immediately frightened Qiao Zhi.

Because at this moment, he has remembered many memories about the realm of Tongsheng, and deeply understands the horror of this realm.

He understood that if Chu Qiguang took the opponent's forceful attack at this moment, there would definitely be nothing good to gain.

Qiao Zhi shouted in his heart: "Shoujiao, hurry up and pull Chu Qiguang away with me, don't force it..."

Jiaojiao said anxiously: "I want to too! But he refuses!"

With the aid of humans and cats, although Qiao Zhi and Jiaojiao can also control Chu Qiguang's body, the final decision is made by Chu Qiguang himself.

Although Yimao Yimei was anxious at the moment, there was nothing they could do. They could only watch Chu Qiguang take the initiative to face the sword light, and then collided with the sword light as soon as he pointed out.

In front of the Zixiao Palace, Fu Nanzi, Hao Xiangtong and other followers of the Tianshi Sect were praying devoutly to suppress the already crazy demonic thoughts of the Taoist Master.

But despite this, most people couldn't help but look in Chu Qiguang's direction.

Although Chu Qiguang's tyrannical strength has long been famous throughout the world, Tongsheng's power has been fully demonstrated by Taiyuan Dragon Emperor.

At this moment, there was a huge gap in strength between the human and the demon.

At this moment, looking at Chu Qiguang facing the Dragon Emperor alone, thinking that the other party had just swallowed the elixir at the risk of his life, everyone present looked at the lonely figure and felt a belief in sacrificing for the human race, and they couldn't help but feel A sense of sadness arose.

But the result was beyond everyone's expectation.

I saw that the sword light rising into the sky, like a mountain peak, was blocked by Chu Qiguang with a single finger.

Following bursts of roaring sounds like the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking, the sword light stopped in mid-air.

The scene looked like an ant blocking a giant's sword.

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked, with a look of disbelief on their faces.

On the Mirage Dragon King's chest, Huang Jinpeng's face said in shock: "Dragon King, didn't you say that Chu Qiguang is definitely not in the realm of sainthood? How could he block the Dragon Emperor's move?"

Mirage Dragon King had a deep expression and said coldly: "There is only one reason why he can block a move."

"It just means that the Dragon Emperor didn't want to kill him just now."

"But even so, being able to catch your Majesty's move will be enough for him to be proud for the rest of his life. He is indeed the strongest martial god in your human race."

Listening to what the Mirage Dragon King said, Huang Huangpeng felt an extreme look down on the human race.

He knew in his heart that some of the respect and politeness shown by the Mirage Dragon King were just disguises. The other party, like most other dragons, always faced all non-dragon races with a condescending mentality.

And just when everyone was surprised by the scene in front of them, Ji Haoran's eyes flashed with thoughtfulness: "According to what Emperor Tiansheng said before, Chu Qiguang has a Taoist technique that uses the power of the void, right?" What about this move? ’

'If this is the case, Chu Qiguang is just taking a chance. ’

‘The realm of Tongsheng is not something that can be won by using tricks. ’

Ji Haoran knew very well that at least the last time he fought against Chu Qiguang, the opponent had not reached the realm of sainthood, but he deliberately released this news to build momentum for Chu Qiguang, hoping to unite the southeastern human race and speed up the integration of forces within the human race.

And he also understands the difference between Tongsheng and Xian Shen. Because of this, he pays close attention to the fight between Taiyuan Dragon Emperor and Chu Qiguang.

Because if Chu Qiguang and Huang Daoxu cannot fight against Taiyuan Dragon Emperor, then today's battle will be a sure defeat.

Thinking of this, Ji Haoran's heart also sank: '...If we really reach that level, defeat is the premise, we must find a way to retain the human fire as much as possible in this battle. ’

Under the intervention of the outer gods and the destiny of demons to conquer humans, the other party gained the combat power of the Holy Realm first, and the strength gap between the two sides was directly widened.

Ji Haoran looked at Chu Qiguang in the sky who was resisting the Dragon Vein Earthly Sword. It was as if he was looking at a general fighting against thousands of troops alone, with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

At this moment, Chu Qiguang was indeed in the state of a ghost body as Ji Haoran thought. This was the transformation he finally achieved after using the cursed gift many times to evolve.

After performing this move, although Chu Qiguang looked normal, he had actually escaped into the void.

And all the moves used against him will only hit the void, just like punching the sea with force.

He looked in the direction of Nagarjuna and said faintly: "Taiyuan Dragon Emperor, I heard that you are the number one master of the dragon clan and a great demon in the realm of sainthood."

Waves of sound pierced the sky, like thunder rolling over everyone's heads.

"Today I will give you three opportunities to see how powerful you are."

"If you disappoint me, you and your subordinates should not return to the East China Sea today. From now on, you can practice hard under me and become a chamber of commerce manager."

"This is considered the first move."


Hearing Chu Qiguang's words, the faces of the spectators were filled with astonishment and surprise. .

Mirage Dragon King glared at Chu Qiguang and sneered repeatedly: "Arrogant... so arrogant that he doesn't know whether to live or die."

But Taiyuan Dragon Emperor's huge dragon eyes were still as calm as ever, and it seemed that no matter what Chu Qiguang did next, it would be difficult to cause any emotional fluctuations in him. .

At the same time, the sword light of the dragon-veined earth-shattering sword trembled slightly and then suddenly retreated.

Ji Haoran's eyes narrowed: "Withdrawn the sword? That's not right..."

Qiao Zhi said anxiously: "I'm going to change my tactics!"

"Chu Qiguang! Escape quickly!"

"The so-called Tongsheng means the path to the divine."

"The so-called sacred, inviolable place refers to the void."

"You can't stop the Saint just by escaping into the void!"

Chu Qiguang said calmly: "Oh? Really? I don't believe it."

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