Ruins of the past

Chapter 812 Head-to-head confrontation

Huang Daoxu looked at Chu Qiguang in front of him with some surprise, because he felt that at this moment, he could not see through the other person.

Chu Qiguang, however, squeezed his palms and adjusted to his situation.

He found that under the infusion of Xuanyuan's divine power, he not only had three more temporary transformations, but also restored the two original transformations that were cut off by Taiyuan Dragon Emperor.

Huang Daoxu asked: "You... broke through?"

Chu Qiguang shook his head: "No, if I had to calculate it, I can only calculate it between manifesting the spirit and becoming a saint."

"At this moment, absolutely no one in Xian Shen can beat me."

"But if they are all in the Holy Realm, my strength should not be comparable to any of them."

"But I have a sword technique that can kill anything within a thousand meters."

"If I can get within a thousand meters of the spiritual vein, I can definitely cut off the connection between Taiyuan Dragon Emperor and the spiritual vein."

Although his strength temporarily surged at this moment, he did not become arrogant at all, but became calmer.

Because he clearly understood what kind of opponent he was facing.

With the help of Emperor Tianshen He Shi, Taiyuan Dragon Emperor has turned into an ancient dragon with spiritual veins and cultivated the "Tianlong Tripitaka". His strength far exceeds what he should have been at this time in history.

The more his strength improved, especially after he got infinitely close to the realm of Tongsheng, the more powerful and disparate Chu Qiguang could feel.

Huang Daoxu nodded slightly when he heard the words. He seemed to be listening to something, as if someone was speaking in his ear.

Chu Qiguang guessed that it might be related to Taoist Xuanyuan, but he didn't ask.

After a moment, Huang Daoxu said: "I understand, we will try our best to create opportunities for you."

"You don't know the location of the spiritual veins yet, do you?"

"I placed a spirit-seeking talisman in your body. If you carefully sense it, you can sense where the spirit vein is..."

Just as they were mid-sentence, the ground surged again.

The Tianshi Sect General Altar is about to be torn apart and swallowed by the mountain in a landslide.

It was at this time that Chu Qiguang rose into the sky.

The world behind his head burst into dazzling light, and rounds of energy and blood poured into his body.

At the same time, with the blessing of Xuanyuan's divine power, the Great Freedom directly exerted itself to the level of the Holy Realm, which allowed him to control more abundant energy and blood power.

If Chu Qiguang were to give an analogy, the feeling of this increase in volume... was like a company that had been in business for many years and finally went public.

Hearing a loud rumble, Chu Qiguang suddenly lifted up the mountain occupied by the main altar.

With the blessing of Xuanyuan's divine power, although Chu Qiguang did not truly reach the realm of sainthood, all of his divine transformations were forcibly broken through the limits and raised to the level of the realm of sainthood.

At this moment, he is a Tongsheng Martial God who has not completed the Tongsheng Zhengfa, so he says that he is between manifesting the spirit and Tongsheng.

With the blessing of great freedom and massive energy and blood, Chu Qiguang lifted up the entire mountain.

Under the horrified gaze of everyone, he displayed earth-shattering power.

Seeing this scene, Mirage Dragon King and Yinglong King were slightly shocked in their hearts.

King Yinglong said in a deep voice: "Didn't you say that Chu Qiguang just showed his spiritual cultivation? He actually has the power to lift mountains. This is not something that can be achieved in the realm of Xian Shen."

Mirage Dragon King looked at Chu Qiguang with a look of surprise and uncertainty in his eyes: "The last time I saw him take action, it was indeed only at the realm of manifesting the gods."

But the next moment he shook his head again: "Your Majesty's formation has been mostly completed. No matter how much Chu Qiguang makes progress, he can no longer change the overall situation. He is just struggling to the death."

And just after Chu Qiguang 'pulled the mountain', Longshu, who was turning his body, seemed to have a reaction.

A pair of huge dragon eyes turned slightly, looking at Chu Qiguang's position for the first time.

This is also the first time that the Taiyuan Dragon Emperor has looked at the combat power of the human race since the war between humans and demons began.

Before that, no matter how fierce the battle between humans and demons was, it seemed that it could not arouse his interest.

But Chu Qiguang still felt a kind of arrogance and superiority from his eyes.

It's like coming home and finding cockroaches escaping the room.

Chu Qiguang glanced behind him and found that Yuanshi Baizhang's power was weak, and thought to himself: 'It seems that Yuanshi Baizhang is not easy to be effective when facing such an opponent who is stronger than himself. ’

Qiao Zhi's voice also sounded in Chu Qiguang's heart: "Taiyuan Dragon Emperor... this guy looks down on all races except the dragon race."

"It is said that he never said a word to other non-dragon races in his life."

Chu Qiguang thought: "Is it racist? But the behavior of not speaking out..."

He frowned slightly, always feeling that Taiyuan Dragon Emperor's approach was a bit strange.

However, Chu Qiguang did not care about this for the time being, but first released the Tianshi Sect General Altar.

After all, the amount of energy and blood consumed by dragging such a large mountain every second was too terrifying. It could be said that Chu Qiguang's heart was bleeding all the time.

Just when Chu Qiguang put down the Tianshi Sect's main altar, a branch of the dragon tree shook slightly.

Then he saw the layers of rocks falling down like meteors, creating a large hole on the hillside.

And the branch had turned into the shape of a dragon's claw. When he held it slowly, he saw a stream of dark aura pouring out of it, turning into a sword light hundreds of meters high.

When the Mirage Dragon King saw this scene, he thought to himself: "It's the dragon-veined evil sword. Your Majesty is about to officially take action."

Although the battle on their side was very fierce, the Mirage Dragon King knew that the Taiyuan Dragon Emperor had actually never really taken action since the beginning of the war.

From the beginning to the end, this dragon in the sage realm focused on his spiritual veins and Taoist Xuanyuan.

As for the remaining humans, they were just affected by the situation during the formation of the formation.

At this moment, Taiyuan Dragon Emperor was about to really attack Chu Qiguang.

The Mirage Dragon King knew that the Dragon Veined Earth Evil Sword used by the Dragon Emperor at this moment was to extract the evil energy accumulated in the earth's spiritual veins.

This power is used to transform Feng Shui and create artificial spiritual veins. It was even used by ancient dragons to breed offspring in ancient times.

And if used against the enemy, not only will the power be earth-shattering, but the luck of the target being attacked will be reduced.

At the same time, the huge dragon claw had swung downwards, and the sword light hundreds of meters high fell suddenly, with the force of being squeezed by the majestic earth, directly slashing towards the Tianshi Cultivator behind Chu Qiguang. General forum.

Before the sword light really fell on it, the ground behind Chu Qiguang had cracked, as if a small earthquake had occurred.

There were even more howling winds, like a super typhoon blowing from the ground.

With a simple strike of the sword, it was like a natural disaster.

At this moment, not only Ji Haoran, Mirage Dragon King, and Yinglong King were looking at the sword light and Chu Qiguang in front of the sword light.

Countless Taoist priests in the Tianshi Sect's main altar shouted and fled after seeing Chu Qiguang and the slashing sword light.

In everyone's opinion, the momentum of this sword was so strong that it was irresistible. No one thought that Chu Qiguang would take this sword forcefully, and he would definitely have to retreat and dodge.

But facing Taiyuan Dragon Emperor's sword, Chu Qiguang sneered, and an evil light seemed to flash in his eyes.

The next moment, I saw that he was no longer dodging, pointing towards the sword light that cut the sky and split the earth.

Qiao Zhi and Jiaojiao also felt Chu Qiguang's excitement at this moment.

There was a thump in their hearts, and a bad premonition came over them.

‘Oops, Chu Qiguang is sick. ’

‘Damn it! He wants to steal the show by forcefully doing this! ’

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