Ruins of the past

Chapter 811 Containment and Control

Chu Qiguang in the Zixiao Palace received the blessing of Huang Daoxu's talisman, swallowed all the pills carried by Fu Nanzi, and received the infusion of Xuanyuan's divine power.

He felt like a balloon about to explode, and the power in his body far exceeded the limit that he could control.

Especially after taking the Daluo Immortal Medicine and the divine power of Taoist Xuanyuan continued to pour into him.

The divine power rolled back and forth in his body like a tsunami, infusing every particle of his flesh, bones, and nerves.

Especially after noticing the existence of the Bone of Unbelief and the Backbone of Fanaticism.

Xuanyuan's divine power seemed to exude a surprise, and then quickly poured into it, swallowing up all the power of faith originally lodged in the bones.

Chu Qiguang felt as if countless suns had been ignited in his body, and his entire fighting power was being pushed upwards in an extremely brutal and rough way.

Chu Qiguang fell to the ground uncontrollably. His face turned red and white, as if his energy and blood were completely out of control.

Originally, the push that happened to him would inevitably have its limit, but due to the blessing of the talisman, the swallowing of massive amounts of elixirs, and the existence of the backbone of fanaticism and the bone of unbelief, this limit was repeatedly raised.

Especially after Chu Qiguang swallowed a large amount of elixirs with his physique that ignored erysipelas.

The potency of the medicine in his body has far exceeded what the Manifestation Realm can theoretically contain. As a result, the strength of his physical body has been increased, temporarily exceeding the limit of the Manifestation Realm.

Because of this... the upper limit of his ability to accommodate Xuanyuan's divine power has also exceeded the upper limit that can be accommodated in the Manifestation of God realm.

At this moment, Chu Qiguang felt a surge of enlightenment in his heart.

‘My physique that ignores erysipelas and demonic contamination is indeed not simple. ’

‘For example, this ignores erysipelas, and now it’s like a loophole between realms. ’

'Because the breaking of one upper limit led to a series of upper limit breakthroughs, which allowed me to...'

At the same time, an illusory halo suddenly appeared behind him. Behind Chu Qiguang, there were 16 halos that transcended all colors.

It's just that this halo appears and disappears from time to time, as if it will disappear at any time. .

There was also a hint of realization in his heart, because of his special physique, the accumulation of resources of Tianshi Sect, and the secret help of Taoist Xuanyuan.

At this moment, Chu Qiguang was forcibly pushed to this point.

Without any one of these three aspects, Chu Qiguang would not be able to reach this step.

The most important thing among them is that he ignores the erysipelas in his body. This is contrary to the common sense of cultivation and blood, which makes him break the rules of martial arts and Taoism in this world.

The more this happened, the more Chu Qiguang felt how extraordinary this characteristic of ignoring erysipelas was.

With the appearance of the 16th level of halo, his thinking began to sublimate at this moment, and countless fleeting knowledge appeared and disappeared in his eyes.

He felt as if his soul had left his physical body again and entered a dark void.

Rushing towards the end of the unfathomable void, the way of heaven that runs the universe.

But the void in front of him was dark, with no direction or guidance. His soul seemed to be about to sink into this world of nothingness.

But the next moment, Xuanyuan's divine power captured his soul back into his physical body.

Chu Qiguang's heart moved, and he understood the situation just now: 'Just now... I failed to advance to the realm of Tongsheng, because I did not cultivate the righteous method of this realm, and was only forcibly lifted up by Taoist Xuanyuan. ’

He looked behind him, and the 16th layer of halo appeared and disappeared, as if it could disappear anytime and anywhere.

Chu Qiguang understood that once Xuanyuan's divine power was removed, he would fall back to the realm of manifestation.

But this alone is not enough. The power he controls in his body has exceeded the limit of manifesting the spirit. His own realm has not truly reached the level of sainthood, and he lacks the guidance of sainthood and dharma.

Seeing that the power in his body became increasingly difficult to control, Chu Qiguang's eyes suddenly flashed slightly.

At this moment, many events flashed through his mind.

Master Qiao's guidance...the history of the future...the conversation of the Nine Heavens Old Immortal...the relationship between myself and the Secret of the Purple Mansion...

As these events flashed through his mind, an idea welled up in his mind.

Afterwards, Chu Qiguang recalled many times why he thought of these things at this moment, but he could not give a reason that really convinced him. In the end, he could only attribute it to an instinctive flash of inspiration.

At the same time, Zhou Bai's voice suddenly came from the Book of Emptiness that Chu Qiguang carried with him: "Let your cat help you."

At the same moment, Chu Qiguang also said to Jiaojiao in his heart: 'Call Master Qiao over...'

In order to deal with the powerful enemy who might be in the realm of Tongsheng, before Chu Qiguang came to Dragon Snake Mountain for the second time, he and Jiaojiao completed the art of complementing humans and cats.

After feeling that the power in his body was too strong at this moment, he immediately asked the demon Buddha Hercules and Qiao Zhi to complete the art of complementing humans and cats.

With the help of the connection between Jiaojiao and Hercules, Qiao Zhi also joined in the control of the power in the body.

The moment his consciousness connected, Qiao Zhi was shocked: "This is..."

Chu Qiguang briefly explained the matter and asked Qiao Zhi to control the power in his body with him.

The first time he controlled such a surging power, Qiao Zhi was a little confused at first.

But soon he felt that a lot of knowledge seemed to be pouring out of his sea of ​​consciousness, as if he suddenly remembered some memories he thought he had forgotten.

This made him more and more comfortable helping Chu Qiguang sort out the power in his body.

Qiao Zhi said proudly: "It's very simple, just leave it to me. I just don't have the cultivation to manifest the spirit or become a saint, otherwise I would definitely be the top master."

Chu Qiguang sensed this scene and thought to himself: 'It's exactly what I thought. Qiao Zhi is an insurance policy. There may be more memories in his little mind than he and I thought. It's just set in It will only be triggered at certain special moments. ’

‘And Zhou Bai actually knew about this? Could he be in contact with me in the future...or even planning something together? ’

Just when Chu Qiguang's body was undergoing drastic changes.

Huang Daoxu, Fu Nanzi, Hao Xiangtong and others all around looked at him who fell to the ground worriedly.

At this moment, many Taoist priests thought that Chu Qiguang had taken too many pills.

"The erysipelas is too strong, is Chu Qiguang going to die?"

"He shouldn't have been allowed to eat so much. It would really kill him. What should we do now?"

"We can't stop him from taking medicine at such a speed."

"Who was talking just now? What cat? Is it Chu Qiguang?"

Just as everyone was talking, Chu Qiguang's breath suddenly stabilized, and his face gradually returned to normal.

Under everyone's gaze, he slowly stood up.

And lines of information suddenly appeared in Chu Qiguang's seeker's eyes.

"Xuan Yuan Dao Seal (temporary)"

"The mark left by Taoist Master Xuanyuan."

“God will give his seal to the believers he admires.”

"Let the other party use the Taoist techniques taught by the Heavenly Master."

"Infinite divine power surges within it."

“With just a light touch, God will always protect you.”

"Xuanyuan Divine Power (temporary)"

"The power instilled by Taoist Master Xuanyuan."

"God will pour power into the vessel of His choosing."

"The vessel can propel itself through divine power."

"Exhibit power beyond the limits."

"But since ancient times, containers will eventually break one day."

"The weapon of Xuanyuan (temporarily)."

"A vessel affected by Xuanyuan's divine power."

"Be able to better accommodate the power of Tianshi Cult."

"It is said that for thousands of years, Tao Zun has been looking for the most suitable container."

"Now, he seems to have found it."

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